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Posts posted by JCauto

  1. 19 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    Note to 2nd Amenders:  An amendment can be repealed.  It has happened.  The 13th Amendment was repealed 16 years after it was instated. 


    Just so you know, the 2nd Amendment wasn't chizled in marble by Gods on Mount McKinley.



    Au contraire, mon ami! According to someone who regularly hears voices in his head, it was actually provided to Americans by God-hisownself! This is quite amazing, as I had thought it was a bunch of gentlemen in the mid- to late-1700's who wrote the document, several of whom professed to be not even particularly religious if at all. Not only that, many of these folk had come to America to escape religious persecution in Europe. So it's not really surprising that the Constitution, despite apparently being handed down on stone tablets by Yahweh, specifically and deliberately separates Church and State.


    But noted historian and scholar, National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre has stated that the Second Amendment was given to Americans by God as "our American birthright."



    • Thanks 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, howbri said:

    There are many more than you think. We're not all liberal airheads.

    Okay. So you actually believe that the Donald would have rushed in, without a gun, to confront that heavily armed gunman? Would you have done that? I sure as hell would not have. But then again, I'm a "liberal airhead" apparently, so dumb enough not to volunteer for lead ventilation.

    • Haha 1
  3. Just now, JimmyJ said:

    Numerous properties in the USA are posted with signs stating "Private Parking. Unauthorized parked cars will be towed."

    And listing the name and phone number of the tow company.


    Tow truck drivers love zooming over and towing illegally parked cars as they collect outrageous fees when the owners come to claim their cars.


    I'm surprised a simple solution like these has never been attempted.

    Because Thai tow truck drivers have an aversion to heavily armed and highly connected people who will be annoyed with them if they try to tow their cars and may well have them arrested if they do so?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Media1 said:

    bullshit that day they took the role of enforcer. There lucky the Thai was soft. They could have been in hospital via there own weapons 

    Anyway I don't care for these retards 

    Sorry, that didn't answer the question at all. What would you do if you went to the police and after 10 years nothing whatsoever had changed? You have an answer right?

  5. 4 minutes ago, hellstens said:

    And you would be happy and walk instead I presume.lol

    OK, she goes a bit to fare, would be better call the police and sort it out that way,

    Sad she did not think before the act. But I understand her frustration.    

    You mean like the many other times she called police? So you think it's cool that to get out of your house whenever you like, you need to call the police, wait around for them (hopefully) to show up, then when they eventually do and hopefully sort out the one blocking your driveway, you can finally get on with your life? All the time?

    Well, now they've got their publicity, and so they'll gain their reward. A month of people not parking outside their house before everyone forgets and things go back to the way they were. Mai pen rai!

    • Like 2
  6. 8 minutes ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    What if she publicly hand herself over. If the junta refuse her to enter the country they loose if they allow her back in to go jail they loose. 

    That is what she should have done rather than flee, and would have done if she were a greater person like some of her sisters in neighbouring countries. It would certainly make things very interesting, but the character hasn't changed and I very much doubt she's found her courage in London or wherever else. Pity.

  7. 8 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    More of a racial/cultural/language divide IMHO

    Reds (aka Lao people) Vs Yellows (aka Siam people)


    If I may quote .....

    "Speakers of Lao in the North and Northeast have seen the prime minister they elected into office dismissed by the courts twice, overthrown in a coup twice, and election results nullified twice. Such antics, if continued, could provoke resistance and rebellion along age-old and not-completely-forgotten ethnic lines."


    Nice find and very interesting article. Thanks.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    This looks like the authority is setting up the scene to link her with the current demonstration. Timing of this report is highly suspicious and the new Nation owners may have much influence. Just my 2 cents opinion. 

    Been out of the loop - who owns the Nation now? I was most unimpressed by the story they ran extolling the Great Hunter on the day after his arrest.

  9. 3 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    all your points my "liberal snowflake' friends are nothing burgers

    big fat nothing burgers - one year and nothing 

    by the way i have a question:

    what interference did the russians do that is the cause of the investigation being started by the dems appointees, many who have been shown to be clearly biased and involved in the survelliance of trump's campaign based on a false dossier.


    that's right - what was the 'interference' that russia did? what was the exact interference that lead to:


    Since May 2017, a Special Counsel investigation has been led by the current Special Counsel, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections



    did they falsify votes?

    did they cheat during the public debates?

    did they use their mates to avoid an investigation?

    did they give overwhelmingly negative media reports about one candidate?


    what did the russians actually do??


    was someone killed?

    was someone kidnapped?

    by 'interfere' did you mean they 'touched' hillary?


    what did they do - what am i missing? 


    So, despite repeated requests for some facts to back up your points, we're just getting continued obfuscation and repetition of already debunked claims. I'll just put some of these to rest:

    "what interference did the russians do that is the cause of the investigation being started by the dems appointees, many who have been shown to be clearly biased and involved in the survelliance of trump's campaign based on a false dossier."


    1. "dems appointees" - James Comey and Robert Mueller were and are lifelong Republicans, who were appointed by Republican Presidents and confirmed by Republican congress. They are highly respected law enforcement officials who reached the pinnacle of their professions after an unimpeachable career of public service, including in the case of Mueller, volunteering for and serving honourably in Vietnam. Are these the appointees to whom you are referring? You seem to think that there are a large number of people who started the investigation. There are not. There are two. These two are indisputably both Republican and of highest integrity.


    2. The FBI and all other branches of government are staffed by American citizens. It is NOT a requirement of their jobs that they be apolitical or that if they do belong to a party that this disqualifies them from investigations should the investigated party be of a different political party. This has never been a requirement for any law enforcement measures, and any such requirement would be considered absurd and a complete abrogation of the basic ideal of justice and the creed, credo and credibility of law enforcement. So no, finding a few FBI agents who are Democrats and disparaging of Donald does not in any way disqualify the investigation.


    3. What did the Russians do? Well, seems they hacked the voting machines in 21 States, they mobilized their security agencies to provide a massive push for Donald on social media, they leaked all sorts of disinformation that was picked up and broadcast by their bots and found their way into the minds and FB pages of the Alt-Right who were more than happy to ignore the source and veracity of these claims. What other things they did we will find out soon enough, but given the wide scope of contact, the numerous dubious financial transactions and low standards of integrity by the different Trump advisors (several of whom have been indicted and have already turned State's evidence) we can be reasonably sure that this is the tip of the iceberg.

    Be patient! It will all come out in the end. And you should be both confident and push for that if you believe in the innocence of Trump and his coterie of cronies.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Dave67 said:

    I'm posting more on the BKK post forums now and the Junta is getting slammed on a daily basis mainly in the opinion articles. 

    Yes, if only the BKK Post and Nation had the foresight and intelligence to have reported honestly and impartially when the coup took place and afterwards. They were very much all for it and were happily cheerleading for the first couple years. Now they're upset? Too bad, you've lost your right to complain as you were part of the installation of the problem.

  11. 1 minute ago, milwaukeeboy said:

    All the people with Trump derangement syndrome on this forum need to wake up.

    Trump, truth, transparency in government = good

    Democrats, Republicans, DC Establishment, wars, lies  = bad

    So if you're a big fan of transparency in Government, you should be up for the completion of the probe. Your conjoining of the two words "Trump" and "truth" is a good one! Do his thousands of documented lies since he became the President fit in there somewhere? How?

    Agree with your characterization of the current establishment and political parties.

  12. 3 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    Well, first of all I am a Democrat not a Republican. I was against the Courts ruling on Citizens United just as I was against their ruling on Obamacare. The government's case was ruled unconstitutional and only through the flimsiest of reasonings did Roberts pull a political move to save the legislation. I don't like that sort of thing no mattter whose party does it or who is served by it. It created a horrible situation that will end in failure. I wish Obama had had the stones to push for Single Payer, what with controlling both houses but that wouldn't have served his paymasters.


    If you confused me for a Republican it is because I blame Democrats for Trump due to their undying support of thoroughly corrupt candidates. Time to clean our own house up. Stop voting for "least worst" candidates.



    Ah, well, one might hope to eventually find a reasonable Republican who actually maintained their principles one day. 

    Completely agree with your post by the way. I think Roberts was a coward who refused to follow his own principles because he knew the political cost would be far too high. 

  13. 1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:


    My brother! We are simpatico. 

    Good to see that there actually ARE issues where people from both sides of the debate can agree. And given the acrimony and negativity we're currently experiencing, I'd much rather start from a point of agreement than a point of difference.

    I must ask though that, given your stance that you also would like big money out of politics, why it is you support the Republicans who have consistently fought to ensure big money influences politics? Citizens United was fought for by the Republicans and upheld by judges who were uniformly appointed by Republican Presidents. Shouldn't you be against the people who are completely committed to maintaining the primacy of big money in politics?

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