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Posts posted by 15Peter20

  1. Erm...can you read the article again? The 'barbaric Shinawatras'? They weren't there.

    Does this give me licence to call the beating up & mugging of a former protester yesterday as evidence of the 'barbaric Suthep'? No, it doesn't. Because I'm not an idiot and I don't make ridiculous and transparently knee-jerk statements.

    Have you ever posted anything logical here? If so, I don't remember it. You once posted 'wrong is wrong'. Can you demonstrate this by expressing outrage at any violence or illegal act perpetrated by the PCAD guards or other 'peaceful' protesters? Until you do, reasonable posters will just presume you're what you appear to be: a blinkered bigot frothing at the mouth and spouting off with little if any self-awareness or sense of fairness.

    No, they're too cowardly to take to the streets like their opposition in a peaceful demonstration. That is why they rent mobs & pay people to do violent acts. Thaksin has hired assassins time & again, well documented.

    Do you agree that protesters should be allowed to prevent people from working and voting?

    If they're doing it peacefully, no pompem.

    Cool! Would you mind PM-ing me your address? I'd like to peacefully come round with a few of my Thai friends and equally peacefully stand in front of your front door for a while. I take it that as an advocate of non-violence you would not try to push us out of the way or use any other form of violence to gain access to your abode, am I right?

    PS - Once we decide to take the chains (which we will peacefully lock) off your front door so you can enter, you will return said chain and the lock to us, won't you? There's a good chap.

    • Like 2
  2. More protestors getting shot at by the barbaric Shinawatras.

    This time they caught the scum who did it. Let's see who he works for now. If he really is affiliated with the reds or the Shinawatras, I would really like to see how the pro Shinawatras are going to spin this.

    Erm...can you read the article again? The 'barbaric Shinawatras'? They weren't there.

    Does this give me licence to call the beating up & mugging of a former protester yesterday as evidence of the 'barbaric Suthep'? No, it doesn't. Because I'm not an idiot and I don't make ridiculous and transparently knee-jerk statements.

    Have you ever posted anything logical here? If so, I don't remember it. You once posted 'wrong is wrong'. Can you demonstrate this by expressing outrage at any violence or illegal act perpetrated by the PCAD guards or other 'peaceful' protesters? Until you do, reasonable posters will just presume you're what you appear to be: a blinkered bigot frothing at the mouth and spouting off with little if any self-awareness or sense of fairness.

    No, they're too cowardly to take to the streets like their opposition in a peaceful demonstration. That is why they rent mobs & pay people to do violent acts. Thaksin has hired assassins time & again, well documented.

    Do you agree that protesters should be allowed to prevent people from working and voting?

  3. More protestors getting shot at by the barbaric Shinawatras.

    This time they caught the scum who did it. Let's see who he works for now. If he really is affiliated with the reds or the Shinawatras, I would really like to see how the pro Shinawatras are going to spin this.

    Please try not to be such a tool. Of Suthep.

    First you say the shooting was by 'barbaric Shinawatras'. Next line, 'let's see who he works for now'. Are you ill?

    I'm pleased they finally caught someone who has shot protesters. It will - as you say - shed light on the real motives behind these shootings. However, I don't see why you are at all interested in finding out because whatever they say - IT'S THE SHINAWATRAS FAULT!!!! (cue scary music and sinister echoing laugh).

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  4. how about give then 12 hours. And then move in and move them if necessary. Could you please then move them away from Asoke-Sukhumvit intersection and then from Silom Rd. I just took a walk along both sites today. It was early morning at Asoke and not much happening. Silom on the other hand is an absolute circus. Screeching karaoke grandmas and opportunistic vendors flogging fake watches and hello kitty knock-offs. The face of the democratic movement. What a joke. An excuse for some karaoke from some under-empoyed grannies, thugs, bullies and layabouts - and of course the street vendors, to f@#$k up life for ordinary citizens.

    it may have escaped you attention Mr Johnson but most of the people demonstrating are ordinary citizens. At least my extended family are.

    Could you let us know what your extended family - ordinary citizens as they are - think of uneducated rural Thai people? Do they look down on them with contempt or do they respect their views as fellow Thais? Or are they themselves poor rural folk? Please let us know as this should be quite enlightening. Thanks.

  5. I doubt the person who made the video knows what exactly he saw.

    According to news reports, the protest leader was shot while standing on a car with loudspeakers. I don't see any on that truck and neither does it look like how the usual protest vehicles look, so I assume it's not the scene of the killing.

    I went down to the scene about an hour ago. I saw a gold colored Vigo with smashed windscreen and speakers in the back but it wasn't parked in the same place as in the video. It was in the slip road leading up to the main road, which you can also see in the video. Next to it in a ditch full of water were a couple more speakers. Maybe there were two similar looking pickups, or maybe it was moved, but the back of the pick up I saw was not empty as the one in the video seems to be.



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  6. In 2010, the red communists were not peaceful protesters but rather terrorists from upcountry who were trying to burn down and destroy Bangkok and some of the red communists affliated groups were even a danger to the Royal Instituition as they were supporting a Presidency of Thaksin for a Republic to replace the Kingdom of Thailand.

    red communists.....5555...you're a very funny (wo)man indeed.

  7. BBC reported more than 6 millions on the street in Bangkok itself, and you call that minority?

    We have not even counter those who did not come out, at work, overseas, and those outside Bangkok.

    Easily adds up to 10 times that figure.

    Your comments would simply be a waste of space if there was not the minute possibility that someone somewhere might actually believe a small portion of your drivel. Do you enjoy lying on an anonymous forum?

    • Like 1
  8. Not Thaksin, Yingluck or PTP. That's for sure.

    The people will benefit the most as it will set the reform process in order and the dust will have settled by the time a true and fair election will be called, and hopefully there will be a true democracy in Thailand for the first time ever.

    Would you say that the people have benefited the most from the other coups of the past? Or are you hoping for an unprecedented overhaul of Thai politics?

    All the circumstances are different from all the other coups.

    This time it is about an aggressive overhauling of the judicial and political systems, and all the things that are seen as crimes against the nation with the lack of equality and all the corruption lining the pockets of the wealthy at the cost of the poor, that goes for both sides.

    This time will probably be the first time ever that a coup is a godsend for Thailand.

    I have my best hopes up for this to go down well, and eventually all people from both side will realise that it made Thailand a better and fairer place. Then can we really think about reconciliation.

    Whilst your hoped-for vision of the result of a coup is as admirable as it is desirable, I just can't see what evidence you can bring to bear to suggest it will work out this way. It's like ditching the devil we know for....well, something of an unknown outcome. Unless of course you can persuade others that things will really work out as you hope.

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