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I Like Thai

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Posts posted by I Like Thai

  1. Chancellor Angela Merkel - whose party topped the poll in Germany - described the far right victories as "remarkable and regrettable" and said the best response was to boost economic growth and jobs.

    Should that not be the main purpose of the EU anyway and not just a reaction to a threat to their power ?

  2. The electric company create or buy the electricity. They erect pylons and add electric cables to make the electricity available to customers. They employ staff to maintain the electricity network. Your landlord will be paid more for their electricity than the electric company is paid. Your landlord does absolutely nothing for this payment by you. Utter madness to pay these rates in my mind.

  3. I tend to do it when I'm drinking, but I do it for a specific reason. When out with other English speaking nationals, I have to try and remember to speak slowly. I can understand most English speakers quite easily, this lulls me into a false sense of dual understanding. It often results in me speaking with my normal accent, which is very fast and words run into each other. It's at this stage I can become quite difficult to understand at times. Speaking Pidgin English counteracts this. It may sound unusual, but what I'm saying is understood.

  4. There are fixed land border check points between the RoI and Northern Ireland,

    Where are these located ?

    From Para 6 of this joint statement from the Irish and UK governments.

    Operation Gull, a UK and Ireland initiative operating on both sides of the land border, and the creation of an Immigration Unit in Dundalk by An Garda Síochána have been highly successful in curbing illegal migration between Ireland and Great Britain through Northern Ireland. Furthermore, a range of joint operations involving relevant immigration personnel from both jurisdictions and the investigative division of the Irish Department of Social Protection have also been very successful as a result of detections flowing from Operation Gull.

    Nationals of either country travelling between the UK and RoI do not need to have their passport, but do need to be able to prove their nationality and so right to travel from one country to the other if required to do so.

    Other EEA nationals need either their passport or national identity card.

    All others need their passport and, if one is required, the appropriate visa.

    This is the case whether travelling by land, sea or air.

    If an independent Scotland joins the CTA I can see no reason why the above should not apply to people travelling between Scotland and the UK or Scotland and the RoI.

    But what if it doesn't? What if it joins Schengen instead; which, like adopting the Euro, could be a pre condition of joining the EU.

    The main reason why Ireland did not join Schengen was because it "would not be in the interest of Ireland to have a situation where the common travel area with Britain would be ended and Ireland would impose both exit and entry controls on persons travelling between here and Britain and, in addition, on the land frontier" (Dáil Éireann - Volume 450 - 14 March, 1995 Written Answers. - EU Border Controls.)

    So, the post independence border situation is obvious to anyone who has even the slightest knowledge of how immigration controls work; with three options.

    1. An independent Scotland in the CTA; very few fixed land border controls but mobile spot checks as per the land border between NI and RoI.
    2. Independent Scotland does not join the CTA but joins Schengen; full land border controls as per those between other Schengen countries sharing a land border with non Schengen countries.
    3. Independent Scotland joins neither; full land border controls as per many countries worldwide who share a land border.

    How could it be otherwise?

    Where are the FIXED land border checkpoints. Selective copy and paste is very disingenuous, especially when you don't provide a link


    1. Operation Gull runs on an irregular basis. When it is in operation upwards of 50 individuals have been believed to be detained in one weekend. It is impossible to say with certainty how many people have been caught up in Operation Gull but certainly hundreds, if not more.
    2. Operational Gull is carried out at both City and International Airports and at Belfast and Larne Sea Ports
    3. The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission is currently undertaking a wide-ranging review of immigration practice in Northern Ireland which will look at the activity of immigration officers in operations including Operation Gull. The report is anticipated to be published in late 2008.
    • Like 2
  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    While the Students are entitled to their opinion and their right to demonstrate I think their timing is very poor.

    Right now polling indicates that most people are happy to have see some peace and stability returning to Thailand after a period of absolute insanity.

    The military have most likely prevented a Red Shirt Terrorist attacks on Bangkok.

    Let's relax and let life get back to normal.

    Students please be patient.

    Where is this poll you refer to ?

  6. funny thing. I bet this guy thinks this is a hot girl.....................lol.

    To thais and ME we wonder why go for fugglies?

    Why bother to post and that "guy" has a name, my name!

    So you are "very" unfriendly! :fuyou: thefinger.gif

    He's just pretending that he is the same as a Thai, he just wants to fit in is all. Delusions take many shapes. I think she is a very attractive lady.

    • Like 2
  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Bloody hell, another new acronym. Thailand, the HUB of ACRONYMS. alt=facepalm.gif>

    I've always wondered about these acronyms. Why do Thai's use English acronyms. Or is it just English newspapers that make them up when translating the Thai name ?

  8. 10401551_708401769218311_359282499887385Danny Alexander confirms no border checkpoints

    Sun, 18/05/2014 -

    This week’s admission by the UK government that there would be no border checkpoints between an independent Scotland and the rest of the UK serves as further embarrassment to... seemed to recall quite a hue and cry from the independence bathers on this topic,,,

    All bar two of the countries in your picture are members of the Schengen Area. Do you know what that is?

    Of the other two, Monaco immigration matters are handled by the French government and the UK and RoI, along with the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, form a common travel area.

    There are fixed land border check points between the RoI and Northern Ireland, as well as mobile ones. Run by both countries.

    Have you previously provided a link to the governments 'admission', if so I must have missed it. If not, can you do so.

    Or do you have just one, Scottish, MP's opinion?

    As far as I am aware, this matter is just one of many to be decided, with various options on the table, should Scotland become independent.

    Whether an independent Scotland would join the CTA, Schengen or neither is something we will have to wait and see.

    Where are these located ?

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    You wake up one day and find yourself in a military run country - who would have thought such a thing could happen ?

    I think anyone with half a brain could have seen this coming.

    Did you see it coming ?

    yep sure did.

    If you had two brains, would be twice as thick ? or would that be four ?


  10. If the newly announced curfew between 10 pm and 5 am is fully enforced, then it's curtains for the tourist industry and any business relying on it. The announcement alone will see mass cancellations from tourists planning to come on holidays. The tourist industry has already been badly affected. This will kill it off

  11. http://www.inis.gov.ie/en/INIS/Pages/I%20hold%20a%20valid%20UK%20Visa,%20do%20I%20need%20an%20Irish%20visa%20to%20travel%20to%20the%20Republic%20of%20Ireland

    I hold a valid UK Visa, do I need an Irish visa to travel to the Republic of Ireland?

    Yes. But recently the Minister for Justice introduced a visa waiver programme for certain nationalities on a trial basis. Please see the list of countries which this applies to through the link below.

  12. Obama was elevated from obscurity and portrayed as the new saviour. The hype that went into his campaign was unprecedented. Even the opposition only out up a feeble attempt against his election. As soon as he was elected his handlers turned on him. First embarrassment was the noble peace prize. After this Obama ws led by the nose from one embarrassing disaster after the other, where he was made to look foolish and weak.

    This has all been done to ensure that it will be a very long time before a black man is elected president in the US again. The world economy and regional tensions were just perfect to elevate him for this exercise.

    So, lets get this straight. The democrats got him elected and the republicans helped out, so that they could set him up to fail, so that there would never be another black president? Have you been spending a lot of time on the Prison Planet website? wacko.png.pagespeed.ce.jGW10VtQsI.png

    Hillary Clinton will be the next US president.

  13. Finishing a nice big dinner then jumping in for a swim whistling.gif


    One of the most common myths we encounter in childhood is the myth that says you shouldn't swim for an hour after eating because doing so can cause dangerous cramps and drowning. Drowning is certainly a serious concern, especially for children. Drowning is the second most common cause of accidental death among kids ages 1 to 14. But feel free to let your kids nosh on that peanut butter sandwich and then jump right back into the pounding surf- this myth is false. Medically speaking, there is no reason to avoid swimming after eating.

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  14. Well this thread didn't take long to descend into a farce did it?

    No it didn't.because when you make a relevent point,backed up with fact it then descents into a PC arguement.White is white,black is black,prove to me that fact is wrong.Likewise someone will argue that the sun never rises in the east.

    The sun doesn't rise in the east, The sun is stationary. The rotation of the earth makes it seem like the sun is rising, but it doesn't. It's all relative smile.png

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