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Everything posted by kwak250

  1. Maybe off-topic but Just bought a dirt cheap blocked Samsung Galaxy s21 phone and wondering where i can unlock it?
  2. I was parked on the side of the road and what looked like a dad teaching his son to drive came straight at me with the dad trying to turn the steering wheel to avoid hitting us. He hit the side of the car mainly fender damage and wing mirror. Anyway they parked up so i thought insurance will sort this out, By the time i got out and started looking at the damage the little fu7kers were running around the car and changed drivers and fuc7ed off. I turned around and went to stop them and they had long gone. Never even got 4000baht just a flappy wingmirror and scuffed fender
  3. In Thailand they do interrupt ,i have noticed that many times but as English is not their main language i always accept that, I would never go as far as saying as you put it I pointed this out, and told her quite firmly... "do not interrupt me again while I'm talking with my Wife". Seems like you are getting cars mixed up as you said you sat in a Fortuna at the Ford garage? Made me smile you went and sat in a Raptor in a hissy fit while you let you wife sort out the deal.
  4. I also feel the same about a test drive. Going up the road and back you can hardly get a feel for the car. Renting a vehicle for a few days if available is always a good idea. I understand why you have avoided certain Manufacturers but interested why Honda is included as always been happy with their vehicles
  5. Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt
  6. I feel Trump is probably no worse or better than anyone else. I notice the $ and £ are down so that's all that interests me
  7. I understand it looks a nightmare but i have overstayed a few times many years ago and only had to pay a small fine Never beaten in a public toilet and handcuffed to the back of a pick up truck He said all he was eating was pot noodles but looks like you can buy lots of other snacks and drinks ,saying that without money might be difficult. Looks like the ex has some police in her family. Probably more to the story than we see here.
  8. Is this why they started slapping Indian tourists on the back of the head?
  9. Not sure the King of Ayuthaya was an infamous as Hitler?
  10. He probably thought you wanted to give him a bj?
  11. Went to Brazil for a while and a friend said don't go to the nightclub "Help" So that was the first stop for me as i had to have a look,as you do. few hours later i am getting 3 guys outside demanding money. Think if Usain bolt was next to me that night i would have beaten him by a long shot
  12. Bought a Mitsubishi fridge freezer 20 years and it still works fine. Gave it to a nephew 3 years ago we bought a new Mitsubishi Inverter fridge and the freezer stopped working after about 2 years (would constantly freeze and not shut off then never worked} Got it fixed but told the new inverters are often being fixed by the guy in the shop lasted about a year since it was repaired and ok for now but would probably buy a standard Mitsubishi one next time
  13. Is this your company if so looking at a price for a 10m×4m Salt chlorinated concrete tiled pool Would like it sloped 1.2m-1.5m or even 1.8m but told that's probably too deep regarding safety
  14. Many thanks I will have to have a look at this
  15. Kera tiles had to look those up they look amazing
  16. Would a liner pool be as good ? Looking at tiled but some liner ones look good.
  17. I was waiting for 44baht/gbp before i send a lump of cash over but looks like i better send now
  18. Are you free for some work? Love the idea of 14m What sort of monthly costs are involved to keep it looking good ?
  19. looking at getting a pool built Was looking at getting around 10mx 4m with a slope going from 1.20m-1.80 meters Quoted 880k for a Salt chlorinated concrete tiled pool from JD pools Not sure if this is an overflow pool will have to check. Jd pools said 1,80 would be dangerous and might actually go with a 12m pool going from 1.20 - 1.50 Are liner pools worth looking at as always preferred the look of tiles. We have been visiting Bang saphan for the last 3-4 years and the hotel have an excellent Desjoyaux liner pool that still looks amazing but heard they are expensive What size pool would you suggest?
  20. Thanks everyone just had another quote for 3.2k per linear meter Much better. Will be able to get a pool built now. Looking at JD Pools
  21. Now that's more like it. 3/4k is about what I was hoping to pay without the stainless. Waiting on a couple of new quotes today.
  22. 3k per meter would be amazing i would be happy with 5k
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