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Posts posted by Penangfreak

  1. My first answer to OP would be "no".

    Most people I met were a waste of space and time.

    But then I think the people I would like to make the acquaintance of are those who do not want to network because they don't need to network to be successful.

    Most "networkers" I met during the past 20 years were very superficial sweet talkers with no added value whatsoever.

    I am an independent webmaster.

    Fully agreed...Most businesses have a bloody hard time to find a reliable IT company with even basic trained technicians. Wanna do business try Bangkok. Pattaya attracts the wrong people, o.c. there is exceptions....Good luck. PF.

  2. There certainly is some good stories happening every and it is nice to point them out. Just sad, that just about everything has turned so negative during the last 10 years. I remember my first few years about 20 yrs. back on Samui. What a difference. PF.clap2.gif

  3. Dear readers

    Can anybody point me to a bank that will issue a credit-card or debit-card in conjunction with an account. I need a card mainly to pay online, also while travelling abroad and for withdrawals and hotels payments etc.

    I need a card that works reliable and is not setup with a phone sms confirmation code. Therefore Kasikorn unfortunately is not suitable.

    Would maybe Citibank or Standard Charter provide?

    I don't have a WP, am retired on a 1 yr. extension. Thank you for any advise. PF.wai2.gif

  4. matter of interest, how many people here actually rents jet ski's ??

    i have never done so but have rented plenty of bikes and my experience with them is, return with no damage, no problem... return damaged and expect to get shafted with an massive repair bill plus loss of rental.

    TBH, I expect it is the same with jetskis but it has been so dramatized with thick stupid tourists who have smashed up a jetski and think a couple a quid will sort it out or even thicker tourists who don't check/mark damage before taking jetski out...really don't see why all the TV keyboard warriors are getting all worked up when there are more serious issues in Pattaya like the beach-chair, baht-bus, taxi-bike, mafia scams ongoing :whistling:

    I'm sorry but this is just not true.

    I must have seen over 100 scams go down

    True maybe 2-5% had badly damaged the ski I'm sure it cost them BIG time.

    Maybe another 30% minor damage usually the front bumper or very minor scuff This must cost all of a couple of hundred Baht, but have seen tourists forced to pay 20-50k thats £500-£1000, for what it essentially wear and tear.

    5 times I have seen customers turn the ski over, this should be no problem this is what they are designed for NO DAMAGE but oh no of course water go in engine BIG PROBLEM seen customers pay 30K for this and ski was on the water next day.

    This leaves over 50% I cant see any damage we are talking BS 10-30K a time for NO DAMAGE.

    This is big money with threats of violence intimidation basically AGGRAVATED THEFT MUGGING for 10's thousands Baht.

    Make no mistake it is BIG money and this is why it continues despite the bad publicity and will continue for as long as it can possibly be continued.

    Yes, fully agreed. Seen 100's of them. In high season they call them back within a few minutes often and start the scam...It is beyond me how some people o these forum can defend these scumbags and try to find excuses for them. Many good people had their vacation destroyed and these low lives laugh their asses off after getting their dough. Disgusting. PF.

  5. Just back from beach. No action near Miked shopping. Only 1 ski rented out. A lot of pissed off faces and nasty figures....Further down, just before Hard Rock, business as usual...A group of 5 Thais yelling at 4 Indians and pointing out imaginary damages on 3 skies, which looked at least 10 yrs old and nasty already. 2 look-outs on the walkway which did not like me going down close up to watch....The number 30'000 fell several times and when they did not understand they showed it with their fingers.. Nothing ever changes...PF.sick.gif

  6. It opens as fast as always with my Core i7 / 8 Gig Ram Toshiba & 12MB BBB Adsl account. I am using Chrome on Windows 7. I have heard from friends with Apple products, that they resolved similar problem by -re-installing their browser or using another browser. Try a couple of different WIFI hotspots, compare with another laptop and you should know if the problem is with your notebook. Good luck.

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