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I Like Thai

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Posts posted by I Like Thai

  1. It goes on in the USA as well

    Now watch as all the hypocrites vanish from the thread.

    They should leave and go back to Latin America, problem solved.

    But you are OK with the over 1400 years of slavery that is still going on sanctioned by the ideology those in the far southern tip provinces of Thailand practice?

    The slavers should become the slaves. That is karmic justice and is what has happened in the case of these Bangladesh-Burmese slaves. They have no problem enslaving those that do not practice their ideology.

    They're from Texas, not South America

  2. School boy error walking with your phone in your hand like that, I have often corrected my bro in doing the same in my country in not so plush areas.

    You need to be street-wise in the big Mango!

    What do you do when you need to make or receive a call. Talk into your pocket ?

    • Like 2
  3. Eventually martial law will finish, new elections will be held, then everything will go back to abnormal again

    May I borrow your crystal ball? I want to see how my investment portfolio will be doing, where I will be in 10 years and how this story turns out.

    And here I was doing it the old-fashioned way, which is experience the present, then call it history. Not, foresee the future and present it as having already happened.

    Thanks. smile.png

    You cannot borrow my crystal ball, but in ten years time you will still have nothing

  4. So many ideas, so many hypotheses, so many all-knowing, all-seeing experts, psuedo-theologians, mystical readers of the past and self proclaimed detectives.

    I am clueless what happened. I only know what is and that so many babies and small children are dead and were buried in such a horrible place .

    Their plight and the sad end they met is my focus. My insignificant comments pale in comparison to their sad and short lives.

    I wonder how many people actually make even the smallest gesture to help the "small ones" of this world survive. Words are cheap. The alphabet has plenty of them.

    If you want to know what happened in Ireland in the Industrial schools and orphanages, then read the pdf reports on this website


  5. Contact the dating site and try and get the accounts reactivated or try have the dating site furnish any records they have of the accounts any any contact between them

    Send copies of emails and phone records

    Send records of her Business license for as far back as she can obtain, along with bank records relating to either her pay or a business account.

    Send records of her parents owning the shop and proof that they are her parents.

  6. http://www.thejournal.ie/800-babies-tuam-home-1497779-Jun2014/

    The death records for 796 children, ranging in age from newborn babies to children up to the age of nine, were discovered by local historian Catherine Corless who was researching the history of the home, which was run by the Bon Secours order of nuns from 1925 until 1961.

    While the area was known locally as being a graveyard, the extent of how many children were placed in the former septic tank was only discovered by Corless during her research.

    She found that the children died of malnutrition and neglect, as well as illnesses such as measles, tuberculosis and pneumonia.

    • Like 1
  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    And the opposite expectation is quite baffling.

    My Thai friend offers to take me to the market the day after.

    Despite my asking, she refuses to give me a time, not even if it"s morning or afternoon.

    she can't plan ahead.

    So I have to block ALL DAY just in case she calls me and wants to go.

    And when she did call, we had to go RIGHT NOW,not in 5 minutes.

    The market was a disaster,she kept rushing me.

    Now I go to the market on my own by bus.

    The only reason your Thai friend would know that you wanted to go to the market is if you told her you needed to go to the market.

    By doing this you imposed yourself on her and her time. She needed to take time out from what she should have been doing to accommodate you.

    That is why she did not give you any departure time and was rushing you to hurry up at the market.

    Next time you need to go to the market, just go and there is no need to tell anyone in advance.

  8. best example I can offer:

    I know a girl, a lovely girl, very well liked, respected and sought after by many thai men,

    good family, many many friends,

    just one thing tho,

    she is a prostitute, and none of her friends know, her brother doesnt know,

    the men pursuing her for marriage and children don't know,

    but I know,

    I watch her lie to everyone she knows, because, she will lose face,


    what about the guy that eventually marries her,

    she has been with what, 2,000, 3,000 men?

    some poor thai schmuck, is going to marry her, and have children with her, and, the mother will lie to him, because she knows,

    and the wife will lie to him, forever,

    some culture this asian race of face

    Yes, Most farangs are just perfect aren't they. The guy who ends up marrying her will be a virgin who should be nominated for a Noble prize for sainthood. He only comes to Thailand for the beaches and sunshine.

    Maybe if he spends time to actually get to know the girl, then he will find out her true character. Just maybe it might be better than you imagine also, if not then it will be her new husbands fault for picking her in the first place.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Another ding-a-ling comes to Thailand and wants paradise to be a Western hell. It's their country, try to deal with it.

    I do detest people who kiss-ass everything Thai and fall back on the tiresome solution of "go back to your own country if you don't like it here".

    Integration is about adapting not just rolling over to ever Thai whim or 'culture'.

    You know what, we may even be able to teach the Thais something............................

    It's you that needs to adapt, not the Thai's. If you wait for the Thai's to adapt to your way of thinking and doing things, then you'll be waiting for the rest of your life and there is a danger of you becoming bitter with Thailand. This is not a dig at you, this is just the way things work.

    If a Thai asks you to help them to adapt to a different way of doing things, then try and help them, if not, you're wasting your time trying to impose things on them.

    • Like 1
  10. This same guy was stopping only Farangs and refused my French original driving license. However he took my original and now I have no more driving license, how it can go to banglamung pass the test? This guy seems to be a perfect jerk and creates more problems than anything else here...

    Go to the police station and make a complaint about him stealing your driving license, if it happened as you say

    • Like 2

  11. Mr Obama told the German chancellor last month that he was "pained" that Mr Snowden's disclosures had strained the US-German relationship.

    The US leader said he had directed US intelligence agencies to weigh the privacy interests of non-Americans as well as US citizens and residents, "in everything that they do".

    He's not "pained" that it happened, only "pained" that it was revealed.

    He has also not given an assurance that it would not continue to happen, just that the intelligence agencies should consider it.

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