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Everything posted by thaipo7

  1. Any truths or anything that does not fit the Marxist Democrat narrative falls under the category of misinformation. But we are supposed to believe every lie told by these same propaganda Marxists. People accept this hook, line, and sinker. Right Tug? Talk about listening to their enablers, think this the next time you look into a mirror. Without you the Tyrannical Left could not do this.
  2. MAGA plot. The number one target in the world and it is a MAGA plot? The Democrats constantly demonizing this man has no blood on their hands? Your clueless too.
  3. No there are enough of the nut jobs on the Left. The Left are the violent ones.
  4. Trump has been trying to get proper protection. The Democrats lead by Biden say there is no more help. They are the ones that bring out the nut job. If this guy was a Right Winger, he will be the first Right Winger. As in ALL school shooting so far the killer has been a Democrat or has mostly Democrats in their family.
  5. Worrisome? I think it is showing people have had enough of the last 4 years and don't want 4 more of the same or worse. And it will be worse. She is more of a Marxist/Communist than Biden. Plus much more stupid. What did you like about the last 4 years? Be the first to answer.
  6. Climate change is the biggest fraud brought against all the people of the world. Of course the climate changes. It it didn't how can we get an average for the date. Al Gore has gotten rich in this BS. If Obama believed his BS on Climate , would he have bought a $15 million property right in the water only to be washed away in a few years. I thing the oceans were going to rise during the next 10 years. He is going on owning the property for 8 years. Is the water level higher. Look at the Plymouth rock set in place in 400 years ago. It the water level any higher?? Did man cause the ice age 10,000 years ago. How can people fall for this. Look at the two foremost experts. Greta and AOC. Forget the scientist who don't buy into this. Make sense Tug?
  7. Don't worry. Harris wild pardon or sent back to Iran with billions of dollars. Just keep saying "Death to America"
  8. I know. Harris's promise of higher taxes is about the only promise she will keep, along with limiting free speech, take away our guns, telling us what kind of car we must buy. You know all the Marxist things.
  9. The Thais better. Get in debt much more and the Chines government will do to them as they have done with Cambodia and African countries.
  10. There will be changes and they will not be for the good of the people of America. She is a hard core Marxist/Communist and is supported by every Marxist/Communist dictator in the world. This is enough for me to vote for some one else. She is a fraud.
  11. You are completely wrong as usual. He was not legally appointed in the first place. AG Garland knows he does not have the authority to just appoint a civilian in this instance. This has to be approved by Congress and he was not. He was know for he stretching the limits of the law to fit a crime that is real or not. Jack was brought in from the Hague. Look on the Internet and look at the number of cases that were overturned. In one case against a VA Governor the US Supreme Court overturned the case 8 to 0. When you get the Leftist to agree that Jack did something wrong, you KNOW he had to be wrong. Instead of posting your not accurate posts, why not spend time on the Internet and educate yourself. You are always completely wrong.
  12. Why is it that the media only talks about what Democrats need to win? Years and years of this. Doesn't matter how bad the candidate is or how much destruction they have caused or even what they plan for the future, as long as they have a D next to their name, they are the only one that is supposed to win.
  13. You better fear what lies ahead with a Harris win.
  14. Well, we can guess who this person wants to win the election.
  15. You don't know how Tyranny works do you?
  16. Racism is so bad in the US that millions are entering the country. Why would they come to where racism is so bad?
  17. Took Harris long enough to get out to visit the people caught up in the flooding disaster. Trump has already been there and had trucks of supplies with him. He acts Presidential. Democrats don't give a damn about the people. Trump cares and this is why he is liked. I know, she has to raise election money first. This is what Obama did during 4 American dying in Benghazi. He went to Las Vegas. Biden and Harris stole a billion dollars from FEMA funds to give to illegals. Took the money with out asking. This is what dictators do. She can only give $750 per family who last everything. Democrats don't give a damn about Americans. He commercials are about building up the middle class while she has been doing all she can to destroy the Middle class. You can not have a Marxist/Communist country with a strong middle class. So they must destroy it. Notice how the election interference is going on with Jack Smith coming out with the same old charges 30 days before an election? They know there is nothing that can be done. Just another attempt to get the useful idiots from not leaving the farm and vote Democrat. So plain to see if your eyes are open and the Democrat propaganda hasn't taken over your mind. Vance did a good job the other night. Damn moderators just can't stop with the protecting of the Leftist.
  18. You would be bleating too if you were treated 5% as bad as Trump has been the past 8 years. You have no sense of fairness or right from wrong.
  19. I hope not the same as you. Musk knows what he speaks.
  20. One thing, Hillary has never told a lie. The Clinton Crime Foundation was the best thing in helping poor needing people. Paid out between 5% and 9% of what they took in. Where did the rest go?
  21. The Right is always the Far Right or Extremists. The Left never has a Far Left. Why is this? The Left has much more radical ideas and ideology. The compliant media is responsible for this.
  22. There are no convictions until the appeal process is over and all the Marxist <deleted> done to him by the Marxist Democrats will be over turned on the appeals. Thank God I am not a Democrat with a mind like you. He is not going to 2024 turn into another 2020. Smart man. Not going to happen again.
  23. I see a world of difference between these two guy. Walz can't compare in any way to Vance other than being a liar and a Marxist. If the people want Marxism for themselves and children, then Harris/Walz fit the bill. If you are tired of the last 4 years and saw that you were better off 4 years ago and still want what freedoms that are left, then this choice is clear. Freedoms vs Marxism. Bottom line. So many uneducated people out there thanks to the Leftist dumbing down America the last 40 years.
  24. It will take a radical overhaul to rid this Government of the most radical Justice Department ever. Weaponization of political opponents must be eliminated after the ones in place are punished. They must pay for their misdeeds.
  25. Defile our Democracy? Do you what it means? Do you have a family? Do they listen to you? What felon? Not a felon until all appeals say so and they will not. The Marxist Democrats (you support) made sure to put this label on Trump before the election by every means possible. This will all be dispelled by higher courts after the election.
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