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Posts posted by delgarcon

  1. Saturday I had a bit of a scare and was taken by speedboat from Koh Phangan to Bangkok Hospital Koh Samui. I'd had difficulty breathing during the night and was examined by the local doctor in KP hospital. My ECG panicked him I think, hence the speedboat (which incidently is just not equipped for emergencies). Anyway after another ECG in BH hospital they decided they wanted to keep me overnight but told me that there would be no cardiologist in Koh Samui before Tuesday. They gave me an estimate of 60000 to 68000 baht for staying the night under care, asking me to pay 80% up front, which I wasn't prepared to do (they got 21000 out of me for the speedboat and ambulance ride etc). When I asked the administrative nurse why they ripped off foreigners in such a way she just smiled and suggested that I went to the government hospital, so I got in a taxi and did just that. They looked after me well and the next day (Sunday) I went back home as I was feeling much better. Today, Monday I flew to Bangkok Hospital, Bangkok to see a cardiologist, who charged me 700 baht for an ECG and consultation. He didn't try to keep me in hospital and put my mind at rest with an explanation of what the problem is.

  2. Don't agree, I stayed at the Amari last week. Staff unhelpful, lift broken had to walk for 10 mins to find my room etc etc. The bed was comfortable but I'll find something else when I go back to BKK next week.

    Booking.com great for booking hotels btw

  3. One of the problems associated with providing legitimate transport is the cost of maintaining a good and safe service. I had a transport company in France for a while and the rules and regulations were almost prohibitive, but necessary. Vehicles were rigorously checked every year, bus drivers go nowhere without a tachometer, every driver has to have an annual medical and paperwork is checked regularly at random.

    BUT, young Felix and many thousands like him come here looking for a cheap holiday and cheap transport, you've only got to read the forums! Do they ask the bus driver where the seat belts are, do they notice the tyres? As jalansanitwong says, they're here on an adventure, what's a couple of bald tyres between friends?

    As long as there is no properly controlled legislation to stop these operators, they will continue their practice and carry on killing tourists.

    If you want to avoid the dangers, get a plane or a ferry.

    Very sad for Mrs Robinson, but suing the bus company is not going to make one iota of difference to the public transport system in Thailand!

    • Like 2
  4. So rijit, you're a Man U shareholder, you've just gone out and bought a couple of thousand shares and then old Michel comes along and says "attends un moment! C'est qui ce petit club Northampton Town et oui, Watford United. I sink I'm going to elp them with a leetle of yout dosh" Allez, don moi 300! We redistribute comme ca 100 pour Northampton, 100 pour Watford et 100 pour moi, Steff et Blatt! Ne t'inquiete pas, je te laisse 1700!

    I don't think so, do you?

  5. Nobody's ever going to watch the also rans ,doesn't matter what sport we're talking about, people want to see the cream. There's always going to be a place for the minnows as there is at home with the lower divisions, but the attendances say it all don't they. I think I like the current format for the Champions league mjj, I'm not mad on sudden death elimination, it's tough on everybody and not really fair imo, especially when you've got a tosser for a ref!

  6. Just for your interest all of you, Bangkok Hospital Koh Samui has
    very limited resources, equipment and specialist personnel and there are
    many circumstances where you should not advise people to go there. It's
    irresponsible of you and as I have found out can be a waste of time and
    money, as well as delaying essential treatment.
    Please stick to what you know and answer the questions being asked of you.
    Thanks smokie, at least I've got an idea now

  7. I know that there's much been said about this hospital and I would like to relate my experiences of last week. First of all I had been wrongly diagnosed with conjunctivitis at the emergency centre at the traffic lights in Thong Sala here in Koh Phangan (I went there as I was in agony with a head and eye ache on the left side and nurofen had no effect) They gave me some other pain killers and antibiotics and suggested I go to Bangkok Hospital in Bantai if I was no better. I did so that evening as I was still in pain. They told me that the pain killers were not strong enough (tell me something I didn't know) and also changed the antibiotics and suggested I went to see the opthamologist at B.H. hospital Koh Samui, which I did 3 days layer as I couldn't see out of my left eye.

    During an extensive examination of both eyes, which took the best part of 2 hours, the young Doctor told me to forget about conjunctivitis, he was pretty sure that I had the much more serious condition of Uveitis and that it had to be treated aggressively with anti inflammatories and steroids etc and that in his opinion I should go to Bangkok, where they had more equipment and I might add, more experienced doctors. To his credit, he spent a lot of time with me and asked me to go back at 6pm when he would have results of a blood test that I was given (and as he told me later, have time to speak to his "professor")

    I was given a total bill for the consultation, blood test and medication of a little under 6000 baht, compared to the 3000 baht that I had wasted with the charlatans of Koh Phangan. The doctor asked me to go back 2 days later to see how I was progressing and also to have a CT scan to check for tumors. Happily no tumor and my eye pressure was down to a more normal 16 from 24. Unfortunately I still can't see more than a blur out of my left eye and I have an appointment in Bangkok on Wednesday. I'll keep you posted. Anyway, cost for the Saturday consultation and CT scan, around 8500 baht.

    So the lessons to be learned, which is why I'm telling you this story, are as follows:

    1) Don't waste your time with the THAI INTER MEDICAL Clinic in Thong Sala, unless you have a heart attack or stroke on their doorstep!

    2) The Bangkok hospital in Bantai have very limited equipment, but I would guess they can patch you up if you fall off of your bike etc. If you need a specialist, they will probably tell you to go to Samui, as they did me.

    3) COST, which seems to be an issue in Samui. When I arrived at the hospital reception, there was a guy quite rightly (from what he claims) kicking up a fuss because having gone there and had a blood pressure test and his heart listened to by a doc with a stethoscope, he was kept in overnight only to be given the all clear in the morning and a bill for 50000 baht, in stark contrast to my experience. Having witnessed this, however, I asked the price of my blood test and scan beforehand. Which is the best advice I can give you. ASK HOW MUCH IT WILL COST (if you're conscious of course. If you're not, don't ask when you wake up iy may kill you)

    4} Try to ascertain the quality and experience of the specialist you choose, probably the most difficult and most important choice you have to make.

    Anyway, good health to all of you and just remember, too much of it may make you go blind!



  8. I'm sorry that I have confused everybody, let me explain.

    I arrived in Thailand on the 9th March 2012 with a multiple entry 'O' visa valid 1 year,

    I made my 1st visa run to KL in June and then went to France in Sept, returning on 15 Oct 2012.

    I then made another visa run on the 11th January to Myanmar giving me until April 10th in Thailand.

    The next bit gets complicated: My lawyer has prepared an application for a 90 day business 'B' visa, which I probably no longer need as I think that I have sold my business. (I should know by the 1st April).

    I would now like to apply for a retirement extension in June.

    As mentioned previously, I cocked up my flights and think that I must now book another flight to KL on the 8th April as my flight leaves KL on the morning of the 11th.

    Since I 1st asked the question on here I have spoken to my lawyer and she tells me to go ahead with the business visa and it will serve its purpose for the retirement extension.

    To be honest, the timing is not so good as I would have liked to have waited until I knew for sure that the business was sold, is there anyway that I can delay going to KL?

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