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Everything posted by seajae

  1. Not sure if this is the right page but I need to find out if we can cut off branches that are hanging a few meters & some much longer into our yard from the neighbours rubber trees, we have no idea who owns the land as we have never seen then in the 3 years we have been here. We get so much leaf drop into our fountain as well as onto the roof they over hang so I want to cut them back to their side of the fenceline and drop all the branches into their land. In Australia this would not be a problem to do but here I have no idea what is legal and what isnt, can I cut them legally or not. We have the same problem with their palm oil trees on the back block as well, they overhang our trees which are much shorter and need sunlight(frangipani), we have already had an old tree they left growing from our fence and it took out a run of the barb wire when it fell onto the top of it, they just dont seem to care and we as I said we never see them. The problem is they have planted everything too close to the fenceline to use as much area as possible and havent considered how it effects to their neighbours land.
  2. same old me me me me attitude many here have, where are the police, this is theft pure and simple but no one steps in to return the money to the rightful victim, shows how pathetic thai justice is as well as how thai parenting leaves a lot to be desired. The victim is left with nothing whle mum blows it all on herself, she should be charged and locked up for a very long time
  3. Thai govt and corruption go hand in hand, anything where the govt pays out money for what ever reason involves some sort of corruption with players getting backhanders, this has been shown time and again over the years. This will be no different, pheu thai are big on corruption which does not bode well for a start, they are introducing a policy they put up only if the won the election, they did not win it but are pushing it because they want to get their hands on as much as they can while in govt, nothing new at all, this is just one big grab for money by them
  4. with the big boss thaksin back in Thailand they all have to do as they are told so they appoint his air head daughter who will do exactly as daddy tells her, shows how pathetic thai politics really are
  5. OK here is an update, Wise finally sent the money, apparently it was some sort of mix up between their banks in the US, she also had a problem of someone trying to hack into her account when she queried the problem online. Wise stepped in and fixed it all for her so that her account was safe and secure, she was very happy with the way Wise ended helping her plus the money was sent.
  6. really shows how pathetic the current govt is, associating with china and russia just allows the world to see that Thailand is run by idiots,
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/01/us/trump-russia-investigation-dossier.html, had to search for a left leaning news site so it should satisfy you but then as you refuse to beleive anything othewr that the BS dems have pushed I doubt this will change anything. I cant beleieve how pathetic voters are in the US, they are brain washed idiots, spoke to a friend the other day and she still says 5 police were killed on jan 6 even though that has been de bunked and shown to be BS same as the dossier but dems refuse to accept the truth , so pathetic
  8. A friend transferred money on the 12th and received notificaton it had been received but it has not been transferred as of today to my thai account, she has now received a message from Wise saying they havent received her money as yet but her bank has confirmed they did sent it to them on the 12th. Is anyone aware of any problems in the US with Wise and their transfers, she also had to supply Wise with her social security number, drivers licence, a couple of deposits in her account etc before they would do it even though she have used Wise previously, any help will be appreciated as she is worried she has losy her money.
  9. trouble is most thai riders/drivers are ignorant of the road rules and do as they please, I have lost count of the number of times when driving in the country we have been going around a blind corner with double lines and had a car or bike coming at us on our side of the road, thais simply do as they please. IN this case the rider was in the right, he was positioned correctly, the car driver just didnt want to be behind him so tried to overtake where he shouldnt has then swerved back in making the bike go down, hopefully he will lose his car paying for what the idiot did
  10. the steele dossier has been shown to be pure fabrication paid for by the democrats looking to get dirt on trump, nothing in it ever turned out to be correct and was all made up BS. Sueing the ones that fabricated it and/or promoted it is to be expected, doesnt matter which side of politics you support using falsified documents is not ok and the ones that did it need to be taken to the cleaners, the only ones that cant agree with this are those that are too rusted on with their hatred for the truth when it doesnt support their own parties narratives, truly pathetic
  11. you really have to wonder if this is simply trying to appease their supporters after lying to them to get into govt. The digital wallets were part of their campaign to win the election, they lost it so the promise was not and should not still be viable but they know they have lost support for blatantly lying to their supporters to get in to govt to get their leader back home, this is all a total farce but is to expected from these BS artists thay would say and do anything to get their snouts back in the trough
  12. linseed oil will induce mould, boiled or not especially with thai weather, we tried several different things with various typed of linseed oil in Australia after the introduction of red cedar exteriors became popular, they all had problems with mould. After a lot of experimentation over a few years we ended up with a 50/50 mix of wattyl forestwood oil exterior stain and cabots clear sealer x 2 coats , it was lasting many years(10 by the time I left) and holding well, unfortunately you wont get either here in Thailand, not sure if there are equivelents here though
  13. when you look at the vote virtually all the yes vote was in the city centres where all the activists and woke idiots that have no real idea about aboriginals live, all the outer suburbs and country areas where people live with aboriginals voted no, says a lot, even most aboriginals voted no. The WA farce also showed what would happen if it got through, that scared a lot of people after seeing how rediculous it became, over all it was a very bad idea pushed by the woke left and aboriginal activists rather than what the greater majority wanted. I lived and worked with aboriginals for a few years in outback Australia so have seen first hand what happens, I have had several aboriginal mates over the years as well so I have seen the best and worst in them, they do need help but not what the govt is doing and has done in the past as it only keeps pushing the blame game and does nothing to actually help the ones that really need it.
  14. yes killing children and babies then cutting off their heads shows how much of a man they are, these people are demented and brainwashed animals, while I had no qualms with hamas and Israel soldiers killing each other what hamas has done now has changed all that. Israel needs to eliminate them all so it never happens again, what hamas has done is the lowest of low, slaughtering innocents was not the way to go and has condemned them all to hell. Anyone supporting what hamas has done deserves to be put in the same basket, if you think this is ok then you have a very twisted mind, anyone that cheers slaughtering and beheading of innocents shows just how pathetically minded they really are, maybe if it was those that support what hamas has done had their wife and children/baby killed and beheaded by these animals they might stop and have a more rational thought on it, I have lost all sympathy for pallestinians after this, if Israel destroy them then as far as I am concerned they deserve it, killing enimies is expected but taking heads afterwards shows how backward those doing it and those supporting it really are, they do not deserve to be a part of humanity
  15. a very jelous wack job that wants to be in the lime light for her 15 minutes of fame, another pathetic loser that cant handle not being famous/well known so thinks running down her family will make her something she is not
  16. I would not start killing innocent women and children or using them as hostages, this is only done by cowards that have no humanity in them and deserve to be put down like the animals they are. Using violence so you can get your jollies is pathetic, I am not demented like these animals and I am capable of rational thought, using religion and hatred of another country as an excuse has no place in the modern world, it is not 2023 bc where these terrorists still live
  17. thats because the terrorist are cowards that hide behind women & children after killing innocent people so that they are also killed in any retaliation, when you have pathetic brain dead men that get their jollies by killing/slaughtering/raping small children and bragging about it to show how"big" they think they are you really have to wonder how pathetic these people really are, they deserve to be removed from the earth permanently as do any that do what these animals have done. At least the Israel soldiers dont hide behind civillians like these animals do, these terrorists use civillian schools/hospitals etc to hide their weapons/bombs, they deserve everything that happens to them.
  18. the terrorists have killed 250 plus and wounded 1500 plus by attacking civillian towns, this is terrrorism at its worst and they need to be wiped out completely, attacking soldiers is one thing but killing hundreds of innocent civillians because of their BS beliefs deserves total annihilation so it never happens again. This shows how backward and demented these terrorists really are, they are still living in the dark ages.
  19. why make the fishermen follow regulations to stop them destroying the fisheries around Thailand when they can pay the minister someone to ensure they dont have to worry about them at all and can return to their take all methods
  20. it has always dropped down for me no matter the amount I am transferring to Bangkok Bank, just query them to see what happened
  21. aussie post do not register it in their network when they arrive from Thailand, I have sent heaps to Australia registered post, the people I have sent them to have contacted aussie post and have been told : they have not arrived in Australia but was delivered the next day, it was never sent from Thailand but thai tracking shows it leaving the country, when chased up they have been found in various post offices, Australia post has become absolutely pathetic
  22. hahahahaha, this has to be a big joke considering many companies/people just use pirate copies of windows as well as most other programs
  23. "The Chinese engine has undergone rigorous inspection and has been approved by the Navy for its safety and efficiency", the big envelopes/cake boxes all those involved received from china had nothing to do with their decision of course
  24. so does this mean all incoming money transfers from abroad, if so will they will be taxing pensions as well when they are transferred from other countries, sounds more like a huge money grab by the government if it does, they should only be able to tax money earnt from Thailand not savings etc that were/are earned in other countries. This will be challenged as it is outright theft if the money has nothing to do with Thailand earnings, only the country where it is earned or banked have the right to any taxes from it, the finer details are needed to make sure what they plan to do is legal and not jut a way to rip farangs off
  25. just like last time they did this, the only ones that benefited were the ones that sold garbage tablets that were totally useless cheap rip offs at a huge profit and the ministers/higher ups that pocketed all the graft from buying them, seems to be the only way pheu thai can run govt, by getting graft the same way their leader did when he was in charge
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