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Posts posted by Richie23

  1. Jesus H Christ! I'm getting so sick of these commentators. Willie Thorne was always known as a gabble-mouth, trying to predict exactly what the players were going to do, criticising when they do it wrong and now we have John Virgo trying to out-do him, talking non-stop. As for Virgo's "Where's the white/blue/pink ball going" that he shouts out... that is getting so old, it wasn't even funny the first time.

    Now they are both talking even while the player is shooting. It's like having someone sitting next to you who won't stop talking.

    If I could find somewhere on the BBC web site where I could tell them to shut the **** up, I would.

    I only hope the final is commentated on by Steve Hendry, Steve Davis or Dennis Taylor, not these two idiots with verbal diarrhoea.

    Absolutely spot on..! Virgo in particular drives me mad. Does he ever shut the <deleted> up? For crying out loud give us a break/rest (pun intended). Time to hit the mute button yet again..

  2. You have the annoying habit of enjoying being annoying.....Maybe you carry that with you....

    On the board you come off as prissy, priggish, judgemental, annoying, and pious.....It' a possible this is what you are in person....

    It is also simply possible while you entered both you and your wife were sweeping (noticing) the room with your glances you could have made others curious or uncomfortable.... Women always notice/size up each other & it's noticed/communicated both ways....Possibly would have gone unoticed in a larger city but where you were you were the anomaly....Odds are it was a local watering hole with an established crowd - "their" territory so to speak.....Has happened before.....

    The fact you decided to leave says more about you than them......If you had ignored them everyone probably would have settled back in to enjoy their meal.....But THEY made YOU feel out of place so YOU left .....Paranoia?

    Unless you were doing something to draw attention to yourselves (loud/smoking/constantly looking around) you should have concentrated on you and your wife and enjoyed your evening & the heck with everyone else.....


  3. "I used to binge drink terribly and just got sick of myself, the money wasted, the wasted days hungover, feeling lousy, blackouts and not knowing what I had done, embarrassment, etc"

    This is exactly what I am doing to myself at the moment and as much as I know it's doing me in I just can't seem to stop it. Maybe I will give hypnosis a try too

  4. Everyone to their own.

    I enjoy a drink, usually go out twice a week to meet up with good friends, and will carry on doing so.

    While I respect your choice, I do not see why people should preach to others.

    Most 'reformed drinkers' lost control of their drinking, I have not, and neither have my friends.

    Enjoy your new choice of sobriety, but let others decide for themselves.

    How was the OP preaching to anyone else? I read it as a personal story and a message to others in a similar boat

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