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Posts posted by Richie23

  1. "have the right to contaminate everybody around them" "reeking contaminated sick people"

    Wow.. The anti smoking brigade are out in force with their intelligent comments again I see. I smoke and take slight offense to these remarks. I agree it should not be allowed in the go-go bars, but to be fair I personally don't see that many here and the air conditioning units seem to do a good job.IMO

    If all else fails, stick to rainbow 4 as suggested above. It doesn't get much better than that place in many aspects. :)

    • Like 2
  2. So many sad and borderline ridiculous posts on here. Questioning the wording in the article and petty arguments etc etc. If the Thai authorities deem there to be enough evidence to issue an arrest warrant, then I hope they manage to get him to stand trial and if found guilty he should be locked up for a very very long time. Meanwhile there is some poor woman whose life will never be the same.

    No doubt one of you will pick holes in what I've said, go for it, seemingly, many have nothing better to do.

    • Like 2
  3. More points that last season, our best yet. A few years ago we were maybe 7th or 8th whilst Arsenal were challenging for titles. It seems one team is on the up with a brighter future than the other. Oh and as for Bale..http://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/exclusive-gareth-bale-signs-new-130000aweek-spurs-contract--but-can-leave-for-50m-next-summer-8623742.html

    Well this doesn't sound like a done deal.

    Yeah I know.. But the consensus seems to be at least another year. Personally hope so anyway :)

    “For us to push forward, it would be great if he stays.

    “If he goes, I’m sure the club will get a lot of money for him.

  4. You guys who are "bitching & moaning" crack me up.

    Face it, if you had HIS money, and everything else, there's nothing saying you wouldn't make a "friendly wager" with a competitor, but if you lost, would you have the balls to pay up the way he did? How many of us, throughout our lives, have made bets with others over things, with what some might consider "silly" wagers?

    I once had to shave my head for a week over a Super Bowl game. Come on, lighten up and look at it for what it was.

    So what if it was a publicity stunt? In my opinion it makes these guys more "human", and breaks the stereotypical image of "ruthless, heartless corporate entities".

    The biggest difference between Sir Richard and those of you who can only gripe and bitch about this? It's not his money or position, but the fact that He ENJOYS life, while all you can do is sit around feeling sorry for yourself and complain about anything and everything.

    Spot on

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