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Everything posted by lemonjelly

  1. What’s with the UK barbers? All the young Brit lads I see nowadays have awful hairstyles
  2. Rational behaviour flew out the window when she discovered her Thai husband had slipped his leash in middle the night
  3. Re: Doxazosin, i tried it for a week for bph, but had to stop as it made me feel so sleepy throughout the day. Felt like i was on sleeping tablets, it was awful.
  4. Ya missed out the comma between clauses u wordy person 🤣
  5. Isn’t this the guy that took a sabbatical break in a Thai buddhist temple in the US until things had cooled down in his professional life a few years ago?
  6. I bought a smart charger off Lazada. It’s not great tbh, is their battery electricity different? I’m pretty sure they drive on the wrong side of the road.
  7. I’ve not tried Tata Premium yet. Tata Gold makes a good brew, full bodied might be something to describe it. I wouldn’t know how it compares to English Breakfast tea, been so long since I tried English Breakfast tea. Can’t go wrong with the Tata Gold, but it does need storing in an air tight container as ½ kg will last you ages
  8. Here’s the name of what the locals say is the best filled baguette shop in Svkt if you’re intresstid
  9. Glad you like it. Keep it in a well sealed container and it’ll last you ages, loads cheaper than bags too.
  10. Is it my phone or the website? I keep having to log in every time i visit AN and the sign up prompt for the news letter every time i do log in is a bit annoying too. Grumble over. 😁
  11. I’m not too bothered about the drama queen doctor, but i think he should be kckd down a flight of stairs before being chucked out of TH for wilfully blocking an ambulance a while back. Fck him.
  12. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.nPTCc this stuff is great, just needs a tea strainer and tea pot which are cheap n easy to find
  13. Hub caps, vinyl roofs and coat hanger ariels on cars. Waiting for the comics to be delivered on Saturday mornings. Saturday morning kids tv, Noel Edmonds Swap Shop. Nationalised, affordable public services. Council houses for life (fck the Tories for flogging them off), rent officers to keep rents down, free school dinners evoking fond memories of Gypsy Tart
  14. A full Brazilian for breakfast, that’s best.
  15. Not before time, it’s children's food. 😂
  16. That, I cannot do. But that’s besides the point. This forum is about expats helping each other, sharing tips, banter and whatnot. Just be nice, doesn’t hurt.
  17. comments like this could really put people off asking for advice here. We don’t know his circumstances. Maybe he’s trying to support a family, has kids. Others may not enjoy the financial security that you do.
  18. Thai often sit together on the floor and eat, watch TV, etc. Lots of dogs in Thailand, plus general dirt on the roads n paths. I think it’s a great idea. Take yer fekkin shoes off ya dirty hippies. 🤣
  19. Likely scenario: Cop furious after they didn’t stop, started shouting and pulled his pistol on them, Kiwis panicked and tackled and disarmed the cop. Not wise, but why else would a couple of Kiwis do this? Looking at their creds, I’d prolly trust their word over a Phuket traffic cop’s, who, let’s be honest have a pretty bad reputation.
  20. Pathetic behaviour from an international carrier. Other carriers wouldn’t dream of such babyish reactions to a negative post on social media
  21. It’s a photo op they couldn’t refuse; prolly getting the vinyl banners made up as we read this 😂
  22. What might happen is that the airport authorities will have to forward passengers’ passport details to immi who can cross check visa status and be ready and waiting for overstayers when they turn up for return flight
  23. Well, that’s that then. MFP has just as many <deleted> as the other parties, just younger.
  24. How’s this going to prevent overstays? Are the air carriers now expected to check visas? Another case of “lets do it and see what happens” rather than doing a simple feasibility study.
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