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Posts posted by JCauto

  1. 5 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Correct. The WHO has handled this very poorly indeed. They handed out a lot of very poor advice which has undoubtedly made the situation worse.


    However, many people have an irrational hate of Donald Trump so they will disagree. If Trump said water was wet they'd disagree. It's a shame they lack the ability to separate their emotions from the cold hard facts.

    I agree with your assessment of WHO - like many UN agencies they've become ossified and beset by nepotism and corruption. But they were never particularly effective even prior to those natural processes occurring. Surely those who support Trump have been of the opinion forever that the UN are utterly useless. Hence why should their advice matter in the slightest?


    I do have a strong dislike of Donald Trump, but I'd hardly call it irrational. I believe in science, competency, transparency and cooperation, and none of those things are supported by the Donald. So I would prefer if you would call it like it is - many people have a strongly justified dislike of Donald Trump. 

    Now let me ask you something - do you think that the WHO has any power over decision-making at national level? Do you think that the Trump administration takes note of UN decisions and advice prior to making their choices? Do you think that national governments bear responsibility for what happens within their borders or do you think the UN does?

    • Like 2
  2. 9 hours ago, gunderhill said:

    They  should  just  accept  the death rate and  carry  on,  instead  they'll  lose  more through the economic  crash.

    Let me just guess that "you're all right Jack!" Because that's the only way you can be that callous. I thought the "free market" was supposed to reward those who are prudent and punish those that are reckless. Instead it's rewarded the opposite behaviour, using public funds to eliminate private risk and abandoning those who need help the most. A trillion dollars in money as a "reward" to those who bought politicians was used on stock buybacks less than 2 years ago. Now they need another bailout? Maybe those corporations shouldn't have eaten all that avocado toast.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Ive paid to stay in worse. Euros would view that as five stars. I cant stand it when American wimpout and whine about hotel rooms in Third World Countries, what do you think Ryan and W, that you are in Kansas? You earn in a day what your maid at the hotel earns in a month. You are in a place where there are no such things as building codes, zoning laws, consumer protection and health and saftey laws unless its made up on the spot.


    Get a grip. Never would have won WW2 with this type of whinging.


    Always find it interesting when our opinions coincide. But I am curious as to when you've come around to appreciate things such as building codes, zoning laws, consumer protection and health and safety laws? As one of the more ardent conservatives on the board (and one of the few able to make cogent arguments, whether wrong or right), how do you square this with your rabid support for the current administration and their absolute destruction of these policies? We're observing the direct result of the stripping of the USA's pandemic response capabilities and their inability to respond in a timely manner for example.

    • Like 1
  4. On 2/14/2020 at 3:55 AM, blazes said:


    Just to take up one of your points, about "tree maintenance".  I have not myself been a planter of trees, but many of my students in British Columbia spent long summers earning good money planting seedlings of pine, spruce, fir and hemlock in areas that had been clear-cut.  A year later, maybe the same student would go out and inspect the condition of last year's planting.  (Seedlings would, left unattended, be threatened by weeds.)

    I remember one student describing his second summer's work checking for the seedling's health.  He said he had to fill in his map of the planted hectares as 80% NFG.  Puzzled, I had to ask him, NFG???? 
    No fking good. 


    Okay...so there is a certain survival rate among replanted trees, something you would expect. As I don't work in replanting, I don't know what the typical survival rates are, but I'm quite sure they're well known - this is why they were going back and measuring the survival rates. This is normal.

    Do you have any other minor quibbles with my points?

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

    I tend to think that claims of anti-semitism are greatly exaggerated. Any supposed increases are due to nuanced changes of the definition of anti-semitism, to limit criticism of Israeli atrocities against Palestinians.

    I lived among Jews in the US for many years and had no problems at all but I am tired of all this PR which is basically used to give Israel a free pass to continue with atrocities and land theft in Palestine. 

    It is time to stop looking constantly backwards to the Holocaust and to look to the future. High time for Israel to get out of Palestine and give these poor folk their territory back.

    This is an example of what we are speaking about. Conflating Jews with Israel is classic Anti-Semitism. Should we be blaming Christians in general for the actions of the Lord's Army in Uganda or for the actions of other oppressive Christian-majority countries? The "I lived among Jews...had no problems" - you missed out on "I have many good Jewish friends". Again, a line you will hear from practically every Anti-Semite. The majority of Jews live outside of Israel and have never visited the place. We don't vote in Israeli elections, we don't follow Israeli politicians and we don't agree with Right-Wing governments in general (majority of non-Israeli Jews tend towards the liberal end of the political spectrum). 

    This "PR which is basically used to give Israel a free pass" - so it didn't exist prior to Israel and didn't substantially lead to the Holocaust? Or are you of the opinion that the Holocaust wasn't so bad?


    You are presumably not Jewish, so would have very little idea about experiencing Anti-Semitism, just as I would have very little idea about the day-to-day experiences of a black or transgendered person in the USA. But I certainly would not presume to doubt or denigrate their experience or dismiss it out of hand especially if I were a member of the demographic that they identify the majority of the oppression coming from.

    • Like 1
  6. So let me get this straight - the guy was studying for a post-graduate degree in modern Korean Literature at Kim Il Sung University in Pyongyang, then for whatever reason they decided he was being subversive, arrested him on trumped up charges, then eventually let him leave after a few weeks.

    And this is something that he is being condemned for, called an idiot, and otherwise being insulted on this forum? If you were going to study modern Korean Literature, why wouldn't you go there to study if it had something of interest? I don't get it. 

  7. On 1/12/2020 at 9:05 AM, Sticky Wicket said:

    Silence from the Democrats who have been crying their little eyes out over the death of a terrorist.

    170 civilians in the plane + 40 trampled at the funeral = silence

    Despicable undemocrats of America

    So where's the evidence of this? There's none of course, you're just following the rantings of the same people who used the same tactics to fool you into the quagmire in Iraq. Show us one (1) Democrat who is crying about the death of this guy. You can't? Didn't think so.

    Now is it a valid and relevant debate to determine whether this was wise strategically or whether there was an imminent threat such that the President could go around the constitutional powers of congress? That's to be determined but is worthy of argument. But nobody from the Left is arguing that this guy was a good guy or crying now that he's dead. Scumbags are scumbags, and at least we on the Left are consistent.

    For example, I'm ALL for ALL of Epstein's buddies going to jail, including Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, and any Hollywood actor, rich industrialist or scion of the Royal Family. I don't care where the fallout hits, just want the guilty punished regardless of their political affiliation, connections or wealth. You see, that's the thing with principles. If you stick to them, life becomes actually pretty easy to understand and you can quickly figure out what is right and what is wrong, you don't even have to know what political position the person has. Must be terribly confusing to be on the Right these days, having to parse your decades of moralistic preaching and supposed principles with supporting someone who violates each and every one on a regular basis. I think that's why Clinton was ultimately so damaging to the Democrats, they bought his BS and only afterwards realized they were compromising their core principles in doing so. That's why Hilary was unacceptable, she carried the taint with her.  I really hope Bernie wins the nomination so we can see whether following your principles and being a consistent and decent person matters regardless of the political philosophy or whether it does not.

  8. On 1/12/2020 at 9:55 PM, Ireland32 said:

    Sounds like USA bashing to me, you cannot think of another country that’s made a mistake, Ridiculous this bashing in this forum

    Well, it's kind of relevant since in both cases a civilian jetliner was shot down by the military in the same region with the loss of all civilians on board. Both no doubt were tragic mistakes, and the sorts of things that happen when you have increased military tensions with civilian aircraft flying around. A similar thing happened in the Ukraine, you may recall.

    I guess the difference is that the Iranians admitted that they made the error, clearly feel badly about it and apologized. This still has not happened to my knowledge with the USA shooting down the Iranian civil airliner or Russia shooting down the Malaysian airliner. Interesting about who can acknowledge and accept blame, and who cannot.

  9. On 1/1/2020 at 5:35 PM, TopDeadSenter said:

    What, like the panel of triggered leftist academics that they wheeled out as witnesses for the house trial? 


    If team dem have any sense at all, they will drop this hilarious farce like a hot potato and start considering how best to find a half sane candidate to run against The Donald.

    So you're discounting all the other witnesses except for that one single day where they wheeled out three academics (one of whom you may recall was chosen by the Republicans - why did they choose a Leftist academic, bit stupid of them, no?).

    So how about all the State Department employees, Ambassador Sondland (appointed by Trump), etc.? 

    Seriously, you must be hungover today to post such a poor attempt at obfuscation, I've come to expect better of you. Disappointing.

  10. 43 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

    I bet most of us have not had Dengue. I know of none. Have you ever heard of mosquito spray? There is organic as well. They both work fine. 

    Well, I was referring to my peers, those who have been working in rural development in Southeast Asia over 30 years or so although many I know who got it have been here a shorter time than I. We're probably a lot more exposed, so to speak. 

    Mozzie spray is not 100% protection, whereas the tiny buggers here can't get through a thin layer of clothes, never mind my cotton socks and blue jeans. In Canada, you'd have to wear kevlar clothes to gain the same effect.

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