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Posts posted by 15Peter20

  1. "She said she believed if her group is arrested more students of the group will have a movement."

    Yes, it seems everyone has the movements with the junta now.

    Good on the students. About time we saw some Thai backbone against those who took control for the sole purpose of self preservation and protection of their little empires.

    Not like Pheu Thai and the Shinawatra brood then!!??

    Yep, pretty much like that. So why don't you dislike the military usurpers as much as the Shins? Red guards scratched your car? Or insulted a loved one?

  2. Isn't it nice being governed by all these good, educated people?

    Let's remind ourselves why these generals were so warmly welcomed by some when they took power. The legitimate government's ills which they purported to be ridding us of at the time were:

    - large scale corruption

    - lack of accountability

    - clamping down on the press

    - railroading the constitution

    - threat of violence towards opponents

    hmm....the more things change, the more they stay the same. Or in this case, get worse. Oh yeah, there were all those undefined 'reforms' too. I'm sure we're all loving the emperor's new clothes.

  3. I wonder how many would turn their backs on beer if they knew every purchase was propping up the 'educate people' who run the country and keep the military in their pockets to do what is necessary when push comes to shove in the main arena....

    Tough choice - personal joy tonight versus political future of Thailand. Should we give it one more day?

  4. I have made the connection between 2010 & 2014 many times on here in the various forums: only to be shoted down, ridiculed, insulted or spoken to in a most arrogant manner. Pleased to see that the RTP are now making this connection public. Perhaps I wasn't so stupid after all?

    Ianf, with respect I say to you, your credibility is not going to be restored on this forum by believing the RTP have got it right.

    What credibility? I speak as I see and if folk don't like it - stuff 'em!

    Oh well, I'm stuffed.

  5. It's not really surprising no-one would employ him considering his record. Rape, assault and drug charges.

    This is a sad story. The guy was 18 years old when he was sentenced to 9 years. If Thailand had a modern prison regime (i.e. professional anger management, drug addiction treatment, vocational training, resocialization) he might would have got his life under control and become happy und useful for society. Seems like he was really devasted instead, so the convictions 2006 now seems more like a death-sentence. Well, at least he didn't rape anyone and didn t harm someone else. RIP

    Thai prison sentences are purely about punishment and revenge. They have nothing to do with correction or rehabilitation.

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