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Posts posted by 15Peter20

  1. I'm gonna do you guys a favor and break it down to the bare bones. History provides the context. Democracy is viewed in more than one way here. ----- counsellors themselves have argued in the past that a ------- is actually an effective expression of democracy since if most people were dissatisfied with a man they could change him. Words from a man's mouth decades ago. Diplomatic dispatches as well as public announcements have conveyed this and there is nothing private about it.

    People at the highest levels have ring fenced the fallibilty of such and protected it so that what once was ostensibly changeable is no longer so. Thus, with an available constant which purportedly transcends political shenanigans there is always available a way to gain control for those closest to it for the reason of national security. The exploitation of political disagreement to remove control from political parties.

    That part of Thainess which so many of us love - tolerance, 'mai pben rai', acceptance - have been the enablers on a societal level, as well as religious and moral overtones. Political players come and go, but they are just the flotsam and jetsam on the tide I am trying to describe. If this post makes no sense, either you haven't been here long, or the generals and 'families' of the past 50 years have done a good job on you.

  2. "I am thinking about it. But I don't want to create impacts. Cabinet reshuffle or not, if I talk about it today the economy and security may be affected and there could be conflict," Prayut said...

    Haha! Then he'd have to arrest himself for potentially causing conflict. If his own laws were being applied equally to all, of course.

  3. "the former minister said that stopping people to talk and to express their opinions through the barrel of the gun will not lead to sustainable peace"

    I bet Suthep is smirking when reading this. It is what the red shirts did to his protestors in 2013/14.

    Watana is right though as it does not lead to sustainable peace which is exactly why the military had to step in.

    Well done for inadvertently justifying the coup.

    "It is what the red shirts did to his protestors in 2013/14."

    That statement is so detached from reality I don't know where to begin in refuting it.

    "Watana is right though as it does not lead to sustainable peace which is exactly why the military had to step in."

    The military staged a coup and banned freedom of expression at gunpoint indefinitely, which you agree does not lead to sustainable peace. So why do you support them?

    I'm guessing its because he married into the family of a high ranking military type and is currently enjoying a relatively high standard of living because of it. Either that, or his car got scratched during a red shirt rally 5 years ago. And they were subsequently rude to him.

  4. According to the BP, there were about 30 'students'. Certainly not dressed in school uniform, as their pic showed. Looked more like a rabble of the yellow/red guards when they were doing their thing.

    Still, they're supporting the guys with the biggest guns so they get to do their demonstrating without suffering state sponsored violence followed by 'legal' action.

  5. Prayut has to keep making up excuses to stay in power until the very important thing has happened. Since no-one knows when this will happen, we all have to indefinitely remain as participants in this ridiculous, unspeakable national charade which is stunting the social development of the country as effectively as the most incompetent/impotent Thai government ever did.

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