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Posts posted by JCauto

  1. 3 hours ago, robblok said:

    The difference between you and me is that I am not rigid in my opinion and can change. I changed, you however don't seem to want to accept that Thailand is a kleptocracy not a democracy.


    The Thai people indeed should sort this out by electing good people only then can the country move on. If they select non corrupt people who make laws combating corruption the army wont step in as there is no money to be made in goverment and bad people don't want to be in goverment for the same reason. As long as its so easy to be corrupt here there is too much money at stake for the losers to accept it. This a fact and only the Thais can change this.



    No, the difference is that my opinion has been confirmed by the events whereas yours has been proven wrong over and over again, and finally you've come to realize this but only to a small extent. I have stated numerous times that the democratically elected governments have, without exception, been kleptocratic. You could search my entire history on this site and elsewhere and nowhere would you find me asserting anything different. However, I have ALWAYS said that the Kleptocrats are, indeed, democratically elected and that reflects the genuine will and desire of the majority of the Thai population. They have legitimacy, no matter how badly they behave when in office. This, and this alone, is the important point. When your only option is kleptocrats, then you should absolutely support elected kleptocrats over non-elected ones. It is only by accepting democracy for good and bad, and abhorring coup d'etats, whether good or bad, that the situation might develop where your good people start entering politics and trying to change things.


    Your second paragraph is laughable in its naivety. It's so beyond the possibility of truth that all of your previous views are invalidated as being those of someone living in an alternative reality. Why would the Army, whom you KNOW are as corrupt as any elected government, NOT step in to stop someone who appears set on stopping the corruption that enables the Generals to compile massive fortunes and expensive watch collections? They know perfectly well that the slightest examination of the Defense Budget and their own wealth would send them all to jail in your dreamland scenario. The second a "good" person with the magic to solve Thailand's inherent corruption problem appears, so would bullets to magically solve this issue to the satisfaction of the Army and Oligarchs.


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  2. 23 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Dude my faculties were lost 15 years ago when my school closed. Ive lost touch with all of them.


    But, interesting and amusing as moi might be,  Im not a Trumpeter. Im a free thinker. My echo chamber is padded with what its, if sos, did you ever thinks, so whats and the thoughts in my box are outside because of long studies in dezinformatsya. I have no emotional investment and a low screech threshold. I remember President Badger Hair when he was an annoying Tabloid staple, which may be before some posters were born. Thanks for smiling!

    plural noun: faculties
    1. 1.
      an inherent mental or physical power.
      "her critical faculties"
      synonyms: power, capability, capacity, facility, wherewithal, means; More
    2. the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one of its departments or divisions, viewed as a body.
      "there were then no tenured women on the faculty"
      synonyms: staff, teachers, professors, instructors
      "conflict between students and faculty"

    Just in case you didn't know the other meaning...


    You're a free thinker - who freely comes to the opinion that's inevitably and always pro-Trump. Okay, whatevs. I'd be interested in whatever "long studies in desinformatsya" are. Is there a degree for that?


  3. 6 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Not a Trump fan but this does look like someone is almost trying to make the circumstances fit a crime that no one knows for sure has been committed.


    Unlike good old Bill, who lied about putting his dick in Monica's mouth and got away with it.

    What makes it look like the circumstances fit a crime? That the one under investigation has hired an under-qualified stooge who's on record as saying that the President shouldn't be investigated as Attorney-General? When Liberals are aghast at Jeff Sessions being removed for this Clown, that shows just how far American Justice has indeed fallen. Unfortunately, we're all aware that the cause is the criminal in the White House.

    So you don't think that being impeached while he was President was a sanction for his BJ? How did he "get away with it"? Where are those outraged conservative morals now that Stormy's boyfriend is the President?

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

    Destroyed? I entered the TVF Democrats-are-great-Republicans Suck echo chamber of my own free will and I am not in any argument to satisfy ego needs. As long as my portfolio is enough to keep me here (which it is, Thanks President Trump) and our business is booming (thanks again) Im a happy man.


    But regardless, the impending demise of the Republican Party is sort of like "climate change", the horror will happen next year...wait, they year after that...hold on...2022...oh wait  it will happen thereafter. I recall reading articles year back portending doom and gloom for the Republicans.


    That being said, todays liberal young person is tomorrows conservative as they leave the echo chambers and join real life. Politics is cyclical. While the Democrats crow about winning the House as a victory compared to  Leicester winning the Prem, they need to hold off spiking the ball (to mix metaphors) and keep in mind that the Repubs still control the Senate and are going to remake the Judiciary. As a result, sooner or later, they will have to LEGISLATE to get anything done, as their ability to enforce changes in social and economic policy will now be compromise positions instead of Judicial fiat.


    Sooner or later the grand coalition that the Democrats have put together by offering a "chicken in every pot" to different interest groups is going to crash, simply because you cant offer something different to everybody and not expect someone to get pissed off. Its far easier to oppose then to govern, now they have their chance to introduce constructive legislation..I dont think they will get much done other than posturing while jockeying for position to run against Trump.


    Im glad to see you think you and the others "destroyed" me in this thread. I always want folks to feel good and be happy, even those who dont share my views ????

    Let's see...facts? Nope. Rebuttals? Nuh-uh. Bold predictions of future Republican triumph? Oh yeah, lots of those. Keep 'em coming! As to the "chicken in every pot", well, why would that work? I mean, just because every other liberal Western democracy has adopted social democracy doesn't mean that it would work in the USA.

    It's nice that you enjoy making us feel good. Thinking kindly about others is not something Republicans are prone to.

    • Like 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, Patriot1066 said:

    Most of the immigrant communities are socially conservative and he needs to somehow convince them to vote in greater numbers for him. But its all about the economy really if people feel better off under his Presidency he is likely to do well!

    Yeah! Except that, according to you, the economy is doing great, yet they just lost the House. How is that possible? 


    One way is that the economy could be working great for rich folks, but not at all for the middle class. Especially the middle class who were promised so much and voted Trump in to get it, yet are not gaining much if at all from the 1.6 Trillion added to the deficit and are being treated as fools by those they elected. So doubt that's going to be a good long-term play, especially as the anti-immigrant and pro-White agenda plays out.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 32 minutes ago, Nilats said:

    I still see him as a person with relatively high integrity working under extremely hard conditions.

    So let's just examine this sentence. First, let's start with "integrity". Seems you don't understand its meaning.

    Integrity - 

    the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.

    "he is known to be a man of integrity"

    synonyms:honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality, virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness, trustworthiness

    "I never doubted his integrity"


    So...honesty? There's the 6,000 lies that have been documented and which are increasing by around 20 per day. Do you believe what he says? Then there's ethics and morals - he cheated on his three wives numerous times, he's notoriously corrupt in his business dealings...actually, let's save time. Can you give me one of these words in the definition that describes him? 


    You seem to recognize though that governing the USA is a difficult thing, mainly because you have this opposition to whatever it is you wish to do. Do you recognize that the same conditions are in place for Democrats as well? Hence when they had control over the Congress they too couldn't just do whatever they wanted, there was this process called "rule of law" that makes things go slowly and carefully and require people who are opposed to be informed about what's happening and to have the right to try to get it changed. That's why the health care issue hasn't been resolved. Even when the Democrats have control of the Presidency and Congress, just as Trump has had for the last 2 years, they are not able to just do whatever they want, it has to be done according to rules and laws. 


    If it makes you feel better, I believe that this slowness in getting things to change was deliberately cooked in at the start to prevent radicals from being able to shift things too quickly and easily. 

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    I would have liked to see more James Woods movies, nut job though he is.

    Interesting choice. I thought he was a good character actor, but don't recall a single movie he was in. Looking at his list of movies, seems he's been out of rotation for quite a long time, not just recently. The last movie of his I'd even HEARD of was "Stuart Little 2", which was in 2002. Not an A-lister, or even close to it. And yes, a definite nutjob.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Exactly. You will have the media darlings like Alexandria pushing their anti ICE, anti Israel, anti Defense and Socialist agenda, they will be arguing about Ladyboys in the bathrooms, burning flags, you will have Crazy Maxine messing with everyones bank accounts, its going to be a circus that is going to endanger moderate democrats, who are going to either push back or go with the flow, meanwhile the Senate is in Republican hands and some Supreme Court Justices are getting old....


    Its going to be so much fun to watch.....

    Wouldn't you say that past performance is the best predictor of future outcomes? Based on that, your predictions should probably be flipped upside-down to understand what's most likely. I thought they were going to retain Congress?


    I do agree though that it's going to be so much fun to watch - once the House demands and starts slow-leaking Trump's tax returns.

    • Like 2
  9. 7 hours ago, mikebike said:

    Chillax dude!! The Dems are just as incompetent as 45... little chance they'll accomplish much more than issuing  subpoenas!!


    45's election promise report card:


    Sigh. Okay my Right-Wing friends, it's great to see you trying to emulate your Libtard brothers and start using data to support your arguments and I'd hate to be seen as crapping on that. I think it's admirable. 

    However, you're doing it wrong. When you have a numbered set of promises and a pie chart relating to them, you need to connect the numbers and the colours so that we can understand what colour refers to what number. Also, when we use pie charts, the size of the slice relates to the quantities of the thing being charted. So there's not really much benefit to this, and pie charts probably aren't the best way to portray that data.

    But as I said, I'm encouraged to see you attempting to use data to justify your opinions, so don't let this constructive criticism deter you from doing so in future posts. I look forward to eventually having a fact-based discussion with you.

    • Haha 1
  10. 8 hours ago, PhonThong said:

    With the Democrats proclaiming they will defeat the Presidents part 2 of the tax bill and raising taxes to the previous level, I won't need them. You watch. The transportation industry as a whole will start cutting back to pre-2016 levels. Orders for new equipment will start to be canceled. I know my company will cut back. I think it is only fair that those that opted for this should go first. At least I am laying them off and not firing them. This way, they can at least collect unemployment. 

    "The Presidents part 2 of the tax bill" - LOL! You mean the imaginary, pulled-it-right-out-of-my-arse tax cut for the Middle Class? 55555555555555! Yeah, I'm sure he meant it, I mean, they spent 1.6 Trillion on the rich and didn't find any money there for them but you know, NEXT TIME WE WILL!  5555555555555555!


    And for your imaginary company, will you be providing a political survey so you can carefully cull your libtard workers? I'm sure you will! And when you call your company meeting to let them know they're being fired, everyone in the company will applaud and carry you around the shop floor on their shoulders!  I guess the only question for you Right-Wing fantasists is "does this ruin your no-nut November"?

    • Like 1
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  11. 8 hours ago, PhonThong said:

    Your right, they should be glad. After all who wants to work for a "toxic Trump supporter"?

    I am not doing anything that the left didn't do after the 2016 elections.

    Sort of like Hollywood blacklisting conservative actors.

    I am giving them the opportunity to come out of the shadows and proclaim their freedom as unemployed Lefties.

    It is not a punishment. It is emancipation.  

    My Money, My Company.

    So...got any evidence whatsoever that Democrat business owners started firing employees immediately after the election due to their political leanings? Didn't think so. Got any evidence that conservative actors have been blacklisted? Didn't think so. No, Stephen Baldwin's lack of success is not because he's conservative - it's because he's a really bad actor. Who is it you were thinking of? I just googled a list of conservative actors and actresses. Not a lot of quality there. Do you think there's a link between being Conservative and not being able to act because it requires a person to have empathy and put themselves in another's shoes?

    • Like 1
  12. 11 hours ago, PhonThong said:

    Going to be a sad Christmas for some. I will be going through my layoff list next week. Let them find a job elsewhere. Maybe the Dems will support them.

    Riiiiggggghhhhhttttt. So you're just an oligarch sunning away the Autumn in Thailand, while pushing buttons on your enterprise in the USA. And because of this election, which substantively does absolutely nothing in terms of your business, you're already rubbing your hands in glee at the opportunity to make life difficult for your workers. Fair enough, they didn't kowtow to their master, punish them!

    Except of course you have no enterprise, no workers, and no ability to do anything other than pontificate on the internet.

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