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Posts posted by 15Peter20

  1. "Rahu attacks Surya, the Sun deity and Chandra, the Moon deity before being compelled to release them by their recitation of a brief stanza conveying their reverence for the Buddha. The Buddha responds by enjoining Rahu to release them, which Rahu does rather than have his "head split into seven pieces"

    That never happened. Believe me.

  2. What is the point of this article? It isn't so much a news story as an internal memo.

    This is probably the sort of 'constructive reporting' the PM keeps telling everybody to report. But it is only reported by the government's own 'news' agency - the National News Bureau of Thailand.

    Of course the aim of 'stories' like this is to garner widespread credit from the public. Whilst it might do among people who have little or no expectations of their government, most of us can see it for what it is - trying to get credit for doing something they're supposed to be doing anyway. Parallel examples:

    - Look at me, I'm a great parent - I feed my kids!

    - Look at me, I'm a great student - I go to school!

    - Look at me, I'm a great soccer player - I can kick a ball!

    Or in this case:

    - Look at us, we're a great government - we followed up on policy implementation in Nakhon Nayok!

    Note to government: Stop trying to take credit for what you are paid to do! If you are good, people with eyes and ears will see and hear of it because it will improve their own lives. Its just that your performance must be somewhat greater than checking policy implementation in Nakhon Nayok!

  3. When is one of these attitude adjustment subjects going to grow a spine and refuse to sign the NCPO's 'I'll be a good boy' contract?

    There have been stories of such people's livelihoods, relatives and general safety being threatened should they not sign such paper and sure it is easy for me to suggest they tell the NCPO to stuff it - its not my health, career or relatives they are threatening - but the last thing the NCPO want is to have to follow through on their threats and risk seeming all the more draconian by the public at large.

    Once again, leaders of true conviction seem to be thin on the ground and large numbers of people suffer in the long term as a result. I don't care what party this guy is from. I hope he can just stick to his fundamental right to express himself.

  4. News flash. I follow Stephff and love his cartoons. He just got a call from

    the Foreign Ministry trying to straighten this out. Apparently the Director

    General thought he was a foreign journalist and did not realize he does

    work for the Nation. So hopefully this will be resolved, but it certainly does

    send a chilling message to other foreign journalists....

    His update from his Facebook page. I certainly hope this gets

    straightened out....

    "new update on my work permit renewal refusal : I just got a call 25 minutes ago from the Foreign Ministry . They said that the Director-General didn't realize I was working for the Nation . So what they ask me to do is to provide a letter of support from The Nation instead of being a cartoonist for a foreign newspaper ( I work full time for the Kuwait Times as a cartoonist since 1999 ) . So apparently it's not poltically motivated - just new regulation from the Foreign ministry to make life harder on freelance journalists... So will see if they grant me renewal with letter of sponsor from The Nation . I apologize that the story is not as exciting as it may have seemed . But this confirm what the FCCT knows already : that there is a trend of getting rid of non-important journalists - small freelancers - you know those who can't make big noises ..."

    Next question - is The Nation going to dare provide a letter of support? They and the Bangkok Post have hung contributors out to dry before...

  5. My daughter went to Montfort a few years ago. If they get decent grades when they leave they can get 50% or 100% off tuition fees at ABAC (Assumption University) in Bangkok as it is run by the same cabal of catholic priests. She previously went to Varee. Montfort certainly has a more academic focus, with healthy competition between students. And the friendships made between kids at a school like that can reap benefits later in life too.

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