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Posts posted by 15Peter20

  1. October 25 will most probably be the next reminder for the current government.

    There is no government. There is martial law and the country ruled by the Military, that is not a government or a leadership that has been accepted by the international community.

    A government is defined as "the governing body of a nation, state, or community". I believe a military junta qualifies. Whether it has been accepted by the international community is irrelevant. Like it or not it is governing the country.

    "Like it or not it is governing the country."

    This suggests a choice which doesn't exist. You cannot express your dislike of it, therefore to all intents and purposes you can only like it. Please don't lose sight of the wood for the trees.

  2. I think whoever had this activist shot did a great job having the media report a suicide.

    I am listening to a morning radio show now, and a couple of guys are at least pointing out that it's pretty weird that an activist shot himself, and about the absurdness of the ambidextrous explanation. However this case may proceed or be decided, it is a relief to know that at least some people at least momentarily question a story that totally stinks.

    "I think whoever had this activist shot did a great job having the media report a suicide."

    Is this another example of the dodgy influence of big business on the news media which we have been reading about in recent days, I wonder?

  3. I think he means no-one died in the last 12 hours. Look out for fewer bad stories from the south in the media - it might hinder bringing happiness back to Thailand. Gotta love our masters...no, really....you have got to love our masters.

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  4. In their eagerness to banish the Shin clan from Thai politics, the boys with big guns - at the behest of their masters - have thrown the baby (democracy) out with the bathwater (the Shins). A brave new world is enticing to many people. And the junta is well aware of that.

  5. Its just a way for him to make sure he doesn't get lumbered with any unwanted bad karma his actions may have caused. I expect a reasonable sum of money donated to the temple will also help ensure his wrongs don't interfere with his rise up the karmic ladder. He's just being a good Buddhist.

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  6. “There has to be a guarantee that they can control the majority in the Assembly,” said Pinit Intarasombat, referring to the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO), which seized power in a coup d’état on 22 May.

    Are these people just putting on some kind of act? A kind of democratic facade? Like the Emperor's new clothes, this Assembly is nothing more than a charade and they're making absolutely no secret of it at all. Shows how far away democracy is from this country.

    Thailand was always controlled by the army (and their masters), then political awareness among the masses came along, then things got shaky for the big boys with the big guns and now politically we're heading back to 30-40 years ago. Except they don't like farangs as much nowadays.

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