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Posts posted by JCauto

  1. 6 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    limbless pitiful beggars abound.  these are not the same as vendors in Thailand.  Cambodia is like Bangladesh.  girls no fun, music EDM etc, place over run with Chinese 

    Your ignorance is remarkable. Presuming you meant "beggars" not "vendors", these are actually the exact same people as Cambodian beggars are regularly trafficked to Thailand for the begging gangs.


    Cambodia is like Bangladesh? You must be joking. You really shouldn't comment on a place unless you've actually some serious experience of it and not a two-day visa run staying on Street 136.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, madmen said:

    There are countless child beggars in cambodia and plenty doing the restaurants on the tourist strip. How did you not notice ? Also relentless hawkers



    Again, your impressions of Cambodia are based on the two block area you stayed in and never left. And your argument about child beggars is ridiculous.






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  3. 7 hours ago, madmen said:

    Its a well know fact that westerners travel to Cambodia because of its drug culture due to its lawlessness where they can score crack, smack and coke. There are bars and one is called the red fox that roll joints and sell them to westerners who smoke them in the bar , they also can get you any other drugs including heroin.


    You are in serious denial

    And you are seriously misinformed - crack and coke? Nonsense, meth is a far bigger issue just as in Thailand and Laos. Sure, there's a drug culture available in Cambodia. As there is in Thailand too, if you wish to find it. OMG - joints in bars! You are slandering the Red Fox by painting them as a peddler of Heroin and other hard drugs, this is simply not true. Whatever customers or tuk-tuk drivers you may have encountered there or outside of there have nothing to do with the bar.

    • Like 2
  4. Pretty obvious really. The "friendship" between the American Right and Israel is supported back in the USA primarily via the Evangelicals. The reason they love Israel is that they require its complete destruction in order to bring on the Rapture. Now let's think a bit about what the potential consequences of a medieval Islamic sect gaining nuclear bomb technology and what that might trigger...

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  5. On 2/19/2019 at 8:18 PM, JCauto said:

    I take it that the "hugely increased respect on the world stage" refers to the deafening silence when Pence paused for the expected round of applause at the Munich Security Conference? Not a single person clapped! Truly one of his more impressive achievements, that he's managed to alienate most of the US' long-term and strategic European Allies. 

    Of course Putin, the Austrian and Hungarian proto-fascists, Xi, Duterte et al are all for him. Is that what you're referring to? With friends like those...

    I see that this post makes you sad, TopDeadSenter. I guess if I were a fan of the Donald and had held hope that he would bring about the positive changes envisioned during his election I'd be sad too. Anyway, cheer up! He'll be in jail soon enough.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Come on now, the Dems aren't exactly being honest about this. Just playing politics to suit their own agenda.


    Didn't Obama build some wall down there? And Bush jr and Clinton too?



    Oh, absolutely! But that's what politics is, and let's not pretend that this was anything other than a completely political show and showdown. And let's also not pretend that Trump got anything other than his butt whooped.

    Seems Trump has a bit of an Achilles Heel for tough blonde gals, Pelosi and Coulter seem to have played him for a fool.

    • Like 2
  7. 22 minutes ago, robblok said:

    why should one accept Kleptocrats ? They are bad and should be dealt with by the law. By your own admission you seem to support them whereas I do not. My beef has always been with corruption that does not get prosecuted.  I always attacked corruption no matter who committed it. You can go back in my posting history.


    The army might.. step in but once the changes have been made its too late and they will be brought under control. Now they can still claim they are doing it for the people to stop corruption. At that moment that is no longer possible and resistance will be high because there is finally a good government unlike before. This wont happen soon as there are no real good options. 


    We will stay in this cycle because like you think I am laughable i think its laughable that you think the losers will ever accept defeat as long as so much money can be made in government. Its all about the money remove it and we can move forward. That is why I don't support Kleptocrats. (does not mean I want to see a corrupt military step in anymore.) But it does mean I don't see them as legit because they are thieves and nothing more then that.

    For the same reason one should accept that up is up and down is down. When I observe that every government is corrupt whether elected, appointed or installed as the result of a coup d'etat (with the sole exception of the Anand Panyarachun appointed government that was appointed by the King as the result of a failed coup), I conclude that no matter which way it happens, the government will be kleptocratic for the present time. You choose to observe this, but then conclude that there is some magical way for non-Kleptocrats to come into power despite there being no evidence of this. This does not mean I "support" kleptocracy any more than how anyone who witnesses a crime becomes guilty of being an accomplice to that crime. You, on the other hand, by making a choice to "support" something that doesn't exist and offering no clear path to how it might occur, are guilty of wishful and entirely abstract thinking. I find that as useful analytically as discussing the Thai political situation with a two year-old. 


    "The army might...step in but once the changes have been made its too late and they will be brought under control." Do you even read what you write? How can you not laugh at that? You think the Army requires excuses to take over power and that this is the pre-requisite for a coup? What utter nonsense! 


    So you support a government that has no budget. Uh, okay. Are you aware of what Government does and how it functions? You know the bureaucrats expect payment for their services, and the infrastructure requires budget, and...why am I arguing with someone who doesn't have logical faculties? I had always found the Dutch to be among the more practical people I've met. I suppose there has to be an exception to every rule. 


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