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Everything posted by seajae

  1. all too often we see bank staff involved with stealing other peoples money with the banks denying any responsibility, why wasnt she notified about these transactions when they happened, the bank has a lot of explaining to do and needs to replace all the stolen money.
  2. its way past time that the police etc that help these criminals escape justice or are themselves involved in it are arrested and put in jail, maybe then they will start to realize they will not just get a slap on the wrist like they do now. Anyone that breaks the law needs to be jailed, doubly so for police as they are supposed to be the ones stopping it but in Thailand many are the ones organizing or allowing it knowing that all they will face is being transferred and not being jailed as any other country would do, graft and corruption reign supreme in Thailand and th govt refuse to do anything about it because they are part of it
  3. well decomposed compost is probably the best natural way, sulphur is the other, these are probably the most used methods to do so, personally I use compost but only around each of my trees. Really depends on what you intend to do, if it just a garden bed its easy but over a big area it does become difficult, I have around 1000 trees(plumeria/frangipani), each has a hole dug for it, filled with coir chip then some sand and compost added and mixed in, I also add a small amount of fine rock phosphate dust(great for roots) at the same time. Every year I then add a slow release fertilizer & a good animal compost and turn it in, this keeps my PH around 6/6.5, I also add more coir chips as required.
  4. Thailand, graft & corruption are number 1, courts have received their bonuses so everything is ok and back to normal, the third world wins again
  5. once again he has bent over and spread them wider for his masters, the sooner this idiot is gone the better, letting the chinese do as they please has become his catch cry, screw the country and the people
  6. maybe if thais wanted to actually work it wouldnt happen, most want to sit on the bums and do nothing, shop assistantsd ignore you when you are looking for help because their phone time is more important. Anything phydical is just off limits to many of them, they prefer money for nothing, in the west we tend to do what we are paid for, the exact opposite of Thailand
  7. yes, she is ready to do what ever daddy tells her to, what a joke, dumb as dog doo, just another shin looking at how much she can make out of it and doing exactly what she is told, time for thais to have an intellectual PM that will do what is right for the country and not themselves and their family/friends
  8. it is a police station, doesnt matter if they are not in uniform, there should be no alcohol being consumed in a police station at any time, we all know how pathetic thai men are with their egos, alcohol and guns re not a good mix. Anywhere in the western world they would be sacked as should happen, these cretins think they can do as they please bcause no one says or does anything which is why so many police(government workers)are involved in graft & corruption, they refuse to do what they are paid to do and actually work, even when they have road blocks they are doing the same thing, drinking, way past time the govt grew a pair and started sacking all the ones that refuse to work and do this sort of <deleted> along with their graft/corruption. Trouble is that would remove the greater majority of the police force.....
  9. new watches for everyone
  10. what a joke this is, she is there for her name only because her father is the owner of the party and paid for her to get passes at her uni because she failed misserably, the other 2 are a joke at best. Again we see how pathetic thai politics really is if these 3 are the only choices
  11. many year ago in Australia my mum was driving home just after 5pm(dusk) and as she turned a corner she nudged a pedestrian crossing the road wearing very dark clothes, luckily she wasnt driving fast so the pedestrian wasnt hurt. When she got home she cut up her driving licence and the next day put her car up for sale, she explained she didnt see the person crossing the road because of their very dark clothes but was worried her eye sight may not be good enough to drive any more and she didnt want to be responsible for hurting anyone, she was in her late 60's, she never drove again. Maybe this lady is in the same boat, eyesight failing but would also have to be totally brain dead to not feel/realize she was running over something.
  12. its been revealed that over 88 million chinese have covid in just one province yet this idiot stops any checks to make sure they do not bring it to Thailand, this is exactly how it all started but he does not want to upset his chinese masters, shows how pathetic these people are, they are ready to destroy Thailand to make china happy and to make money
  13. we bought a franke oven for our other house, very happy with it, always worked well, in our new house we have a teka oven and cook top, cook top is great and while the oven does a good job the touch buttons have never worked properly since new, trying to get teka to sort it out is impossible. One thing we did learn is that you have to have earth wiring for the ovens & extraction fans to work properly or they dont last very long.
  14. what you need to realize is that most thai drivers/rider have no idea of the road rules, refuse to follow road signage as well as traffic lights and have no regard for anyone else but themselves, then you have the condition of the roads as well as the lack of a police presence. I drive ocassionally but usually let my wife drive as she is more aware of what thai road users are really like, when she came to Australia with me she was amazed at the difference in the road users as well as the condition of the roads, no one going through red lights, no one going the wrong way up a street/road, police on the roads in cars/bikes, lack of pot holes and uneven surfaces etc
  15. I have an A52s, great phone, water proof too all features are excellent and only 11,000 baht no contract, cant fault it at all.
  16. what I find interesting is my wife informed me that one of a chinese man caught up in this gambling debacle has a thai wife high up in the police force which would explain how they have got away with it for many years, she also informed me that they were looking at building a village mainly for chinese people with wealth they wished to hide from china. Would certainly explain a lot......
  17. still very warm here in the south, aircon is a must, only problem is the rain, so much for the dry season, lasted 6 days
  18. if thais knew how to actually set the bass and treble it wouldnt be too bad but they turn the bass up full and the music distorts really badly, obvious conclusion is thais do not have any idea of how music should be played nor do they have an ear for it. Agree with the op, they seem to think the more noise they make the bigger their appendage
  19. the ship captain should be charged with man slaughter seeing he is solely responsible for the ship and the crew, really have to wonder if his position/rank was paid for seeing he obviously had no idea how to actually captain a ship and ensure it was fully fitted out(life vests/life boats) and in good condition, whatever happened to the captain goes down with the ship or being the last one off it, obviously his position meant he was never in any danger unlike his crew, again we see just how pathetic these supposed leaders are
  20. once again we see them making money more important than the lives of thais, in china covid has been spreading very quickly recently and around the world countries are making any chnese tourists have covid tests on arrival but this idiot is ignoring the facts because money is more important than lives. We are seeing the chunese once again spreading covid around the world and of course china saying testing chinese tourists shoulfd not happen, anyone else think that now the world is finally getting over covid china wants to bring it back once again for their benefit
  21. he wasnt chinese so doesnt matter, they must obey their masters as it only applies to those that must be obeyed
  22. our daughter was quite fluent in english before she went to university to study to be a doctor, now after 4 years at uni she just speaks thai all the time and rarely english and when she does I can barely understand her. Being a doctor you would think being able to speak english would be fairly important but it would appear that for some reason the uni has made english a non event
  23. when I married my wife I paid nothing, she owned 2 houses, 8 units, 2 cars and manages a large business, she wanted nothing from me(its called love), her relo's did but she refused. If you actually pay anything you are marrying for the wrong reasons, if she is really in love with you and not your money etc she will want nothing except you, her parents/famly can go play with themselves. The only ones after sinsod are money hungry a holes, you paying for the wedding etc and taking her off their hands is enough, tell them where they can stick their sinsod and you should tell them/her if there is any sinsod there is no marriage
  24. dont know why it took so long, two people in love, above the age to marry and not closely related should not be stopped, nothing else should come into it
  25. I was on disability(portability) prior to turning 67 so when I was offered to go onto the pension or remain on dissability I chose to remain on my dissability pension, as I had portability I just kept getting it. I have not been eligible for medicare for several years though as I am living outside Autralia and would have to return and have an aussie address to get back on it but my pension is safe, if you want your pension and have been living outside Australia you will need to go back for 2 years to qualify unless you have portability, have had a few mates that have had to do it before they were granted portability and could come back here. In Thaland you get the flat rate without the extra benefits but if you fly into and then out of Australia after a short stay you do get them for a short period, I havent been back for a few years so cant remember how long they were given to me on my return
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