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Posts posted by 15Peter20

  1. I think you're all wrong. Sweden wants it's aerospace companies to buy parts "made in Thailand " for its ships, fighters, artillery etc. European bits are just too expensive.

    In the long run parts Made in Sweden or Made in Germany will be cheaper compared to parts Made in Thailand or Made in China.

    German or Swedish engineers can not buy a certificate and they also are proud of what they produce.

    Surely that's why parts made in Sweden/Germany will always be more expensive?

  2. UDD pro government rally in Udon..........

    attachicon.gifredshirts Udon.jpg

    How do you negotiate with terrorists?

    "If you choose Suthep's side, you choose absolute dictatorship," Red Shirt leader Nattawut Saikuea said at a press conference Wednesday."

    Why would anyone listen to Nattawut the terrorist....

    http://youtu.be/jvbUVCopKec Redshirt Ordered to Burn Bangkok (Nattawut Saikua)

    If Nattawut stated that grass is green, you'd probably disagree on account of him being 'a terrorist'.

  3. Funny thing is, the PhuaThai's much maligned amnesty bill would have exonerated Abhisit and Suthep for these murder charges, it also would have excused Sohndi and the other yellow shirts charged for the airport takeover in 2008..and of courcse our friend Thaksin Shinawatra.. I think some of these people may live to regret that it was killed.

    You make an interesting point. The reason Suthep got so many on the streets is because the demonstrators want the same as so many on this forum often opine in terms akin to a pipe dream - that all politicians tainted with misconduct should be convicted. But as we know, this is the last thing that any player from either side with any power wants.

    • Like 1
  4. Suthep just got completely outwitted by the government.

    Making his ridiculous rallying cry yesterday for all his supporters to attack Police HQ, he was completely wrong footed and in one fell swoop the wind behind the sails of his movement was extinguished. In the run-up to these events he had the amnesty bill fiasco to pump up his numbers. That won't be the case after he tries to ramp up the tension again after the 5th - and we'll see just how many feel as strongly as he does about implementing this half-arsed plan of his for Thailand.

  5. I am Thai and I have family in Thailand. I have been watching news and interviews from RU students who were hiding in the building. All dead victims were students. The red shirts claimed that some of red shirts people were killed but imagine that if one of them was killed, they would not quit the rally easily and swiftly. There are cover ups from government. The PM Yingluk has not visited those wounded students, she did not show her concern of those students who were attacked.

    The police made a statement that it was the fight among students.

    Street Clashes Dead Identified As 1 Student, 3 Redshirts


    How are TV's finest going to spin this one, I wonder. Just shows the need for verification before people go spouting their mouths off on here.

  6. So there are public areas "off limits" to protesters?

    Some "democracy".

    No, of course they shouldn't be. But the protest Nick tried to photograph was also taking place in a public space, wasn't it? So why is it acceptable in one case, and not in the other?

    So your equating the fact that a known unsympathetic farrang who was arguing with Thais because they wouldn't let him profit form those he opposes and was roughly eject, with the fact that some Thai citizens have had their democratic right to public assembly violently taken from then by government backed thugs. Where is the similarity?

    I oppose your farang/Thai opposition. I see it as irrelevant that Nick happens to be farang. That aside, sure, you could argue that whilst Nick had as much of a right to be there as the protesters, he did not have the right to photograph without their permission. Maybe that's an argument you could put forward, but it doesn't mean they had the right to use violence. And using precisely the argument to justify Nick being expelled, I could say that protesters have the right to democratic assembly, but not to "lay siege" to the provincial hall, nor to block roads. In fact their democratic right to assembly wasn't taken away either, nothing happened until they entered the hall. Surely if they're going to go an unsympathetic area and break the law, they should expect opposition?

    To make this clear, I am not defending the treatment of Nick Nostitz or the anti-govt protesters here. But imo it's hypocritical to defend one action whilst denouncing the other. If you're fine with that, OK. Just thought the similarity of the two cases should be pointed out.

    Dude, you have the patience of a saint.

  7. There was a yellow thug too (a farmer).

    We should appreciate the wise restraint of the reds who gently stay inside the stadium.

    Let's hope that there is no confrontation. Nobody wants the Dems' supporters' hair to be messed up rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

    A confrontation would also spoil their weekend. All that free food and free goodies... rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif

    Oscar Wilde was right !.....................................Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

    And very lame when used the wrong way.

    I think that there should be a new rule on this forum.

    In order to respect the feelings of fellow Thaivisa members, sarcasm should only be directed at the reds, PT and Thaksin, as it is already mostly the case... smile.png

    It's funny how other people's opinion create so many reactions.

    Do you want me to rant a bit about the reds? Just to make your nerves feel better?

    At this time I feel like the Dems/yellow protesters are quite laughable with their silly little whistles, but I can try to make an effort.

    However, I still consider the Dems/yellow protesters as criminals who take the country hostage... If you don't mind smile.png

    The expat anti-government ghetto that is TV News forum is a cold and lonely place for those who can hold two or more concepts in their brain simultaneously. Don't give up bro. You are performing a service. Without you, they'd have one less thing to get angry and then feel superior about.

  8. I am getting more and more convinced that The Nation and ThaiVisa are bias to what is going on.

    Just visit all the other online news agencies and you know what I mean.

    I never thought in my wildest dreams that TVF would be censored.

    I always thought it was impartial.

    I've seen it all now. TV reactionaries claiming The Nation is pro-Red! hahahahahahaha!

  9. Why is this statement called a 'reversal'. It is a clarification, understandable in plain English.

    They accept the legality of the Constitutional Court to function as laid down by the attendant legislation, but they do not believe that the court acted within its remit when considering a matter brought to them via a petition which fell outside of the required protocol for bringing issues before the court.

    As issues go in Thai politics, this isn't such a hard one to grasp.

    • Like 2
  10. That's nice, really nice.

    Did the Prime Minister's Secretary-General Suranand Vejjajiva also tell the BBC that unlike 2010 these anti-government protesters are relatively peaceful, no terrorists?

    The police is still capable of keeping red-shirts locked up in a stadium. A total lack of armed militants, no grenade lobbing fun.

    Anyway next we'll get confirmation that the aircraft carrier will not be sailing up the Chao Praya.

    What are you getting your knickers in a twist about? Has it not occurred to you that Suranand was answering a question put to him by a BBC employee? That's what tends to happen you see. When people go to the BBC, they are usually asked questions. That is of course, if they are visiting BBC News.

    Of course this may not have been the case. Maybe there is a scandal afoot! BBC takes foreign government's money for party political broadcast! I can see the headlines. Or maybe Suranand just got his own cookery show on BBC Lifestyle and threw in a few protest-related announcements whilst poaching some eggs. Really. Lie down in a darkened room and think of home.

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