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Everything posted by kwak250

  1. I was wanting to see the 6-7 seater u-shaped ones Went to the Ikea Bang Yai they did have L-shaped which were ok but would have wanted to see these
  2. Now this looks like just what i am after and almost the same as our last one that lasted 2-3 years I see on the website the model is William. Going to ask how much these are now Many thanks
  3. No i asked about large sofa's and was told that Ikea have them but after looking there were not any on show that were on the website but they said you can order without actually seeing so that was no good
  4. Yes we are starting to build a new house and we are almost definitely going to get the kitchen from Ikea The sofas are not as good as i expected they would be. Had a few from a certain large furniture store and the synthetic leather gets crunchy and flakey like and old iguana after 2-3 years not cheap as well . Did enjoy the food though and quite cheap at ikea
  5. If your a fat fook then it probably thought you would be to big to digest
  6. I asked about a large sofa and was told Ikea by a few people Went there a few days ago Let's just say i am still looking for a good sofa I went to the Bang Yai branch ,maybe it has fewer options?
  7. It seems the English might be in the news for most of the drunken behavior but the Americans seem to be the main culprits when underage children are involved.
  8. Yes but have you seen the stickers on the 2nd hand cars You don't get those when you buy new. The reason the 2nd hand market is so expensive is a lot of people cannot afford the down payment/deposit to buy a new vehicle but the 2nd hand ones from dealers will let you purchase even with bad credit and will let you drive off for a fraction of what Nissan/Toyota will charge for a new vehicle deposit The 2nd hand dealers will be less strict with credit checks/also a small down payment and somchai can sign for you down the road from your house They also know they will probably get it back in a few months and sell it again. Win win
  9. They could be brand new reported stolen and blocked in Australia but pop a Ais sim in and your good to go. Plenty on Ebay that are blocked in the UK and work fine here.
  10. You must have a different grade rolled steel than what I have heard. If you asked "Is that rain" where I have been that had that type of roof you wouldn't be heard. You definitely wouldn't even know if the ac was on or not. Our designer who is doing the house plans only and already said we should try lots of different quotes for building from other companies said if you are on a tight budget use rolled steel but said its noisy as hell which was my experience . Like I said you must have some different grade but I won't be using that . Tiled looks so much nicer but for the car port maybe if its far enough away from the house.
  11. Thanks this was something I have worried about and we currently have the curved tiles and never had any problems. Think I will go for the curved again as I will always be worrying and don't want that.
  12. Definitely going to go for flat tiles Told by a few builders not to use the rolled steel as like I have experienced its so noisy . Might use it for the car port but probably won't Last time I went to my nephews house and it rained very heavily we had to shout to hear each other. Even the dogs were scared.
  13. Thanks I will look at this but someone in our family had a house built that had a rolled steel roof and when it rained heavily it was very noisy . They had roof insulation but might have been a cheaper quality than what you have fitted.
  14. We are currently planning a new house to.be built and looking at all the newer building's and they all see to have flat tiled roofs. Our current house has the curved type and was wondering if we should go for the flat style roof tile as they do look more modern . I have searched and found the curved tiles have a better run off when there are heavy rain's and the flat roof tiles have a higher probability of rain getting through ,causing leaks. Anyone using flat roof tiles and how have they been? Much prefer the look of the flat tiles , Not looked into the cost of both yet.
  15. Last time i was in Hua Hin this yank was shouting about his card not being able to be scanned. Kept shouting and telling the cashier to come with him to the atm to prove it worked. The cashier just looked at him like he was a nutter. He came back in and slammed the money on the counter and went out to his car shouting about the scanner not working. He could of saved looking himself looking like a complete tool.
  16. I thought they always said "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" I always thought that if they had no guns then that would help .
  17. I am sure if you had the same amount of bicycles on the road as motorbikes it would be carnage. Cyclists are far more dangerous than the average motorcycle due to the fact they are slower and don't keep up with traffic. Also they like to have 2 sometimes 3 abreast If you were on a motorcycle he probably would not of rear ended you as he probably thought you were going the same speed as him when he glanced up from his phone . If its a choice of a Honda wave or a pushbike on these roads I am sure the wave is safer as you can keep up with the flow of traffic. I wouldn't trust somchai in his nissan big m when I have is a plastic helmet and some tight lycra.
  18. When i think of cycling in Thailand i always remember the man attempting the around-the-world record and got hit by a pick up in Nakhon Ratchasima province. He had completed almost 5 years of cycling and about to finish later the same year “It was an accident caused by the driver’s recklessness. The road was straight and the cyclist was in his own lane,” the officer said. Imagine that you are in your final year of the 5 year quest only to get hit by a pick up in Thailand Goes to show how dangerous the roads are here. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/22/chileans-round-the-world-record-cycling-quest-ends-in-death-on-thai-highway
  19. Must admit you can go around a tight corner and have 2 abreast blocking the road which may not have been the case here I would not risk riding a push bike here .
  20. Next door to us they let 2 dogs roam around and once the dog took a sh7t outside their house and had something thrown at it and got told to go and sh7t up the road(usually our house) I got tired of cleaning up their dogs sh7t so one day started playing a sort of mini golf with an old broom when they went out . Called it shi77y stick Got quite good, i could chip it just over their gate if the consistency was just right so they would walk in it when they got home. Hit the window once and stopped after that ,Moved a few years ago so all good
  21. Just looking at buying tiles i see some are huge and do like not having all the joins I think 90cm x 60cm They have larger ones which i prefer but i am reading they can lift Anyway to prevent this other than stand next to them while they tile?
  22. I went to test one but it was on charge.
  23. It depends on the ice car If I had a 2006 Mitsuhishi Mirage or a Tesla than I would definitely take the Tesla . If it was a decent car like a high end ice BMW or Mercedes then no matter what Ev I had it would be sat at home (charging probably)
  24. This is not what most EV drivers like to hear. They are doing more damage than people think.
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