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Posts posted by cbrer

  1. Was out on a ride on Saturday, all done up in my body armor. Must have been looking good.

    Pulled up next to two girls on two done up scooters. Begun adjusting my knee pads and all of a sudden there was a roar and the lead one jumped out ahead of me with her feet splayed out wide in victory, her friend a few meters behind and then the green light. I was beaten. I pull out and try to stay behind to let them enjoy their glory, all of a sudden there's an ass in front of me. Lifted almost a foot off the seat it's first waved to the left, then the right, then the left again. She's on the podium and loving it.

    I have to laugh.

    Post laugh I open up a bit and fly past her second placed friend and then along side... time to slow down.

    I look over, point at her bottom, then wave my hand under my nose for the internationally understod language of 'smelly'.

    From looking in the mirror I'm pretty certain her friend crashed her bike from laughing.


    It ain't what it used to be.

  2. As a Permanent Resident of Thailand when you leave the Country (with an Endorsement and Re-entry Permit of course!) you MUST take with you your Certificate of Residence plus - obviously - your foreign Passport (the "Red Book" you can leave at home).

    Both Passport and Certificate of Residence will be inspected and Stamped to ensure you can re-enter Thailand with absolutely no problems.

    And - as I believe has already been mentioned - do NOT forget to get an Endorsement and Re-entry Permit before you leave the Country ............. do so and you may possibly lose your Permanent Residence status and have to start from "square one" all over again.

    If you travel frequently - or feel you may have to travel at short notice - best to get a Multiple Re-entry Permit; at Baht 3,800.- it's not going to break the Bank. There used to be a facility at Suwannaphumi to get an "emergency" Re-entry Permit etc. as you go through Immigration but I am not sure if that is still available - and "fer sure" I would not risk it NOT being available and have to go through the whole Permanent Residence rigmarole - and expense - again!


    And this costs 200,000thb.

    Think I'll stick to my 5k Non-Imm visas thank you very much.

  3. ^ Thanks very much.

    I'm quite interested as my wife is pregnant, and I'm not fully taken with the idea of them being educated in the Thai school system.

    Can I ask two quick questions.

    Roughly how much is the cost?

    And what internationally recognized certificates do they get?


  4. I'm afraid your attempted point is crap.

    Consider two people living together that need to take a 50b motosai taxi to and from work each day, each. 200b per day times 6 times a week times 4 weeks a month.

    Even a five year old can use their fingers and toes to work out that a 3000b a month lease for a Honda wave or whatever is the better option. rolleyes.gif

    Some need to take, say two kids to and from school as well, other option 40b a day for a songtaew, then evening market runs etc.

    A 100b p/d lease plus the minuscule amount of gas a scooter uses is no the doubt the better option.

    My argument wasn't that a scooter wasn't the better option, my argument was that if you can afford 3k in repayments for donkey's years that will end up meaning you pay three times what the bike is worth, there is probably a more sensible option than involves paying a bit more in the short term on daily expenses by using public transport.

    No, you're 'argument' was to snidely slate Thais as being less intelligent than five year olds, while creating a flawed, incorrect, unintelligent point.

    If two people are spending more money on daily transport than it would cost for them to lease a new scooter, it doesn't take a five year old to work out the better option.

    If it takes them 18 months of saving 3k to buy a 54k scooter, and while saving they're spending 4k p/m on transportation, (72,000b over the 18 month saving period), means that transportation and buying the scooter is going to cost a total of126k. This would also includes a loss in quality of life from being 3k worse off in their monthly finances, and the time lost and inconveniences of having to rely on other forms of transport for that period, just so they could spend an over all 126k on a 48k scooter and transport while saving to buy it.

    Excuse me, but it doesn't seems like the Thais are the stupid ones in your posts.

    Why not spend similar (or less) on leasing and not have to go through any of the inconveniences or loss to QoL from having tighter monthly finances, and unless they're paying more than 72,000 in interest alone they will be better off? huh.png

    If things are that tight, why buy a something like a Click in the first place? Why not buy a second hand Wave. Cost far less to run as well as far less to buy.

    Most who live here will understand that the used market in Thailand is atrocious with reference to value and prices, and the level of maintenance on the vehicles, particularly some cheap scooter is often less than a single oil change in five years. sad.png

  5. What does Homeschooling a child entail?

    I'd be wary of them missing out on the whole social aspect of not being in a school with lots of other children to play and socialize with.

    It could be something I consider for my child though (missus's pregnant).

  6. It is daft actually. If you can afford 3k a month, why not just put 3k aside every month yourself, and after a year, buy something outright for 36k. Or wait 18 months and you'll have enough money for a new Click. Problem is people want things instantly, can't be bothered to wait, so they end up paying two, three times the amount. This sort of "must have it now" mentaliity is understandable with 5 year olds, but why adults behave in the same way, i really don't know. Still, great business for the credit companies and loan sharks.

    Perhaps the 3k payments couldn't be put aside if they didn't have a vehicle and thus had to rely on public transport.

    I thought that even a 5 year old could see that as a realistic possibilty. rolleyes.gif

    If public transport exists, your argument about not being able to put aside 3k because of public transport expenses, falls down, because public transport is so cheap, and would be unlikely to cost much more than the amount of money they would be spending fueling the bike. The only situation where paying three times the amount for a bike rather than waiting and paying the value of the bike, makes any sort of sense, is when no public transport exists and not having a bike means not working. If that is the case, i fully understand. I just don't happen to think with the vast majority of these ridiculous purchases, that is the case.

    I'm afraid your attempted point is crap.

    Consider two people living together that need to take a 50b motosai taxi to and from work each day, each. 200b per day times 6 times a week times 4 weeks a month.

    Even a five year old can use their fingers and toes to work out that a 3000b a month lease for a Honda wave or whatever is the better option. :rolleyes:

    Some need to take, say two kids to and from school as well, other option 40b a day for a songtaew, then evening market runs etc.

    A 100b p/d lease plus the minuscule amount of gas a scooter uses is no the doubt the better option.

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  7. Paying this amount in interest is not daft at all, if you don't have the cash.

    3k a month is affordable (same as rental but you keep the m/c at the end) ,

    It is daft actually. If you can afford 3k a month, why not just put 3k aside every month yourself, and after a year, buy something outright for 36k. Or wait 18 months and you'll have enough money for a new Click. Problem is people want things instantly, can't be bothered to wait, so they end up paying two, three times the amount. This sort of "must have it now" mentaliity is understandable with 5 year olds, but why adults behave in the same way, i really don't know. Still, great business for the credit companies and loan sharks.

    Perhaps the 3k payments couldn't be put aside if they didn't have a vehicle and thus had to rely on public transport.

    I thought that even a 5 year old could see that as a realistic possibilty. :rolleyes:

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