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Everything posted by thaipo7

  1. Whose side are you on? Anti-Semitic Marxist Democrats or Israel. You can't be both. You sound like Harris now.
  2. Two big lies told here. One is she is shifting. No she isn't. She will say anything to win the election. She was with Biden letting up to 20 million illegals into the US. She was the border Czar but never went to the border and lied repeatedly that the border was secure. This Bipartisan bill you talk about is a phony. The bill may have called for border agents but the agents were only going to be paper pushers to process even more illegals. You can not believe anything the Democrats and the media say to you. Such a shame you have not learned this. Build the wall and have the border secured as Trump could have with enough money to build the wall. So sad some people actually believe what you post.
  3. I know you had to change your underwear or depends after reading this. Too bad this election is really Freedom vs Evil. Democrats are evil.
  4. TUG is a very good at always spewing BS on Trump but when we have proven facts on the illegal actions of Democrats, his is as silent as Harris when asked a non-scripted question. The Pelosi's have made multi-millions on insider trading. 2022 was a tough year, even for the best on Wall Street but Pelosi's husband did something like 5 times better than the best on Wall Street. Bought a slew of options on TSLA stock just before the news came out that the government was going to continue or was starting a new program to give $7500 to those that bought TSLA EVs. But we know it is the Republicans that cater to the rich. Only the wealthy could buy the $60,000 cars at the time and they were getting $7500 from the government. Isn't this considered giving to the rich??
  5. I saw it in the small town where I was living a few years ago when a lot of poor received 3,000 Baht. This was on a Friday and when the people came out of the bank the huskers and food vendors were ready. What was left was spent on liquor for the weekend and by Monday morning they were in the same position they were Friday morning before the bank opened.
  6. She has nothing to offer. All she is doing is flip flopping for votes. She will flip flop back to her real beliefs if she wins. America cannot survive a Harris win. The propaganda by the Left will suck in the useful idiots they need. Just hope they don't get enough.
  7. Where is TUG's stand on this? It is the Biden/Harris administration that brought this on. Thought he supports everything this administration did the past 4 years.
  8. Of course it is under counted. I would never tell a poll worker the truth. The American people are sick of the past four years. Harris was responsible for it and the smarter voters know it. Who can believe her flip flopping. The American people do not want a lying Marxist/Communist government controlling them. This is what we are voting against. Biden was a Tyrant. Ignored the laws and the Constitution. When things were getting bad enough to want something done, the voter rolls started going Republican. Look at the list that came out today on US cities. The majority of the best cities are Republican run. The worst cities are Democrat run. Democrat policies do not work for the betterment of the people. Only works for the power hungry dictators with their Executive Orders. Harris is nothing but a bumper sticker.
  9. Thanks to the Biden/Harris administration. You can't see this TUG? And you want 4 more years of this and worse??
  10. A few years ago, I saw an young school girl give the finger to a much older woman and I was shocked. Known Thailand since 1970. Never thought I would see that.
  11. This why the wall was not built under Trump. Every where he turned, there were roadblocks.
  12. Another lie. Every time she opens her mouth she loses voters. We are tired of her constant lying. She learned this well from Biden.
  13. Because the whole world will be effected and not in a good way with Harris. Do we need another kind of Marxist/Communism in the world?
  14. Always 100% for you. Who is responsible for all the rapes and murders by illegal aliens? Who is responsible for all the drug deaths the last 4 years? Who is responsible for the 85,000 children that have come illegality into the country and have disappeared and most likely in the sex trade industry. Do you read what you write? Plus more people died under Biden with Covid, than Trump. Why do you think they stopped the daily counts after Biden got in? Why not mention New York and other areas where Democrat authorities allowed Covid patients be placed with old people in old age homes. The worst age group to catch Covid. See how frigging one side you are? Useful idiot. Do you ever show proof full statements? At least political truthful statements.
  15. LOL I have hit my head on a few signs looking where I am stepping.
  16. Doesn't make her any better or smarter. No one voted her to this position. The whole country is being played. I hope I am right that Trump is in better shape than the media says. Don't forget they gave Hillary a 90% chance of winning in 2016. If she did we would have never have learned how really corrupt the Democrats are. Plenty of corrupt Republicans too.
  17. Not only the Social Media. It is the mass media that is the problem.
  18. Why not? They have solutions. They may not be able to fix all the problems, but be assured the Democrats caused ALL the problems.
  19. This is the Marxist way. So many stupid people will Democrat.
  20. I agree 100%. The 2024 election is headed in the same direction. MAGA will have to win by 5% to make up for the Left's cheating. Why are you Leftist so eager to have a Marxist/Communist government installed. This kind of government is easy to get into and not easy at all to get out of. She and her husband are both Communists. Walz like Bernie Sanders had his honeymoon in Russia.
  21. See this? The illegals understand our leader ship than most people on the board. Right Tug??
  22. Plus her remarks are only geared to Private land drilling. Not Government lands. She does not tell you this so the useful idiots thinks she is for fracking now. She has no control over the private land drilling. She is a total fraud. A Marxist/Communist. Easy to vote in this kind of government but hard to vote out of it.
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