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Everything posted by seajae

  1. there are in fact quite a few that post seeds around the world, seeds from Thailand are very common an all countries.
  2. My wife has been sending seeds overseas for several years without any problems, she follows all the required regulations for the importing country as well as Thailand. She had a repeat order for French Polynesia a couple of weeks ago, so as required she did the required treatments, had a phytosanitary certificate inspection and had it issued, attached the phyto and the import permit for French Polynesia attached to the box in a clear envelope and dropped the box off at the local DHL office(organized by the buyer) as has been done each year for this person. We were contacted by DHL this week saying that there is a 1000 baht fine to be paid because of exporting seeds, they say it is not allowed which is a total load of BS as there is no such regulation & she has sent several other boxes of seeds overseas in recent weeks/months without any problems, have to wonder if this is a new way to get extra money through graft. We are trying to follow through on this but cannot get any answers so we dont know if it is customs or DHL that are organizing it.
  3. have found the same thing, home all day and no one turns up, can take several days from when it arrives in the local depot and when it is delivered it comes in someones private vehicle/bike, all total BS, they are not a good courier and I refuse to use them
  4. police in other countries especially the west usually do their work the right way in most cases, they man police stations 24/7, they go out of the office and patrol roads etc, they investigate when needed(and dont demand to be paid to do it) and do not openly use stolen/confiscated goods, sell drugs, run gambling dens, consistently break the law themselves, take backhanders and ignore certain people breaking the law etc. When the higher ups are paid for other officers advancement, to make sure that "important" people are not charged/arrested etc their corrupt ways are all on display yet they dont care as they think they are above the law that applies to others, I have seen how police in other countries behave(even have 3 family members in the police force that tell me what happens) but it is no where near the extent of corruption in the thai police, police in Thailand look at it as a means to make more money only by using their positions, they do not care about doing what they are paid to do
  5. anyone having trouble with this pathetic service and their delivery times, from Bangkok to Surat Thani is taking 3 plus days, ordered frozen food, it took 3 1/2 days and when it arrived all the dry ice had melted inside the foam box and we had to toss some of it away because everything had thawed, the meat was actually warm so had probably been sitting in the back of the truck in full sun for 2 days. Now we are waiting on another delivery that has taken 4 days so far, they put up on the tracking we requested a re schedule which is a total lie and probably to save face, this has to be the worst courier service around, they should change their name to snail delivery but that would be an insult to snails, they also refuse to answer any complaints/queries/emails, will never let anyone we buy from use them in the future and tell them to use Kerry only or lose the order
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