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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. Ridiculous comment. Ive read a lot of your posts and they mostly seem to indicate that you have no idea about thailand. Do you actually live here. If you did you would know that your suggestion above is 100% terrible advice for many reasons. Please think before you type next time and take out Doctor from your name. It doesn't suit you.
  2. very sad. RIP. Ive nearly had several close calls due to alcohol. One must be careful
  3. Not really an issue surely? Still can use it and just keep quiet. No implications at all. No need to be anally rententive about this.
  4. Thanks BKKBike. Its precisely what is happening to mine. Oink needs to think before writing troll comments.
  5. Actually the address on the back of the thai license is in English and Thai language. At least it is on mine
  6. Was thinking of taking a holiday to oz. I only have a Thai drivers license. As we all know it has my name and address in English. Its a bit old and faded. Will it be accepted to hire a car? Does thailand ever issue International DL's? thanks
  7. 5 yrs ago I had a similar cast iron pan. When I fried eggs, I looked under the cooked eggs and there was black color there. I was oiling the pan to stop it from rusting. Before use, I would wipe with paper towel. But still when cooking eggs I always saw this black stuff on the bottom of the eggs. Can you try this and let me know if its the same in your kitchen
  8. Actually the 100% cheapest option in Thailand that will NOT cost your thai family here anything is to donate your body to Science. Its a matter of filling out a form that you download from the website of the Siriraj Piyamaharajkarun hospital in bangkok. After you submit the forms they will send you a member card and you keep it in your wallet. If you die your wife can call them and they send a van immediately. After medical and dental students are finished doing surgery on all parts of your body it will be cremated and they inform the date etc to your wife. She can attend the ceremony along with anyone else who cares. Unsure if its available to westerners but surely should be. Call them
  9. I just finished watching 'Dark Waters' on Netflix. Its based on a true story about a lawyer suing the 'DuPont' company for poisoning people with the chemical PFOA in relation to the frying pan Teflon. Ive used the teflon style non stick pans in my kitchen. After a while I can see the black teflon scratches on the pan exposing the silver surface underneath. I tried a cast iron pans before but they rusted all the time. Also tried the silver wok pans. What are you using?
  10. plant bamboo down there. Block her out. Or put on your speedos and cover yourself with baby oil. No issues there
  11. Come on. This is an embarrassment for the police. Absolutely incompetent with hundreds of people watching and taking videos. The other 2 should have grabbed him and cuffed him.
  12. Dr's and dentists all around the world might disagree with you. If you dont excel at Maths you dont cut the grade for these 2 elite professions.
  13. Yes I know. I was being sarcastic. A few months ago I thought its the wild east in Bangkok now. A complete free for all.
  14. A few months ago I was amazed to see how much action there was on soi 11 at night time. Street parking was mostly taken up by numerous small caravan sellers of medical weed. It was the new happening place ever since the amazing health minister legalised marijuana. I remember seeing a lot of tourists smoking joints. It was really busy and fun place. Bars and restaurants full. Real party atmosphere Now all the drug dealers have all been moved on. It was really quiet this week. The taxis could even get a car spot to park their car. Have the police changed their tune now in this entire area around Nana bts? Whats happened to all the drug dealers selling their legal medicinal marijuana?
  15. Totally agree with your comment. My wife is a dentist. She says a very small % of patients are hyper sensitive to pain etc with their anxiety issues. A day or 2 after treatment they usually call and want to come back with unusual minor pain. She more or less tells them to wait a few days or longer. In most cases it is nothing... just the patient 'thinking too much' or she said 'over thinking' about it.
  16. thats gross. I dont want to think about it. ie you shooting blanks
  17. get real. the baht buses are excellent service in pattaya. What a stupid idea to stop them
  18. Thats disgusting. Does she like to sleep with ants and rats running around the bed. What a weirdo.
  19. What sort of specialist would test for 1 and 2. Is it Urology? I could not tolerate n.o 3
  20. Ive got an appt booked with a urology dr in a few weeks but thought I would discuss issues here as I could learn something. Over a month ago I had a hernia laproscopic repair done. It was successful and now back to full strength. Only thing I noticed was a slight dull pain in my right testicle. This week no weird feeling there at all for the first time. Prior to surgery they made me have a check up with urology dr. He did the finger test and said I have mild enlargement of the prostate. Same as last few yrs actually. I get it checked once a year. Last week I had an afternoon nap and woke up and saw that I had accidentally dribbled some urine on my boxer shorts. I frequently wake up at 5am with kind of uncomfortable full bladder. I was going to say painful but unsure if its the correct word. I would stand over the toilet urinating for a long time. Sometimes I cant really feel it coming out. Hard to describe or remember at that hour of the morning actually. Im only concerned now as Ive never had dribble on the boxer shorts before. Based on the above info what testing do you think should be done, if any? Whats the gold standard for testing ones prostate with minor symptoms? Or should I be looking to check my bladder? thanks
  21. Fake election in Cambodia and fake election in Thailand. One would hope that things will improve in Thailand once the dinosaur senators lose their jobs.
  22. Today the dictator Hun Sen, who is Asia’s longest-running leader, takes victory in a fake election in Cambodia today. 2 months ago in Thailand a so called election occurred. People voted for Mr Pita. This coming week a totally different PM will be elected from a different party that the people voted for. Politics in Asia is a shocker. Thoughts,,,,
  23. Im up for a change in VPN. Can you recommend one that is non U.S and non European based? Not after a free one. Ok to pay subs. thanks
  24. I agree with your 2nd paragraph. I have told my wife and child no iphone until 15 yrs old. When I pick up my kid from school I see many thai kids (young) holding phones staring down at them whilst they are walking along. Already addicted.
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