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Everything posted by thaipo7

  1. In 1990 my daughter was playing with other children around this coconut tree. I walked over and found a 1 satang coin. Date was still visible. I have it here somewhere. Little round coin with a whole through the center. It is 34 years older than when I found it.
  2. Just waiting for the Statute of Limitations to run out. IT has on every other charge.
  3. We think a like on this. I just learned today a woman who HAD money is now broke because of lending to customers and they are not paying back.
  4. If you admit to the crime, you get 50% off.
  5. Where are all the women's groups on this? They have always been quiet on what happens in this part of the world. Is Harris OK on this? You better believe it. She is after the Muslim vote in Dearbornastan. Not going to mess this up.
  6. Even if this is half true, it won't last. Especially if they can get her speaking about what her policies are. Empty pantsuit.
  7. Can Harris verbally list the core values of the Democrat Party? I doubt it. How about you TUG?
  8. Glad to see you worried. About time a Democrat does something when screwed by their own kind. Harris has not received one legal vote to get where she is. Isn't this how the Communist come up with their leaders. If you are a Communist just say so. I am not. I believe in our Government and Free Enterprise. Our system has allowed people to live the best lives available. Everyone is NOT the same. I don't mind people having more wealth than me.
  9. Where's Tug remarks? The count was 85,000. Hell of an increase while the Border Czar was in charge and now she makes it a point to stop this? Where has she been the last 3 1/2 years. You have a reply Tug? Your an authority on how great Kamala is. NOT.
  10. I saw a few years back when the rice farmers received 3,000 Baht each around the Korat area. The farmer went into the bank and came out with the 3,000 baht. There were people outside selling food and other goods, so money was already spent. Since it was a Friday, they bought whiskey for the weekend and by Monday morning they were back to where they were before the money came out. Broke again.
  11. What is this BS, "Democrats at DNC Attempt to Reverse the Narrative on its Immigration Record". WTF, the Democrats have owned it the last 3 1/2 years. It was OK at the time to bring in illegals for voting purposes. Now they want to reverse the narrative. Anyone that buys this is in need of mental help.
  12. Can't be the best without hiring the best. Biden administration is proof positive. Can't fly like an eagle hiring turkeys. Right Tug??
  13. Remember all your BS on how Trump is afraid to debate Harris. Seems you had that backwards. She does not want to speak anyplace where she has to put her thoughts into words. Because she can't.
  14. You Leftist have no shame and don't care about any kind of fairness. Just reported that the Stalinist new media in the US during the last 30 days has given Harris 66% more air time than Trump. 89% of the reporting on Harris is positive while 84% of the reporting on Trump is negative. Little one sided if you ask me. You can't tell me one thing Harris had done for the country as VP. Not one. But she is the best. The news is also not telling the people how much of a Leftist she was as a Senator or how Communist she will be if elected. Do you even know??
  15. But what do the Marxist leaders want? They have had their way for 3 1/2 years. Now the VP wants another 4 years. They are not looking for 1500 Border Patrol agents. They want 1500 paper pushers to get even more illegals processed sooner. Just go back and follow the laws already on place that worked under Trump.
  16. Two ambitious failures. Why didn't she introduce this during the last 3 1/2 years while in office? How do you answer this? How does anyone answer this?
  17. I don't like liars and Socialists. So not likeable to me. It is the media that makes him likeable.
  18. The Kamala Harris of Thailand. But at least she is not a flip flopping Marxist out to destroy Thailand. Was she legally appointed to run and went through the proper procedure to get to be PM. So who have a Father, sister, and a daughter from the same family to be PM. Anyone asking about the 600 million Baht she received the same time her Father did not pat a tax on 1.7 Billion Baht. If I remember right her brother also received around 600 million Baht after the sale of the cell phone network he owned.
  19. She can announce anything she wants, just as she can say anything that she wants. She can flip flop now for votes and the flip flop back to her real commie self. Are you a low information voter or a zealot for the Marxist Democrat Party.
  20. You are listing to the wrong sources. Would not hurt Trump at all. You guys sure do have poor sources for your news.
  21. This and dogs barking all night. Feel sorry for the people putting up with it.
  22. The same media does not report the crimes committed by the Muslims. They have their agenda and that is it. Look at the US media. Get their marching orders from the Democrat Marxist Party and dutifully comply.
  23. If Democrats tell the truth, they lose.
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