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Posts posted by 15Peter20

  1. First there was a military coup. Then a judicial coup. Now....coup by election commission.

    Yes, how dare they enforce the law. Outrageous behaviour.

    Well pretty soon they're gonna be writing the law once they pull off this 'death by a thousand EC decisions' tactic and I'm sure they'll be as zealous in enforcing it then as they are now.

  2. This whole army vs red shirt thing is a complete red herring which is damaging Suthep's support because it is diverting attention from the issues he is putting forward and people are focusing on this non-story rather than focusing on anything that might endear him to them.

    Why is it a red herring? The majority of red shirts have absolutely no interest in cessation as this was just whipped up in the same manner as any off the cuff, spur of the moment, over-the-top threat the type of which we've seen endless examples of on both red and yellow stages, and is now blown out of proportion by the hysterical media outlets. It will never amount to anything other than an empty slanging match and in the meantime, Suthep is less in the headlines, support wanes, the SOE is lifted and.....no army-redshirt showdown.

    An example of anti-gov media outlets letting their headlines cloud the strategy of the very people they support. Oh well.

  3. Looks like the Thai military knows more about what's going on in Malaysian airspace than the Malaysian military does. I find that quite surprising.

    No, I find it quite surprising that posters try to make something out of nothing.

    The plane was not identified as the missing plan.

    The plane was over Thai airspace.

    I find it even more surprising - and quite funny - that posters try to be clever whilst simultaneously making an arse of themselves.

    It wasn't over Thai airspace. It was picked up by a Thai radar station. The thing about radar, see, is that it can pick up things across national borders if you crank it up to setting number '11'.

  4. MISSING MH 370

    Thai Air Force radar may have picked up MH 370: ACM Prachin

    The Nation

    BANGKOK: -- A Thai Air Force radar station in Surat Thani detected a passenger aircraft that departed from Malaysia but diverted and passed the port city of Butterworth, Malaysia, Thai Air Force's chief ACM Prajin Juntong said Tuesday.

    The aircraft could then have flown to the Straits of Malacca, the general said, adding that this information confirmed what Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak said in a press conference concerning the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines' flight MH 370.

    However, Prachin said, it has yet to be confirmed whether the aircraft detected by the Surat Thani radar station was actually the missing flight.

    He was speaking as Malaysia is seeking the help of governments across a large expanse of Asia in the search for the Boeing 777, which has been missing since March 9 and had 239 people on board.

    Najib said that the plane deliberately diverted from its flight path and new data showed the last communication between the missing plane and satellites, almost seven hours after it turned back and crossed the Malay peninsula.

    Prachin said he would have the information handed over to Malaysian Air Force.

    Meanwhile caretaker Foreign Minister Surapong Tohvichakchaikul said his Malaysian counterpart would call him to talk about cooperation in the search for the missing aircraft.


    -- The Nation 2014-03-18

    Looks like the Thai military knows more about what's going on in Malaysian airspace than the Malaysian military does. I find that quite surprising.

  5. This may seem like a silly question, but is it possible for a member of a flight crew to go nearly the whole distance of a journey without actively checking where exactly they are? I mean, if one of the co-pilots or captain is left alone in the cockpit for a while and changes direction without the others noticing, is it possible that those others will not check their location for hours more?

    Thanks for any insight.

    No Peter, not a silly question, but it is not possible.

    Edit, let me rephrase that. I am constantly reminded by interactions with certain people on here that anything is possible, so I will say yes 'anything is possible', but the scenario you describe is truly difficult to comprehend a crew or member of crew doing. Pilots are constantly aware of and updating their position.

    I thought on these commercial flights the crew can let the plane pretty much fly itself apart from takeoff and landing. Oh well, so the idea that one person alone could have produced the behaviour we know about seems unlikely.

  6. This may seem like a silly question, but is it possible for a member of a flight crew to go nearly the whole distance of a journey without actively checking where exactly they are? I mean, if one of the co-pilots or captain is left alone in the cockpit for a while and changes direction without the others noticing, is it possible that those others will not check their location for hours more?

    Thanks for any insight.

  7. And that is why these courts are called "user friendly" for one side of the political divide.

    It is also why the PAD-Dem's want to obstruct the current election, and by extension avoid the convening of Parliament.

    Before such 'user friendly' courts and so-called Independent Agencies, they are not the minority they are in parliament....A minority atributed to their electoral futility.

    The more they can excercise Opposition to the Govt. outside Parliament, the more favorable it is to them.

    Under normal circumstances, the Opposition would have grilled the Govt. in Parliament, about the deportation of this guy, and one of their brethren-in-arms.

    Bottom line IMHO, the obstruction of this election is as much about preventing the convening of Parliament, is it is their fear of electoral results.

    That's your interpretation of events.

    The fact of the matter is this deportation was vindictive and politically motivated. Satish didn't do anything illegal. Did he take over the government buildings? Did he fight the police? Did he blow anything up? No. All he did was go on stage to join the protest against this crap government. Since when is protest illegal? For that, Chlalerm decided to deport him. You red sympathizers always cry that the courts are against this government. How about the fact that this government did something wrong and the courts are doing the right thing.

    "That's your interpretation of events."

    "The fact of the matter is..." [goes on to give his interpretation of events].....

    Thanks for boiling down the TV News Forum to its bare bones - people claiming opinions as facts.

    • Like 2
  8. Hi

    Does anyone know what the impact of the Constitution Court's scrapping of the 2 trillion baht borrowing bill will be on the planned extensions and new lines of the Bangkok Mass Transit system? Personally, I'm interested in the aforementioned yellow line monorail from Samrong up to Lad Praow. I'm just wondering how likely this and the other planned projects are to go ahead within the next few years.



  9. The red rouge can't aim those Vietnam era M 79's to save their lives, literally.

    Now it was aimed at the opposition protest's leader, done again with outdated and black market weapons- despite which, we can wait about 5 or 10 minutes for some trollers to mention how this was deliberately set up.

    Bottom line is the attempted scare isn't stopping anti shinanwatra sentiment, nor will this allow PTP to flourish with endless hired amateurs out to kill. the square faced man in Dubai should spend more time having his minions trained in Isreal if he wants to use precision with weapons. This silly behaviour is making the whole of PTP and their supporters look like the untrained, uncouth, uncivilized fools they really are.

    "The red rouge..." laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.pngblink.png

    • Like 1
  10. Yes you can, It's up to the Constitutional Court to rule on the issue, and former-DPM caretaker-Labour Minister Chalerm is not part of the court, is he ?

    So "Mr Chalerms confirmation of Ms Yinglucks status" means diddly-squat, until the Court agrees or disagrees, it's only his personal opinion. wink.png

    Not that he's biased, in any way, or also affected by the decision himself ! facepalm.gif

    I'm not saying that you are guilty of this since I don't know your position on the disrupted election, but anyone who endorsed the blocking of polling stations last month and now harps on about the importance of sticking to the constitution sounds very hollow to me.

    • Like 1
  11. Its sort of funny as soon as "life in prison" gets mentioned, they all suddenly start acting more responsibly. Maybe the threat of serious legal consequences would deter brigandry from all sides would lead to real reconciliation and progress. Its worth a try!

    Serious legal consequences have been totally ignored by the leaders of both sides in this dispute. Instead of mocking those who you claim have heeded the seriousness of their situation and changed their tune, I'd have thought you would be congratulating them. Sort of funny, indeed.

  12. I'm not sure how serious it is, let's hope not at all really.

    That said, the people of the North and South are very different in language appearance and many beliefs. Working in Phuket and Krabi for many years, I notice a big big difference when I go to anwhere North of Ayudhya.

    Countries have split that are less diverse than this... But lets hope the heat starts to go from all of this soon.

    Go to England, people in the south sometimes don't have a clue what northerners are talking about.

    And we don't care what folks South of Barnsley think of us either, 555

    Not so much a red buffalo, than a yellow whippet, then?

    • Like 1
  13. The stuff is perforated vinyl film, like this http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Graphics/3Mgraphics/Products/Catalog/~/3M-Scotchcal-Perforated-Window-Film-IJ67-54-in-x-50-yd?N=4294096505+5019245&&Nr=AND(hrcy_id%3AZW18FCCC1Ggs_W96BL46WJB_N2RL3FHWVK_GPD0K8BC31gv)&rt=d it's intended to be printed with commercials before fixing so seems only available in white.

    Somewhere that produces vehicle adverts will likely be able to sell you some.

    Next post:-

    Where can I find printed vehicle ads?

    Crossy - you were right!

    Seriously though, it would be better I guess to go to the people who supply the advertisers/designers, as I just want plain white. Was hoping it could be found in HomePro or something. Anyway, thanks for the link!

  14. Hi

    I'm not sure if it has a specific name but I'm in need of that type of window film which is used to cover the BTS train windows - the type which is not tinted, but seems to be white with loads of holes in so that it's possible to see out quite well but a lot of sun is reflected and heat kept out.

    I'll need this to cover a set of glass patio-style doors.

    Does anyone know where this stuff can be purchased in BKK (preferably Bang Na area but anywhere in BKK will do), and also what its called, if it has a specific name?

    Thanks a lot.


  15. The burning in the north creates far dirtier air than you get in Bangkok, and its for more than a couple of months per year. The funny thing is, when I speak to Thais around Bangkok they always mention about how clear the air must be in Chaing Mai, when it's actually much better in Bangkok. Typically, you get sore throats and runny noses on a regular basis and sometimes you can even taste the crap in the air at the back of your mouth in the early morning.

    I have left Chiang Mai partly for that reason and my kids are joining me now in Bangers. I cannot in good conscience keep them exposed to that kind of pollution for years on end. It is a disgrace and an embarrassment to the North of Thailand.

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