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Posts posted by delgarcon

  1. It all depends on what time of year. I visited Scotland for the 1st time last summer with a friend and enjoyed it immensely. We rented a car and visited a couple of the islands, Mull and Skye as well as the Highlands and stayed in B and Bs throughout. The hospitality was amazing and we met some really nice people. The last 3 days were spent in Edinburgh during the festival, the highlight being the Tattoo of course.

    Great holiday!

  2. My place tonight, pork ribs and chicken breast marinated in my sauce made from tomato puree, soy sauce, chilli sauce and crushed garlic with a squeeze of lime, served with corn on the cob and a green salad with vinaigrette.

  3. I hope the guy gets his sentence reduced by appeal. 40 years is ridiculous and some of you bigots on here would be better off pointing the finger at the people wealthy enough to afford the rhino horns. Skortz has hit the nail on the head, the rhinos are doomed and locking Chumlong up for 40 years wont help anyone. Even child molesters, rapists and murderers rarely get 40 years!

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