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Everything posted by lemonjelly

  1. Received my 3rd shot (Moderna) 8th Dec. The thing is, they’ve put a series of digits on the Thai ID section on my vaccine certificate and nothing in the passport section. The digits given have no resemblance to my passport number. Anyone else?
  2. There are some yet unconfirmed reports that the omicron variant is less severe. This seems to be leading some people into a possible false sense of security. We just don’t know yet. What we do know is that it’s far, far more infectious. Even if it turns out that it’s less deadly, which might statistically be the case given the vaccine uptake, the extreme high transmissibility of this variant poses the problem of hospitals being overwhelmed by those that will need care. Being in such a bad way with covid that hospital admission is needed must be traumatic enough, without being queued on a gurney in the hospital car park.
  3. Another 3 months is a long time with the speed omicron variant is spreading. It’s already responsible for 20% of infections in the uk and it was first flagged only a couple of weeks ago. I decided to get my 3rd based on this, plus taking it before stocks run out which, considering the circumstances could be a possibility.
  4. I just rocked up at local walk-in vax point, received 3rd shot no problem.
  5. < a 2012 study showed that 20% of the Thai population have mental health issues > Seems unusually high
  6. Sterilization to stop either of them having more kids, should be mandatory for all parents who do this kind of thing
  7. It’s not about living in fear. It’s about everyone trying their best to help stop the spread and thus mutation of this virus.
  8. Is it a 250? Seen them going for abt 35 k recently, down from 70k a few years ago. Honda, prolly get another few million miles out of it yet.
  9. He’s probably not got it together to be vaccinated as well, I presume that the authorities will have to sort that out before he goes into shared detention
  10. Upholstered tractors, ok if you’re going off road.
  11. If the glue traps don’t work, this might be an option, although Mrs lemonjelly isn’t into the idea of keeping chooks . Will I have to build a hen house for them?
  12. I’ll try the glue traps, seems like not too much hassle. I’m terrified of the things, more so than snakes for some weird reason.
  13. Last night spotted a couple of them near the back door, about 20cm long. Anyone know of any ideas of traps for them?
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