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Posts posted by 15Peter20

  1. The excuse for a coup seems to be gaining momentum. I wonder who would benefit most from a coup?

    Not Thaksin, Yingluck or PTP. That's for sure.

    The people will benefit the most as it will set the reform process in order and the dust will have settled by the time a true and fair election will be called, and hopefully there will be a true democracy in Thailand for the first time ever.

    Would you say that the people have benefited the most from the other coups of the past? Or are you hoping for an unprecedented overhaul of Thai politics?



    You have both Bangkok English language newspapers reporting this in the last hour. If you want the longer version then go to the site of the newspaper we dare not quote.

    We cannot question here too much-but why the H#ll use it as a topic if posters have to scurry round sites to get verification, on any matter.

    As posters we believe and trust TVF, shame other parties do not want quotes from their news.

    "As posters we believe and trust TVF"

    Holy shit......

    • Like 1
  3. Report on RichardBarrow's twitter account saying a protest guard was shot in the head by....a protester!?

    Goes to show that in a country where anyone with money can get weapons, such shootings can occur as a result of local arguments not just political or ideological differences. If the report is true I hope the incident doesn't fuel the debate on red/yellow or Thaksin/Suthep or Democracy/Dictatorship when really it could have been just a couple of drunks forgetting themselves.

  4. You can be on the edge of a volcano, or on the verge of erupting. But you can't be on the verge of a volcano.

    Joining you in Pedantsville, I think you can be on the verge of a volcano if that verge is of the grassy type, for example. Since a volcano's grassy verge is more likely to appear at lower inclines, say around the foot of the cone, I believe the OP is actually saying things aren't yet quite as bad as they may become and we are still far away from the edge of the crater of the volcano, which is presumably what is meant by your 'edge of the volcano' correction.

  5. you willfully ignore the imbalance of course because you are biased. That's okay, it is your right to be biased and good luck to you. But not to acknowledge the fact that it is not balanced to show one without the other is just a symptom of your bias, not a reflection of impartial reporting.

    By the same extension, you are showing your own bias by not recognizing there any number of other threads that reflect "the other side" (to coin a phrase) bias. Take for example, most of the OP's where KhaoSod is the source. Additonally, there are hundreds of posters that post articles, blogs, Facebook entries, youtube videos, and practically every other source under the sun that reflect a tremendous diversity of opinion in nearly every thread in news.

    That's how the forum works. If you want to submit a sourced article, you are free to do so (within the confines of a very few exceptions like Bangkok Post).

    Beyond that, as repeated, if you have an issue with particular OP's, then you should PM Admin.

    Completely missed the point again. The Khaosod articles are all current, and I do not represent this forum. Never mind. You are right of course! Carry on.

  6. It will probably come as no surprise to you that in fact there is other video in existence of other politicians making an equal fools of themselves, but it is this particular video that has been posted here. Can't you see the point I'm trying to make? It isn't about whether Yingluck is great or not, its about the balance of views - or apparent lack of them - on this forum. Yes, I could PM the OP, but that wouldn't change anything. I'm just trying to highlight an imbalance which for example highly respected media outlets such as the BBC would be taken to task for.

    To correct your perceived imbalance, you could post a video of Yingluk being articulate (in any language you choose, with subtitles), giving intelligent responses to questions and well-reasoned arguments to support her ideas. Like precious jewels, their scarcity will make it even more valuable to forum members.

    Good luck with that.

    Don't be silly. We all know that's impossible. If another video were to be posted to level the playing field bias-wise it would be something like Suthep saying he doesn't respect foreigners. Both Yingluck's lack of English and Suthep's lack of respect for foreigners would both be pertinent to an English speaking forum. But you willfully ignore the imbalance of course because you are biased. That's okay, it is your right to be biased and good luck to you. But not to acknowledge the fact that it is not balanced to show one without the other is just a symptom of your bias, not a reflection of impartial reporting.

    PS - There's no point in me posting another clip trying to correct the imbalance because god knows I'm not trying to persuade you or anyone else of any particular political leaning. It is for the OP, representing the forum, to correct the imbalance they themselves initiated. Better not to have posted it at all and kept the respect of those looking for impartial reportage.

    Silly? I gave you the opportunity to correct the imbalance, and you say it is impossible, but we should show a video of somebody else being stupid.

    This woman is the PM of Thailand, there is a public interest to show ANY material about her. That there is nothing complimentary available is not the fault of the forum, and reportage of other players mistakes can be shown in their own topics.

    "and reportage of other players mistakes can be shown in their own topics."

    But they aren't, are they? That's my point. Oh never mind. Carry on.

  7. It will probably come as no surprise to you that in fact there is other video in existence of other politicians making an equal fools of themselves, but it is this particular video that has been posted here. Can't you see the point I'm trying to make? It isn't about whether Yingluck is great or not, its about the balance of views - or apparent lack of them - on this forum. Yes, I could PM the OP, but that wouldn't change anything. I'm just trying to highlight an imbalance which for example highly respected media outlets such as the BBC would be taken to task for.

    To correct your perceived imbalance, you could post a video of Yingluk being articulate (in any language you choose, with subtitles), giving intelligent responses to questions and well-reasoned arguments to support her ideas. Like precious jewels, their scarcity will make it even more valuable to forum members.

    Good luck with that.

    Don't be silly. We all know that's impossible in English. If another video were to be posted to level the playing field bias-wise it would be something like Suthep saying he doesn't respect foreigners. Both Yingluck's lack of English and Suthep's lack of respect for foreigners would both be pertinent to an English speaking forum. But you willfully ignore the imbalance of course because you are biased. That's okay, it is your right to be biased and good luck to you. But not to acknowledge the fact that it is not balanced to show one without the other is just a symptom of your bias, not a reflection of impartial reporting.

    PS - There's no point in me posting another clip trying to correct the imbalance because god knows I'm not trying to persuade you or anyone else of any particular political leaning. It is for the OP, representing the forum, to correct the imbalance they themselves initiated. Better not to have posted it at all and kept the respect of those looking for impartial reportage.

    Wouldn't be surprised if this post gets deleted, actually.

  8. I'm not a Yingluck supporter per se so cannot offer the explanation you asked for. Wanting democratic elections to be held and respected, my current wishes happen to concur with hers and maybe that's why you or others may think I'm a supporter of hers.

    They're plenty of people here who also want fair elections to be held and respected, and furthermore wish for democracy to be continued to be respected after the polls, but they clearly aren't Yingluck supporters...so no, none of any of that stuff is what leads me to believe you are a Yingluck supporter.

    More to do with things like, for example, on this thread, the way it has bothered you why a video of the caretaker PM has been posted and your demands to know why. I don't know either, but it certainly never bothered me. A politician making a prize idiot of themselves is reason enough for me, and if there are other videos of other politicians making an equal fool of themselves, you won't hear me complaining or moaning.

    As someone else has advised, if it bothers you so much, why don't you stop squawking at us and contact the person who actually posted it?

    It will probably come as no surprise to you that in fact there is other video in existence of other politicians making an equal fool of themselves, but it is this particular video that has been posted here. Can't you see the point I'm trying to make? It isn't about whether Yingluck is great or not, its about the balance of views - or apparent lack of them - on this forum. Yes, I could PM the OP, but that wouldn't change anything. I'm just trying to highlight an imbalance which for example highly respected media outlets such as the BBC would be taken to task for.

    Does trying to highlight this imbalance make me a red supporter? It could do, or it could just be that I'm highlighting an imbalance. Make your own mind up. Oh...you already have.

  9. I entirely agree with your sentiment. Given that the PM's ability in English is of little consequence to the majority stakeholders in Thailand - the Thai people - one can only assume this video was put here to reinforce negative feelings towards her among members of this forum, particularly since her English is so bad that it becomes pretty much impossible to enter into any meaningful debate about what she is trying to say.

    Unbiased position my A.

    Would you have a problem with this video being posted had she come across as being intelligent, articulate and coherent? I have my doubts.
    I would similarly wonder why an interview from 2011 was relevant today, although admittedly the degree of relevance would have been much clearer had she been more coherent in English. The reasons behind the posting of this video at this particular juncture remain a mystery although I have my suspicions.
    You'd wonder but would you have a problem? Yingluck supporters would be better off not moaning about an open and public video being posted, but rather offering some sort of an explanation as to how someone with that sort of grasp of English manages to complete a Master's degree in English. Is there an explanation?

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ XA using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I'm not a Yingluck supporter per se so cannot offer the explanation you asked for. Wanting democratic elections to be held and respected, my current wishes happen to concur with hers and maybe that's why you or others may think I'm a supporter of hers.

    Anyway, in an effort to stay on topic I refer you back to the original question I posed. Why do you think this video was posted at this particular time? As a Yingluck opponent I expect you to have an opinion on this but fair enough if you don't.

    • Like 1
  10. I entirely agree with your sentiment. Given that the PM's ability in English is of little consequence to the majority stakeholders in Thailand - the Thai people - one can only assume this video was put here to reinforce negative feelings towards her among members of this forum, particularly since her English is so bad that it becomes pretty much impossible to enter into any meaningful debate about what she is trying to say.

    Unbiased position my A.

    Would you have a problem with this video being posted had she come across as being intelligent, articulate and coherent? I have my doubts.
    I would similarly wonder why an interview from 2011 was relevant today, although admittedly the degree of relevance would have been much clearer had she been more coherent in English. The reasons behind the posting of this video at this particular juncture remain a mystery although I have my suspicions.
  11. Could someone - preferably the OP but anyone will do - please explain to me the point of putting this old video on the News forum today?

    "Please be informed that ThaiVisa is an apolitical discussion forum, meaning that we take an unbiased position in regard to political matters in Thailand" [/size]


    coffee1.gif[/size] [/size]

    I entirely agree with your sentiment. Given that the PM's ability in English is of little consequence to the majority stakeholders in Thailand - the Thai people - one can only assume this video was put here to reinforce negative feelings towards her among members of this forum, particularly since her English is so bad that it becomes pretty much impossible to enter into any meaningful debate about what she is trying to say.

    Unbiased position my A.

  12. Jeez! The issue is Thailand, people. Who gives a rat's rectum for all these posts that keep popping up referring to Hitler, Stalin, or whining about how this impacts on the USA / UK / Nevernever land. Thailand (the country that some of us have chosen to live in full-time) is tearing itself apart, blood is being shed, the economy sliding down the tubes faster than lastnight's curry and what do we have here?....a bunch of keyboard warriors having a big d--k contest.

    Mature and constructive, boys, mature and constructive. coffee1.gif

    To be fair Rob, I think the reason that we are treated to so many Hitler and Stalin comparisons is that half the people making such posts were their contemporaries.

    • Like 1
  13. entering a red shirt strong hold and trying to stir up a hornets nest, seems to me that it is the yellow shirts who are harassing the reds. They have guts tho about 100 against a few million.

    I thought your darling red shirts were fighting for the democratic ideal? But this clearly demonstrates what their 'democracy' is about - denying a voice to their opponents. Tut-tut.

    I think for most red shirts, achieving the 'Democratic Ideal' (whatever that is) is far beyond their ambitions. For them it would be enough simply to see an elected government see out a term without being overthrown by anything other than an election. It appears they are asking for too much.

    Perhaps they could vote for honest people rather than criminals - a novel idea but it might work.

    Who they vote for is none of your business, nor mine, nor anyone else's. What would you say to a person who accused you of voting for crooks in your own country? You might dismiss them, you might argue or discuss with them, but you probably wouldn't welcome their efforts to prevent your chosen candidate from even standing for election, would you?

  14. entering a red shirt strong hold and trying to stir up a hornets nest, seems to me that it is the yellow shirts who are harassing the reds. They have guts tho about 100 against a few million.

    I thought your darling red shirts were fighting for the democratic ideal? But this clearly demonstrates what their 'democracy' is about - denying a voice to their opponents. Tut-tut.

    I think for most red shirts, achieving the 'Democratic Ideal' (whatever that is) is far beyond their ambitions. For them it would be enough simply to see an elected government see out a term without being overthrown by anything other than an election. It appears they are asking for too much.

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  15. I taught at this place some years ago. I wouldn't say it was particularly exploitative of workers from what I could tell. The buildings and infrastructure at that time were far from what might be called 'state of the art' though. None of the rooms used for teaching had air conditioning and the dining area was a very basic long concrete building with wire mesh for windows all down the sides which reminded me of prison conditions, although I've seen the same kind of buildings in poorer government schools. For Thai workers, this is probably easier on the eye than for us 'sensitive' western types. The main building where dying went on was a very large, old wooden structure (not sure but the roof may have been corrugated iron or wooden), but it always looked dark inside and I remember thinking it must get very hot in there. At no time did I enter that building though. The IT systems at that time were also very old.

    Having said all that, the staff I interacted with seemed happy to be taking the classes and were a nice bunch. The management were trying to get in higher-qualified workers from countries like China and India to fill the more skilled positions. It is true about the eco-friendly energy policies, which they were visibly in the process of implementing at the time. I can't comment on the pay-related issues as I didn't ask about this.

    I just hope they've spent a bit on doing up the buildings since I worked there.

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