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Posts posted by JCauto

  1. 41 minutes ago, notmyself said:


    When there has not just been a mass shooting.

    Like I said, if you say "we need a month to chill out then talk about it" then it will never occur because there will always be another one. 


    Let me ask you. Why haven't you and your ilk ever said "right, now is the time, let's talk about it." You know the answer already of course, you have no intention of talking about it. Other people dying doesn't bother you at all so long as you can pretend to be Dirty Harry.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Hayduke said:

    It’s too bad that instant and widespread media attention allows these nut jobs to become overnight celebrities. Fifteen minutes of fame and all that. Almost as if we’ve created a prime time, niche TV market for psychopathy.


    Absolutely. This should be something else that is done, a gag order on publicizing the names and details of the perp. Instead, publicize the names and life stories of the victims.

  3. 10 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

    Surprising to see so many here rushing to politicize this event. The NRA have been totally vindicated here, the only thing that stopped this bad guy with a gun, was a good guy with a gun. Had the good guys guns all been taken away this bad guy would have had a leisurely shoot'em'up instead of being attacked and scared off mid-spree by an heroic armed bystander. If the Americans are not very careful they will end up in the nightmare scenario that Europeans have ended up in - unable to protect themselves and being attacked by bad guys with guns, knives, bombs and vehicles with no hope for safety for themselves and family members in sight which resulted in a terrified population.

    Yes, because we've never seen you rushing to the keyboard post-ISIS attack!


    The NRA have in no way been vindicated here. 26 dead in exchange for one mentally ill a-hole. Your fantasies about protecting yourself with a gun are just that, fantasy. Europeans are not made of snowflakes, unlike the macho gun-totin' men of the Right who require weapons to prop up their tremulous hearts. Terror only works if you give in to it and become fearful then start taking irrational steps to respond. Then it escalates. 


    Same with guns. You start by putting sensible legislation and legitimate checks in place to reduce the likelihood of crazy people and criminals getting them. You heavily criminalize possession of unregistered weapons, doubling or tripling the penalties for anyone with a felony offense. You campaign to promote safe gun ownership, training, storage and use. You make assault rifles, semi-automatics and other weapons that can become automatic illegal to those outside of the police and military. These steps are common sense and have been undertaken elsewhere with good effect where countries have high gun ownership rates. You don't solve problems in one fell swoop, you gradually address them step by step. 

    This is where you come back with an unhinged rant about how this is just the start of the guv'ment takin' my guns from mah cold dead fingers, carry on...

  4. 7 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Switzerland has very high gun possession. Yet we don't hear of mass shootings and killings there.


    It's isn't the guns per se. It's far greater than that. Drugs, films and computer games glorifying violence, guns and murder, and lack of mental health care. The world is changing at an ever increasing rate. Not all humans can deal well with that complexity and uncertainty. 

    Banning guns, knives and any weapons will be as effective as banning drugs. Seek new solutions.



    This is a good summary of the difference between Switzerland and the USA in terms of guns. Note though that they ban concealed weapons and people with criminal records and mental health problems are not allowed to own guns. There's a limit of 3 per person. You have to get a permit from the government to own one. 


    If those rules were in place, I think it would be a step in the right direction. Would you be opposed to any of those measures?

  5. 5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Thoughts and prayers are 100 percent USELESS!

    Now IS the time yet AGAIN to talk about gun control.

    And again and again and again and again and again ..

    Dude, people are wise now to the right wing B.S. about the timing of talking about gun control.

    These mass shootings are a constant!

    The gun nuts game is that there is NO TIME ever to talk about it.


    I guess my sarcasm was lost on you. 

    I would only note that it took the Orange One less than an hour or so after my post to use the "mental illness" excuse.

  6. 27 minutes ago, isaanbanhou said:

    The parishioners of The First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs Texas have already been accepted to the Kingdom of God. 


    They are the victims of a man tormented to the point of insane behaviour. To immediately blame the 2nd Ammendmant right to keep and bear arms is a sad commentary of our times. The Republic is under attack from  ISIS at this very moment. A well armed militia is the true backbone of our defense in this assault.  Those that want to trample on the constitution are the ones with blood on their hands. 


    God Bless America

    So how well have them well armed militia been doing in the fight against ISIS? How many victories have they achieved, how many terrorists have they killed? 

    You don't think the military and police are doing a better job at that?


    As pointed out by a previous post, the actual wording was not "well armed militia", it was "well regulated militia". So why are you against the Constitution? Why don't you want to allow proper regulation of these militia and require membership within such organizations prior to getting guns?

  7. 13 minutes ago, impulse said:


    If only the first choice were even possible.  Pandora's box is open already.  Look at Mexico, just a couple hours down the road from Sutherland Springs.  Extremely tight gun control, yet that doesn't stop the bad guys... 


    Yes, everyone being heavily armed with an assault rifle, that sounds great! Look at Canada, which is far more similar in socio-economics, ethnic makeup and culture than Mexico, which is a developing country that speaks Spanish. 


    Why don't all you gun nuts go to war zones where your dreams can be reality? 

  8. Just now, impulse said:


    May not have prevented it, but a good guy with a gun put a stop to it..


    • As he exited the church, a local resident grabbed his rifle and engaged the suspect. The suspect dropped his Ruger AR assault-type rifle and fled from the church.


    So which works better? Not having assault rifles easily available for the public to access or having them so that the good guys can get the bad guys?

    Well, the score on this one is Bad Guys 20 (or so), Good Guys 1. Win!

  9. 1 minute ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    Never mentioned the south - these were brits that stayed in the north - Jamestown to be specific. (do I have to keep educating you?) "White Europeans" encompasses many folks from many countries so do try to keep up.

    The Portuguese found a market with the brits as they were already used to enslaving every country they tried to rule.

    Slaves didn't become a commodity in the south for another 100 years.

    Whatever. Irrelevant to the discussion. 


    Care to refute the counterpoints made to your original post? 

  10. 6 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    yes, have you? the portuguese started it in the 15th century. Didn't have any customers in the states until around 1650 when the British started dying off from working in the elements and needed a larger labor force.

    Pretty sure I didn't have anything to do with it nor did our President. We DID however have a President that set them all free 200 years later or did you miss that day in civics class?

    Now here we are after another 200 years and it's still being whined about?

    Nice avoidance and attempt to distract. But even when you do that, you manage to trip over your own feet. I thought you said it was White Europeans who built America?  Then in this post, you claim they couldn't hack it so had to import slaves for labour. Sounds a lot like the slaves were the ones doing the work, at least in the South. 


    As you know already, they're not protesting slavery, they're protesting the obvious disparity in the way police treat black people versus white people. This is easily seen in statistics and in numerous incidents of filmed brutality and murder. Would you claim that this is not the case? 

  11. 53 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

    What was originally intended and having it taken to extremes are very different things. I don't believe there is a single player, black or otherwise, that has any idea of how the common person lives day to day. Asking them to show a little respect for a country that allows them to earn more in 1 afternoon than the average family earns in a year isn't out of line.

    Keeping in mind that this is the same country that was founded and built by mostly white Europeans seeking freedom, not of expression, but from oppression, it boggles the mind that now, Blacks, Asians, Muslims, Mexicans, etc. can create organizations that exclude all but themselves and are called "Affirmative Action Groups, but any organization that promotes whites in the same fashion is labeled as racist.

    Too bad we can't find a happy medium between the US's views and the Chinese views.

    Oh really. You think that the NFL players, many of whom come from very poor backgrounds, don't have any idea about how the common person lives day to day. You think they've completely forgotten their upbringing, their mother, their siblings, cousins, neighbours...how would that even be possible?


    Just because the White Europeans (who quite happily slaughtered and subjugated the natives who happened to be living there already) were looking for freedom does not mean that they were all for freedom for everyone else. You may have heard of the slave trade perhaps?


    The reason minority people form these affirmative action groups is because they aren't getting a fair deal simply because of the colour of their skin. The reason White people don't have a basis for forming affirmative action groups is that they're not being oppressed or otherwise discriminated against for being White. Despite whatever propaganda you've read about Black Lives Matter, there's nothing in their platform that is about oppressing White people or denigrating them or removing their rights. That's the only platform for your White "affirmative action" groups with respect to non-White people. 


    Your last sentence is a non-sequitur. But no need to explain, I'm sure it's just more racism.

  12. 9 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

    Maybe the US could adopt a similar law...... If you don't 'love it' ... Than 'leave it'.... Or do 'TIME'....

    But in the US it seems that it is a move to make the population love the 'blacks' more.... as somehow they seem to feel they deserve respect just for being 'black' and not anything to do with them working harder to deserve or earn that respect............ LOL.............

    Yes, another classic, where the author demonstrates their crystal clear thinking by not understanding the difference between "than" and "then", or the use of ellipses, all-caps or...well, let's just summarize that the post reflects the intelligence, understanding and care taken by the poster. 

    And just to point out the obvious, the protests have nothing to do with "make the population love the 'blacks' more", it's about "make the police stop shooting the 'blacks' more". By the way, the people whom you're targeting as lazy or not having earned respect have to both maintain world-class physical conditioning and spend countless hours studying film in order to perform at a high enough level to keep their jobs. I don't know you obviously (nor would I like to based on your post), but I'm guessing you couldn't go through 10 minutes of an NFL Training Camp workout without collapsing.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Twitter your way out of that one Donald you lying SOB (Presidentially used term). If he would just have said sorry he would have been well past this. Now a Gold Star widow calls him out publicly for being a liar. Shame on him and shame on his supporters.

    Seriously. And wasn't it so obvious from the start. The same pattern, the same bald faced lies, the same "I have a recording", the same "there is no recording", the same multiple witness corroboration of his lying. Why anyone would believe anything he says at this point boggles the mind.

  14. 13 hours ago, habanero said:

    Congresswoman says Trump told widow of fallen soldier 'he knew what he signed up for

    Hearsay from a Democratic Congresswoman as told on CNN. Think I'll wait for the real story from the family.


    Yeah, because, you know, we haven't really seen any instances where The Donald lies blatantly and openly despite lots of witnesses and even video of same...

  15. 47 minutes ago, billd766 said:


     I started to write my life story about 4 years ago and stored it all on my hard drive. Sadly the HDD crashed a year ago and I lost the bit from 1960 to 1971 and I never restarted it again.


    I lost a lot of the photos too.


    I'd have a go at the hard drive restoration companies if it was something like that, which could otherwise be lost forever. You might lose a hundred bucks or so, but if it works out, you've regained priceless memories.

  16. 48 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

    Now is not the time to go on a "White right wing conspiracy nutcase" witch hunt. I know some people start salivating at the thought that maybe, finally the terrorist is white, but we have no confirmed motive at present, but I did note that the ISIS news agency has claimed him as one of their own. We will see, but I advise you not to start denigrating white people at this stage, jut because of the actions of one person.

    edit to add that ISIS have never made a false claim in this respect, which tends to lend some credibility to their claim. Compared to western authorities that have repeatedly made false claims about the shooter not being of a certain ideology which turns out to be false.


    "maybe, finally the terrorist is white" - you mean like the last two attacks that have taken place in the USA that are classified as terrorism? The ones in June and August 2017? Or do you mean the ones in March 2017 and May 2017? 


    More Americans have been killed by Right-Wing Extremists in the USA than by Islamic Terrorists between 2001 and 2015. (Edit: Not including 9/11)

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