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  1. Any news about this? Looking at various EU immigration websites, it seems the new regulation has not been set into place yet. :/
  2. I don't want sensitive biometric data to be shared with unknown other entities in Thailand. Will definitely refuse at the airport.
  3. Looks like after even Thailand (as one of the last countries in the world) starts to come to terms with the Plandemic, the paid doomsayers have to find new fields where they can spread their hysteria and mass panic. Certainly clever and wise to find means to protect Bangkok from flooding and water damage, but how about keeping it real and rational. Panic and anxiety-driven measures usually don't help to make good decisions.
  4. How great, Thailand among the countries following the Western-launched panic and paranoia circus right away!
  5. Thailand moving up the ladder, and Europe moving down: This would be a logical move!
  6. It's clearly a case of mental illness. Responsible Thai media could actually make a showcase out of him to educate the public about mental illness, something that's not really known to most people and if it is, very taboo. He should admitted to a psychiatric ward for treatment and once stabilized, sent home.
  7. Thai people are seemingly ready to move into digital slavery through CBDC's. Unfortunately, they lack the foresight, awareness or love of freedom to see through things like these - It's already been demonstrated with their eagerness to submit to all the provably useless but totalitarian Covid rules. With "CONVENIENCE" the puppet masters will lead people into digital slavery - once the usage ratio exceeds 80% or so, the bag will be closed and escape routes also.
  8. What does "Minister-cum-interior" stand for exactly? I'm no English native speaker (in case this refers to an English langauge term) and not familiar with Thai politics, so sorry for my ignorance.
  9. In the interest of Chinese visitors, I hope this won't include potential detainment in secret police stations the Chinese are entertaining in several countries out of China. https://www.wired.co.uk/article/china-police-stations-security-roundup Does anyone know about Thailand's stance on that?
  10. Payback time for his dedicated support of the medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex since 2020. One hand washing the other.
  11. Fartbook is very quick and effective in automatically detecting, filtering and censoring content questioning climate and corona propaganda (for example), yet for some reason, detecting scams, spam and left-wing extremism seems an unsolvable problem for this (and many other Silicon Valley) corporations. I wonder why that is? Maybe the planet just hasn't enough computer power for that, dunno.
  12. So in fact, not the people but the parliament votes a PM in Thailand? I wasn't aware of that. Have to re-think my understanding of 'Thai democracy' now.
  13. 500 members of parliament!?! Is this new, or have there always been 500 people? Sounds an awful lot even considering the size of Thailand, but also considering that most people in there are not wealthy. That's a lot of salaries and pensions to pay for them...
  14. Out of curiosity: why is it even still tested? By far, most countries have abandoned testing, and people who want to test have to pay the tests by themselves. Looks like previous flu infection also has an immunization effect for Covid, who would have thought that! (well, the 'conspiracy theorists' did, but they can't be taken for serious, or can they). Could it possibly be that Covy is very similar to the flu? Well, that would be way too simplified, would it. Because it's complicated and therefore, requires expensive solutions, say the experts. Anyhow, the world has moved on, by now in most countries, it's more about who pocketed most money utilizing what has happened since 2020, and who's co-responsible for the tremendous economic, societal and psychological damage the policies caused. That 5-30% of the population catch a flu-like disease every year and that it can cause serious issues for a tiny fraction of them (particularly the ones not in good health or at high age) is nothing really new. Well it kinda was for 3 years, but now it's again not anymore. Let's move on, frens.
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