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Posts posted by JCauto

  1. On 7/14/2020 at 11:18 AM, smedly said:

    exactly, unless he was deliberately targeting her or proven negligent there is no case to answer - it was an accident and should be covered by her employer - the golf course


    golf balls can and do injure people - it's power for the course 

    I would easily beat that case in court - I've been deliberately targeting the greens and fairways for years without effect, how could I be so accurate as to hit my caddy in the head?

  2. On 7/12/2020 at 3:46 AM, Peabody said:

    Interesting his sentence was commuted. He was not pardoned. He is still guilty.

    Pardoning would have meant that he could be made to testify in court without fifth amendment claims (right to not self-incriminate).

    Well pointed out. They're cool with walking around as a convicted felon rather than being free and clear but with a chance that they'd be forced to spill the beans (and no doubt lie under oath AGAIN). 

    • Haha 1
  3. On 7/12/2020 at 7:59 AM, TopDeadSenter said:

     Trump doesn't wear a mask - causes much tears and angst.

     Trump does wear a mask - causes much tears and angst.


    Sometimes I wonder if the problem is not with Trump?

    No, no tears and angst here. Nor in the other posts. I'm happy he's gotten on board (finally) and hope that his cool mask inspires the rest of his supporters to join in.

    You may be surprised to find that we aren't hoping that the USA descends into a COVID-19 death spiral even if that does guarantee an end to this clowncar presidency.  I'd prefer that people like yourself step away from the cray-cray and start behaving like the more sensible human beings you were before the Donald dragged you into his rabbit hole o' hate. That way you might realize that you've been a captive of disinformation techniques and gaslighting and that everything you had known prior to the last four years in fact is still valid - things like "science is our single best tool to fight against a viral pandemic and a sound basis for public policy" and "you can be of a different political party and still be a patriot".

    • Like 2
  4. You can always count on the Government to give us a good laugh when the going gets tough. Love the new tourism strategy - let's promote tourism where there's nothing - ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! - to see!

    Mind you, there could be some fun activities - perhaps you could have a "Chinese Thai Culture" museum that focuses on Banharn's heritage and upbringing? Maybe you could put a beer garden on the top of the Banharn-Jaemsri Tower?

  5. On 7/4/2020 at 1:13 PM, blazes said:

    Mate, you doubtless mean well, but don't you see how condescending or patronising those last two sentences are?


    As for the protestors being peaceful...well, it would seem you have only been watching CNN (the American Pravda). Have you not seen those masked crazies going right up to the cops (standing peacefully there) and shouting the most foul abuse at them, with the cops just having to stand there and pretend it ain't happening???

      Who'd be a cop with masked yahoos like that spitting their mental illness into guys just trying to do their jobs.  And incidentally, how about the "peaceful protestors" who confronted the idiot Seattle mayor in front of her home, the woman who suddenly saw how much she needed a police force, having abandoned the guys to the sickos in CHAZ?CHOP???  Peaceful suddenly becomes moronic aggro when it's right outside your home.....

    Perhaps, but this is likely just naive hope that one might actually engage with our colleagues on the Right and gain a reasonable response rather than deflection and whataboutism. When one gets an occasional post like that which was written thoughtfully, it should be acknowledged due to the rarity of such an event.


    That there are so few incidents of the sort that you highlight given the thousands and thousands of protesters in so many locations is the exception that proves the rule. People are on the street for a reason and the majority of them are risking their health because the situation for them is intolerable and they are finally at the point where they refuse to accept the social compact as it is currently being offered to them. They have good reasons for demanding this change and are doing so within their rights as American citizens.

  6. 13 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    I used to be a liberal, until the line moved and now my liberal ideas, like minimal government interference, and freedom of expression, and diversity of thought got pushed to the right of the spectrum.

    I haven't changed, the definitions have.

    But I do not see systematic racism, that is true. But I don't live in America either. America is obsessed with race. There is a lot of political capital in polarization in America. That is very sad.

    I hate violence though. Therefore I do not believe people have the right to violent protests. People bringing weapons to a rally deserve whatever happens. That is for any side of the political spectrum.

    Never have I said material things are more important than peoples lives. But the destruction of neighborhoods in American cities certainly has destroyed people's lives, many of them are black lives.

    You believe any thought you don't agree with is hate speech. And anyone thinking different, a violent threat. That is an the attitude that fosters totalitarianism.

    Your negative depiction of me is colored by your hatred of my wrongthink. I will never incite violence or oppose your right to your ideas. I will point out where your ideas are wrong though.


    Then you're holding to the older (and actually correct) definition of "liberal", before it somehow came to mean practically the opposite. This is an other problem with labels. That you don't see systemic racism is not unusual since I presume you're not a visible minority - what I don't understand is not believing or acknowledging the clearly held viewpoints and experiences of those who are.

    The protests were peaceful - there were a minority of those who took advantage of it whether for personal gain or to sow division who started the looting, and the actual violence with protesters separate from looting seems much more on the police side than the protester side. Which was kind of the point. I agree with you about those bringing weapons to rallies being irresponsible and deserving whatever happens to them. You will have noted however that the weapons were almost exclusively used by the Right-wing "stop the lockdown" crowd.

    I don't believe any thought disagreeing with mine is hate speech, nor that anyone else thinking different is a violent threat. Your response here seems much more measured than the other posts I have observed. I hope that this is more reflective of the sort of person that you are.


    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    16 is legal in Europe ........ 15 is still legal in France, until a year or so back 13 was legal in Spain.

    Depends on your 'puritan' background, morality is just a function of geography.


    America is a funny country, you dress your underage girls as sex objects (cheerleaders), then act all outraged when someone bangs them!


    Yes, you carry on Sir! This is the hill I'd choose to die on. I'm sure you're a man of stellar background and morals with views like this.

    So so glad it is exclusively the perverted Right who are the ones posting in favour of the disgusting sexual exploitation of minors. No wonder they cheerlead for the Donald.

    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, twocatsmac said:

    Guns are the only thing the blm looters seem to respect. 

    Do they respect the poor trigger discipline of these two who at various times were pointing their weapons at each other as well as the protesters? 

    The best response was the one twitter comment I saw:

    "Not gonna lie: Pumpkin and Honeybunny look like <deleted> these days."

    • Haha 2
  9. 10 hours ago, riclag said:

     The S man not wearing a mask !   I say up to you!


    Thailand is practically covid free


    My wife said to me many Thai people look at me when I cough (acid reflux)  and clear my throat , I wear it as a courtesy  to others !

    What? You're courteous to others and take that into consideration? What kind of <deleted> BS is this? 

    I think you better get yourself to the hospital to get tested. I think you either have COVID-19 and it's affected your brain or you're getting Alzheimer's and forgetting that you're a proud supporter of Donald Trump and would NEVER display such weakness as wearing a mask. You're a real man and not afraid of infecting others! You're not falling for a Democrat hoax! Besides, the President has declared the crisis over and is currently taking a victory lap. Slap that MAGA hat on and get on out there to yell about yer freedumb!

    • Confused 1
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