police in other countries especially the west usually do their work the right way in most cases, they man police stations 24/7, they go out of the office and patrol roads etc, they investigate when needed(and dont demand to be paid to do it) and do not openly use stolen/confiscated goods, sell drugs, run gambling dens, consistently break the law themselves, take backhanders and ignore certain people breaking the law etc. When the higher ups are paid for other officers advancement, to make sure that "important" people are not charged/arrested etc their corrupt ways are all on display yet they dont care as they think they are above the law that applies to others, I have seen how police in other countries behave(even have 3 family members in the police force that tell me what happens) but it is no where near the extent of corruption in the thai police, police in Thailand look at it as a means to make more money only by using their positions, they do not care about doing what they are paid to do