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Everything posted by seajae

  1. big brother is back in charge, all the charges etc will now disappear and the shin clan will continue where they left off
  2. every man & his dog knew this idiot had his fingers in the cookie jar, this just proves it, again we see how corrupt thai politics really is
  3. wife and myself both contracted covid over the songkran weekend in Phatthalung, symptoms were not as bad as our original covid some time back but are similar, still having chest problems & headaches but slowly getting better. We have been wearing masks since we started getting sick but unfortunately many thais do not wear masks when sick and prefer to spread what they have to everyone else which is why it is still around. Was also hard getting medical help, surprised at the way we were treated by hospital staff and doctors.
  4. Finally got it working properly yesterday, after checking per what you have said I did find the problems and corrected them, pump is now working fine again.
  5. thanks guys, will check it out, also realized that the 2" tube into the well may not be sitting under water continually, the filter is only plastic so has a tendency t float and the weight to hold it down had come away so wll try attaching another weight to ensure the end remians under water, really appreciate the replies
  6. I have a 2" honda water pump that only pulls a 4 to 5 metre head, its rated at a 8 metre head, was working fine but last week it started to loose pressure when watering, Pump does not change revs at all but water pressure from the watering hose goes from a 3 metre squirt for a few minutes to a 30cm dribble for a few minutes, this repeats continously while the pump is running between the 2 different pressures. With all the heat I have had to have 2000 ltrs added to the well everytime I want to water as the well runs dry over night(water table has dropped due to other doing heavy watering), this problem started happening after the first time the well ran dry but once we had the 2000 ltrs added the pump started working ok before this started happening so it has me puzzled, removed the screw cap and made sure the priming area was full and cap securely back on but have had to refill the priming area the next day before use. I am not mechanical minded apart from some basic stuff so any suggestions as to why this is happening would be appreciated, pump was serviced around 6 months back so I know it should be ok, thought possibly air in the sytem but not really sure as I cant understand why the pressure changes keep happening at similar times continually.
  7. more greed in action, what more can be expected. Thai fishermen have destroyed the fisheries of the country purely through greed, they will do what ever it takes to take every living thing from the ocean in their quest to become richer. It will not be long till there is nothing for them to take due to their greed and they now have a pathetic govt that will do what ever it takes for them to stay where they are, shows why Thailand will remain a third world country until they vote in a decent government that will do what is needed for the country as a whole not just for themselves.
  8. over 500 trees, you expect me to pay because of the neighbours refusal to do anything when I already pay for coir chip and spreading it around the trees, as for eating them I have already told the worker he can kill and eat as many as he can catch
  9. we use Dragon Couriers now, more expensive but very reliable
  10. hahahahahaha, this coming from the country that regularly cause major health out breaks and virus, shows how bad these people really are and refusal to accept the truth that the country is basically a open air toilet with extreme eating habits, bats anyone
  11. EMS used to be great prior to covid, we had boxed articles delivered to the US in 4 days with a guarantee of 6 days maximum but that is no longer what is happening, last time I used them it took several weeks and not direct flights, they stopped in other countries for weeks at a time. I have put it down to the business being sold and/or profits becoming more important than delivering the articles as their service has dropped so much that they can no longer be trusted, they are supposed to be a fast service but that is no longer the case, E-express M-mail S-service is now worse than thai post and the express part is absolute BS, also the last time we used them 2 boxes were badly damaged, they can no longer be regarded as a safe, trusted, fast delivery service
  12. Our neighbour has chickens, he doesnt live on his block of land and just lets his chickens roam around, we have fences around our land but the chickens still get into it to scratch around the trees. The trouble is we buy coir chip and have our worker place it around the trees to stop the moisture from evaporating quickly with all the heat currently, the chickens scratch it all out as well as scratch down destroying the feeder roots on the young trees/seedlings which in turn cause some of the trees/seedlings to die. We have asked our neighbour to keep his chickens in their pens which he used to do originally but he just shrugs and says too hard, as some of the trees/seedlings are worth a lot of money I need to protect them and want to start killing any of his chickens I find on our land seeing he refuses to do anything about them. I have been told that as I have fenced our land in I have the right to kill any animals etc that invade it but do not want to get in trouble with the law, I also want to put down baits for the chickens along our side of the fence, paying for coir chip as well as labour to put it around our trees just so his chickens can scratch it all away is costing us money, it is getting rediculous, we need to be able to protect out property from his finacial costs. The trees are plumeria/frangipani/lillawadee, some of the best varieties in the world, I do cross pollination to create new varieties so the trees are worth a lot of money, I need to be able to stop his chickens from destroying them and he just doesnt care or want to do anything about it, killing them appears to be our last option but only if we can do it legally, this is where a 410 shot gun would come in very handy with rat shot but baits seem to be the only option for us if we are allowed to protect our land. Would appreciate other people that farm here to let me know if we are allowed to protect our land and to kill his chickens without getting into trouble with the law, not worried about the neighbour as he has shown in the past to be a total a hole.
  13. and shows you once again refuse to accept the truth because it doesnt fit your narative, mate, you really do have a major problem thinking only your statements are all people should accept and everything else is hearsay, the demented left in action again
  14. muslims deny it because they do not want it accepted as the truth because it puts them in a bad light, they know it is true and did happen but dont want people to accept that many muslims think terrorism is good and that killing/raping non muslims is acceptable. There is video evidence of this happening, there is body cam recordings done by the muslim terrorists while doing it, you only have to look at the video of the girl they raped and killed being dragged through the streets and all the muslims kicking/spitting on her body to see exactly how these radical idiots think and behave, the uk has a lot to worry about with this happening in their own country, while muslims are basically good cirizens these radicals are not, same as radicals in any religion, govts need to make sure they are not able to push their BS on everyone else.
  15. strange as I do it often and it is never questioned by immigration, they just require my wife to ensure mine is updated yearly at my extension, they do not want/require one everytime we go away for a few days, werent the laws changed to not require constant re filing tm30's if only traveling inside Thailand and not changing your regular residence, while we had to do it when it was made into law we havent had to since the law for tm30's for every stay away from your residence was removed
  16. bank account not doing as good as can be expected so needs some topping up
  17. all govt departments are on the take in some form, this is just a part of Thailands graft and corruption mentality and why thais want to get govt jobs, they know that a govt job guarantees them extras through graft, the police are only a part of it all.
  18. going direct to make sure they get to bring home an extra package/cake box for each of them full of appreciation for accepting the bribe respectful proposition
  19. the police refuse to arrest thais that break the same rules everyday but chase foreigners because there is more money in it for them, the police totally ignore thais breaking road regulations right in front of them, I see it all the time. Bikes/cars/trucks driving the wrong way on a street, nothing, no licence, nothing, bikes/cars/trucks running red lights, nothing, failing to idicate, nothing, speeding, nothing, bikes with multiple people on them or no helmets, nothing. Thai police are very selective on who they pull over if they work at all, it all depends totally on how much graft they can get away with
  20. yes, how dare the winner of the election visit to see the problems that the people are suffering to help them when the criminal element of pt are there trying to win back support for their pathetic party after shafting Thailand with their BS just to bring back their criminal leader and get back in the trough all while ignoring the real problems local people are suffering
  21. my wife has a problem in that she plucks white hairs from her head just about every night leaving bald patches and has taken to doing comb/brush overs to hide it, apart from that she has fairly thick hair but says she can "feel" the white hair, dont know if this is a thai thing but she has been doing it for many years, she is in her 50's.
  22. then you would know that Israel claim to the land predates Palestine by 1000 years but dont let the truth get in the way of your "opinion", anyone that reads & understands history knows the truth of the matter but then again some ignore the truth to push their own biased BS to suit their agenda
  23. so why are they using the schools and hospitals as their bases and supply areas if they dont want "their" people injured, they use their own people and hostages because they lack intestinal fortitude, why should they be injured when they can use innocents to take the bullets for them. There are a lot of empty buildings etc they could use to attack the idf but they instead go to the heavily populated areas instead, they are pathetic cowards and deserve everything they get
  24. when we built our new house the pea pole was placed outside our fenceline on the road side with the meter then the pea had to place a pole near our house and set the power line to it as well, our electrician then wired everything from that pole, we had to pay the pea extra for them to do this as well as for the poles to our land. If your house is wired from the opposite side of the road to a pole near your house then it is more than likely the pea were the ones that ran the wires to it before the electricians ran wires to your house, in this case it should be a pea problem if they did wire to the pole in front of your house from the other side of the road, doesnt matter where the meter is as they are the ones that did the wiring that is leaking.
  25. big difference between Israel and the terrorists is that idf isnt hiding behind the civillian population while attacking anyone, these terrorists are basically cowards, they try to avoid being injured/killed by attacking unarmed civillians then proclaiming how great they are to kill children, women and old people. The when the idf goes after them they hide behind non combatants while shooting at the idf, then they claim the idf is killing the civillians that they are using as shields when returning fire, maybe if these gutless terrorists actually fought without using their own people as shields there would be a lot less deaths but they refuse to do so, instead they use schools & hospitals as their bases, the money sent by the rest of the world that is supposed to be used for their people is instead used to make their tunnels and buy weapons. The land has always been Israels for centuries as well so trying to claim it as theirs has been showe time & again as being total BS. The problem is based on their own religious beliefs that promotes exactly what they are doing, raping and killing, while I may not like the idea of so many dying it falls directly at the terrorists feet, if they were "real" men they would not be acting as cowardly as they are, these people are beneath contempt and I hope hamas is totally destroyed along with the other muslim terrorsit groups that use any possible reason to rape and kill so they can get their jollies and show everyone how big they think their appendage is, "look mum & dad, I killed these unarmed women & children after rapiong them, arent I great"
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