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Everything posted by seajae

  1. really have to wonder at how pathetic someone is to let politics or religion to come into dating or getting a bit, all this does is show just how deluded dem voters are, cant have it off with anyone if someone didnt vote the way they demand them too. Mate you are a total drop kick, just goes to show the demented thinking of dems, they believe they are the be all and end all of everything, its why they were totally screwed over by the US voting public and lost in every instance, the presidency, the senate, the house and the vote, looks like you also lost getting a bit on the side, hahahahaha.
  2. generally sending plant material outside Thailand requires a phytosanitary certificate to ensure it is not infected/carrying anything untoward, when my wife sends seeds to the US and elsewhere a phyto is needed or they are returned/destroyed
  3. Spot on mate, they all see the dollar/baht signs they can make from ripping off farangs with the new tax BS, it is all just a money grab, something thais seem to be pretty good at.
  4. the armed forces are there to protect the country not bow down to woke culture designed to suit the pathetic democrat play book, the US armed forces used to be recognized as an elite fighting force, now they are regarded as a joke. Getting them back to where they were before biden totally f'd them up is the only way to go especially with all the world conflicts, getting rid of the BS gender crap is the first thing that needs to go then all the other woke crap that was pushed onto them.
  5. why in the hell would I be interested in anything about the f'd uk BS, in Australia it is a piece of wood, 4" x 2", perfect size to knock some sense into idiots
  6. the idiots voted for a woke govt now they can reap what they voted for, the UK is f'd
  7. time for the govt to lock this idiot up or deport her, calling for violence is beyond a joke, a piece of 4 x 2 would fix the problem
  8. I went in yestreday to get something and as usual it was out of stock so I refreshed a couple of times and got it(no longer out of stock), must be a glitch with their software
  9. some couriers will openly lie about deliveries, I have had it several times over the years, even had one courier deliver my packge to someone over 100 klm away. A lot comes down to which courier they use, some have no problem lying about not being able to deliver for various reasons, no one home or courier was phoned asking to delay delivery for another day seem to be the most popular.
  10. I too have noticed that some of the more popular restaurants have dropped the bundle on their food quality, they were great at one stage but their quality has dropped a lot, The thing is I have also found that local mum & pop shops have maintained their quality and service so we have dropped going to bigger name shops and go to the smaller local ones and still get great food. If I had to put up a reason it would be profits in the bigger name ones, they are now after a lot more profit and dropping quality and service are the result while mum & pop shops havent changed, they rely on regular customers without all the fancy bits & pieces, they are cheap and very good while maintaining the quality of their ingredients as well as service. As for coffee I find starbuck s coffee is garbage as is most of the brand name coffee, again they rely on their name only and not the quality. If I want to get a good coffeee I go the the smaller shops, I select the roast not accept the style they make the shop use or I make it at home with beans I buy and grind it myself. Many thais as well as other only go to branded shops because they want people to think they are more than they really are, same with some restaurants, when I read about all the crap about big brand shops I cant stop laughing, this is Thailand, its not the west so everything depends on profits, this is one of the first things you learn living here, profits are more important than anything else especially with branded shops, maybe do as the locals do and eat at the better mom & pop shops
  11. they do not belong on the foot path and I am sure a few years ago they stopped it or tried. I have been hit by an idiot racing through people that were walking, they should be on the road where they belong but many thais do what is easiest for them and do not give a stuff about anyone else, its the same on the roads, they just ignore the law when it suits them. I do know that the next time some idiot on a motor bike comes close to me on a foot path they will be "accidentily" knocked off their bike when I stretch my arms cause I didnt see them & that I am aware the law says that thewy shouldnt be there
  12. yes it was, I had to phone the bank and jump through hoops to get it done but eventually they accepted it so I am now able to transfer to the new Wise account they set up.
  13. of course he does, they are in each others pockets
  14. In Australia bottle shops operate from 8am to 10pm or hours in between 9 - 9 etc but there are also ones that do home deliveries at differing hours, Thailands 11 am opening and 2 pm to 5 pm closing before opening again is total BS
  15. I have a 45" chest and have a hard time finding shirts to fit, thai sizing makes me think that thai men like to think they are big when they are not. A 5xl is still tight across my chest in most cases, I look for sizing that has the actual measurements and then allow for the variance as they are always a few centimetres out, have most luck when there are sales etc in shopping centres as they try to get rid of larger sizes as most thais have smaller chests.
  16. wife said the same thing actually, we do have several cameras around the house inside the fence as well as on the house itself plus we have a few good dogs that would have no problem causing bodily harm if they got over the fence at our other house near the lake they would hold big parties till the early hours, music was that loud the windows would shake and the bass was set so high it would go through your body, unfortunately in Thailand there dont appear to up hold the laws as police are not inteeted and local govt officials take back handers. We are lucky that my wife did go higher than local govt I found out, they actually called her today and told her exactly what they would do and shutting them down is on top of their list,
  17. Update, wife went to speak to local authority and took all the pics, they have told the factory owneres theh have till the 17th of this month to start build a fence around the property and place filters to stop the smoke or they will be closed down. They have been promising both for over a year but never did it, apparently they are very wealthy and their family own a lot of land in our area.
  18. We have a bitumen/cement business about 100 metres away, they were good when we bought our land but now totallty disregard the laws, they work 7 days a week and on public holidays, noise levels are badlus now they are generating a heavy black cloud of smoke that has a very bad smell and drifts across our house as well as getting inside, This morning it was really bad and I currently have a heavy burning sensation in my chest and have trouble breathing, I did ride the qaud bike there and took pics then went to the office and told the girls they need to shut it down then took more pics from their veranda so they could watch me so it, I rode home and about 5 minutes later it was shut down, I would not be surprised if it is carcenogenic, currently considering going to a lawyer to see if anything legal can be done and if we can take them for the problems it is causing me, will add a pic to show what I am talking about. This smoke drifts over our land/house and when there is no wind it settles on us
  19. about to renew my extension in the next couple of weeks, 400,000 baht needs to be in your bank account at least 2 months prior to the application and needs to remain there for around another month during the consideration period, it can be removed as soon as you get your approval and new stamp. I have been doing this way for several years, I just remove the money for 9 months once my extension is approved and place it in a seperate account with the chance of excellent interest.
  20. Doesnt matter which side you are on, everyone has the right to vote the way they feel, a wife/husband doing this because they voted differently is really pushing sh*t uphill. All it does ia show how mentally deficient they are by demanding their partners vote the way they are told to, divorce is the only way to go with idiots like this, it shows just how pathetic they think.
  21. he knows he has the courts in his pocket so he can do as he pleases with no recourse, so much for not having anything to do with running the pheu thai, this shows who is the big boss of it and always will be, trouble is the courts are never going to find him guilty because he has them all taking his money
  22. has totally ignored all the arrogant thais that openly ignore any laws probably because he is one of them, pot kettle black
  23. mate I am aware of this but this is Thailand and road rules mean nothing to most thai drivers/riders, most dont even know the road rules and drive in a way that suits them only, no indicators, wrong side of the road, overtake and flash light and expect you to drive off the road for them, they are way to arrogant and would not get a licence in any western country. The fact police refuse to do anything about it doesnt help
  24. happens all the time, seems some thais do not like to stop or wait for other cars when they want to turn right so drive on the wrong side of the road to ensure they do not have to wait for other cars when they get to the road they want to turn right into, see it virtually everytime we drive anywhere
  25. bought and paid for obviously
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