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About seajae

  • Birthday 06/21/1953

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    Surat Thani

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  1. we have 4 dogs, we are outside the city area and rarely have people near our house, our dogs will bark at cars, bikes and people that come near our house, also other dogs and snakes, which is to be expected, they also will howl when other dogs in the area howl, also to be expected. Dogs naturally will protect their area, our dogs when inside our 1 rai fenceline react to others, once outside the fenceline they do not bark at other people etc. Dogs barking at people etc near their house is to be expected, barking for the sake of it is not and people that have dogs that bark continually for no good reason need to do something about it, too many have dogs but do not walk them, play with them etc, they leave them to do as they please which in the end does cause problem barking. While western countries generally have laws regarding dogs/pet ownership here they have nothing, many owners just let them run wild because they do not want to clean up after them or take any responsibility for what they do, many also do not feed them properly so they scavenge, pet ownership in Thailand is truly pathetic.
  2. HAHAHA, how can I not laugh at the idiotic replies of the twisted dems supporters in here, you attack the poster not the truth they have written, miss spelling, more like fat fingers, mate you have shown what I did write was spot on. Just read over my post again, all appostrophies are there, maybe you need to learn to read or get a pair of glasses, you really must be losing it, talk about a pathetic answer to my post. I know my education levels too, obviously a lot higher than yours after reading your reply, just goes to show how demented & uneducated democrat voters really are.
  3. hahahahaha, talk about desperate democrats, mate you need to take a relaxant and have a good lie down, you really are getting more pathetic with your trump syndrome, maybe a good cry will relieve the stress
  4. hahahahahaha, the rusted on democrats refuse to accept the trtuh once again and try to spread their BS, CNN a hardline democrat news service has admitted they were wrong but the rusted ons refuse to do the same, how pathetic can these brain dead idiots get, they still push the BS russian garbage that was proven to be lies as well. They just cant help themselves, talk about mummies boys spitting it because they cant get their way, even the democrats are leaving their party over all the BS they are sprooking and calling out their party as liars and criminals
  5. The biggest problems in Thailand are graft/corruption and education, all govt offices/personel are corrupt in some way, it is there for anyone that actually looks, education standards are pathetic as well which leads to how many thais think and act. I love living here but I am not blind to the problems, I live happily in our little area away from most of the crap, we may say Thailand is third world but it is due to the way many thais think and act not the way it is classified, politicians and anyone in positions of authority are supplemented with back handers and are not interested in bringing the country into a more advanced nation as that would remove all their extra income/benefits and everyone living here knows it. Ignoring the facts or denying them doesnt make them do away, Thailand biggest hope to advance is getting officials/politicains that are not in it for themselves but for the people and removing the graft and corruption as well as improving the education that holds the country back, we can only hope that this eventually happens but currently I cant see it happening any tiime soon, the ones in power are too fixated on how much they can drain from the coffers and put in their own pockets plus keeping the nations low education levels so people do not stand up against them.
  6. they are too arrogant and do not like to stop anywhere, you see it every day on any road, they know the police will not do anything and they are too lazy to change gears more than they have too. Red lights mean nothing to many thai road users as they do as they please, many have no idea of the road rules and simply ignore tham if they do, they think they are number one and everyobe else has to let them do what they want but it all boils down to their arrogance/self importance. Until such time as thai police actually do what they are paid for it will continue with the police themselves being big offenders, the road laws in Thailand are a joke at best as hardly anyone obeys them nor are they enforced, again because the police are too lazy to do it.
  7. hahahahahah, rusted on democrats trying to stir sh*t because they hate trump after losing the election, shows how pathetic they really are, its just one giant dummy(pacifier) spit for the poor darlings, they need to to go lie down and have a good cry now, hahahahahahaha, waiting for them to come up with another BS investigation on him, even the documents that were seized in the raid on his home have been returned because it was a false accusation set up by democrats, what a joke they really are
  8. we went out for dinner the other night and when we were parking on a side street in front of other cars on the outside of a buildings fence on the public road we had a security guard start blowing his whistle telling us we were not allowed to park there. There were no "no parking" signs at all, he just thought they owned the public road outside their fenceline, we were at least 3 plus metres away from the entry as well, I got rather upset with the idiot and told him so, explained it was a public road and they didnt own it but my wife ended up moving because she is old fashioned thai and doesnt like upsetting anyone. Some of these security guards tend to get a bit full of themselves and think they have the rights to tell everyone else what they can and cant do so they blow their whistles just to show everyone how big they think their appendage is and to make themsleves look important when they are not.
  9. while I dont refer to us as farangs when talking I do use farang when writing as its what we are called by the locals, I dont take offence to it at all unless said with venom, its usually said in driendly spirits. Words do not always have negative feelings attached to them, I do not use farang as an insult and never would, I actually have several other words I can use if I wanted to insult someone, really think some people just have very thin skin if they take offence at slang, yes it can be said to be derogatory but mostly not.
  10. Last night my wife told me that a barge sunk yesterday and the company has lost over 600,000 baht in material, apparently the barge owner ignored warnings of extremely high seas and sent the loaded barge out of the port, it was swamped by the waves and sunk. The barge is worth over 1 million baht and it is estimated it will cost around 2 million to salvage it as it cannot be left where it is, luckily no one was injured but in the owners greed for profits he had stopped paying insurance so will be totally out of pocket himself for it all plus he will also be responsible for covering the cost of the lost material but my wife said her company may let him off with the replacement cost. The local port is in the river and as some of the bigger container ships cannot enter they need to anchor in the gulf in the deeper section as depth of the water is fairly shallow(around 30') which is why the barge has to be salvaged, looks like this is going to bite the owner on the bum after his greed for profits has had him cutting all the corners he could to increase his take, I couldnt stop laughing when she told me, he has been letting his barges deteriorate for years to save on renovation costs, last year he was forced to fix some major problems with them after they started falling apart and now this has happened, greed has really come back on him hard.
  11. I did the keto diet a few years ago, dropped 15kg but when I did my annual blood test there were a few problems due to the requirements of the keto diet so I had to stop doing it, maybe if I was younger and was able to be more active it would have been ok but unfortunately I had no option but to stop doing it.
  12. cat was de sexed and stayed mainly inside or in our yard, the only thing I have ever seen it kill was gecko's, the open area with all the rubber & palm oil trees has rodents and snakes with fish in the open gutter, never seen birds on the ground plus the cat had a bell on its collar so tinkled when it walked meaning birds would have heard it, made sure he wasnt a danger to them.
  13. this is Thailand, ripping off farangs is mandatory, all they see are the profits they can get then when their greed causes less people to use them they whinge, low & high season rates are used around the world but banging on extra rates to enhance profits after a slow down shows the greed of the thais. Maintaining fair rates that would ensure a longer term of usage by visitors they push up profit margins causing a shorter usuage period and they end up losing money instead, shows their pathetic brain set
  14. My wife is totally devastated, we buried our cat yesterday, he was killed by a pack of dogs from the factory 100 metres away,(the other side of a rubber tree & palm oil area), no fencing and the dogs just roam where they want to. To say I was incensed would be an under statement, I wanted to kill all of the dogs involved, the fact Thailand has no laws about these dog packs roaming free sucks big time plus the fact thais dont care what they do is pathetic. I have 4 dogs and they stay in our yard(1 rai) unless they are on theirn leash but too many thais just let their dogs run free because they dont want to have to clean up after them or in many cases feed them, one of our dogs was a puppy from the factory that wandered over to our house a few years ago, she is that friendly it isnt funny and used to play with the cat, they would even sleep together. Unfortunatey the majority of thais dont have any regard for pets/animals, they dont feed them regularly, dont bath them or take care of them, they just let them wander and do as they please, the anger I feel at what these dogs have done due to how the factory owners lack of responsibility is immense, I have never seen my wife so upset and I am fighting the urge to remove the dogs permanently. I realize this is just a rant but the devastation my sife is suffering is making it very hard for me to think rationally.
  15. The LGB community is well accepted , there life, their choice, the problem is the trans groups that try to push their gender preference onto everyone else. There are only 2 sexes, male & female and these cannot be changed, this is scientific fact, men do not have internal female body parts, they cannot get pregnant, they cannot have menstruation etc, females claiming to be male are still female so trying to claim that them being pregnant shows men can have babies is a load of bunk. I have no problems with gay people and respect their choices, I also have no problems with those that live as the opposite gender, the problem is those that demand they be accepted as the opposte gender and that they have the same rights as that gender and be referred to as that gender. They are still the original gender they were born as, having gender dysphoria does not give them any special treatment, what Trump has done males this law, it doesnt detract from the gay community only those that are pushing their activist BS.
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