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Posts posted by delgarcon

  1. "Thailand's roads are among the most dangerous in the world.

    A recent report by the World Health Organization said Thailand saw 38.1 road deaths per 100,000 people in 2010 -- behind only the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean and the South Pacific island of Niue."

    To put this into perspective, this equates to more than 20,000 deaths in the UK, more than 30000 in Germany and more than 110,000 in the USA! It's almost as bad as a small war and still the authorities do nothing. No tachometers, no speed cameras, no regular mechanical checks enforced, no medical requirements for drivers, no compulsory seat belts etc etc...and as somebody else said, it seems that even the locals don't care!

  2. Does anyone know who was killed on a motorbike on the bridge near the Jam a couple of days ago? Not much news on KP apart from hearsay.

    A 47-year old German guy is what I heard, no idea who he was or how long he'd been here. Apparently mauled by a taxi. Can't vouch for the veracity of my source who was not present on the scene.

    I cross that bridge most evenings and I'm surprised that there aren't more accidents there. The way taxis speed along that stretch of road and expect everybody to give way to them on the bridge is lethal. Real bad luck for the motorcyclist to be in the wrong place at that time. I'll definitely be taking more care approaching the bridge in future.

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  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Samui immigration has been reported several times as charging 5000 baht for an extension of stay. The advice given is to put 1900 baht in an envelope and write 1900 baht for fee on it and give it to them.

    Of course the medical certificate is not required according to the rules.

    Are receipts issued for the 5000 bht extension of stay fee ?

    I'll give you 3 guesses! No receipt the thieving b*st*rds. They receipted my passport for the 500 baht they charged me for being a day late however! How do they get away with it?

  4. You convert the Tourist Visa to a Non Imm Visa at Immigration. 2,000 Baht.

    You then apply for the 12 month extension. 1,900 Baht

    Sometimes they do it in one process, sometimes you have to go back for the extension.

    The bank will supply a letter showing the deposit. They will know what is needed and charge around 200 Baht.

    Up to date bank book also needed.

    There is no requirement for a Doctors certificate.

    I just got a 12 month retirement extension in Samui and they asked for a medical cert and charged me 5000 baht!

  5. It is because of the immigration act of 1979 that only allows for 90 entries from a visa.

    If you can get an extension of stay you don't have to leave every 90 days you just report to immigration.

    Most people that can get a multiple entry visa could qualify for an extension if they wanted to.

    Tell me more Joe. I am due to leave by the 9th March (90 days after my arrival with a 1 year multiple entry "O" visa) and I live here. Apart from a retirement extension what other options are there?

    I did tell you what kind of visa I had Maestro! Anyway, I got a retirement extension in the end and now I have to report every 90 days to the Samui immigration and have to ask for an exit visa each time I leave Thailand and have to have the money in the bank again in 9 months time (not convenient) unless I make an "arrangement" with a local lawyer. Still, at least I don't need a million dollars or a green card to stay here!

  6. ...I don't want a retirement extension, I just want to spend most of my time in Thailand, please tell me what Visa I should have applied for.

    Are you saying that you meet the age requirement for the retirement extension but you don't want to meet the other requirements for it?

    I meet all of the requirements but as I intend to do a bit of traveling and haven't really settled well in Thailand, I'm not sure that I want to retire here. The point is that as I wont be going anywhere until May/June, I didn't want to do the border run right now. I'll see what Samui immigration suggest, maybe the retirement extension is what I'll have to go with.

  7. Some very interesting replies on here, thanks for your input and yes it is far easier to settle here than many other countries, including my own UK, so I agree that I shouldn't be whinging. I just do not like the visa run options out of Koh Phangan. As I've said, I understand the need to keep track of us although it doesn't really work does it! There are plenty of low life foreigners that are living here illegally and giving nothing to the economy and imo local reporting every 90 days would be much more efficient and could attract more revenue as well as saving more lives!

    Anyway, I'm going over to the immigration office in Samui in the morning to see what my options are, I'll let you all know.

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  8. Well, thanks for your efforts joe, but the bottom line is that I have to leave the country again. My question had nothing to do with extension, I'm aware of the options but I guess that my question was a rhetorical one and that there is no reply. JL Crab is probably the nearest to the mark.

    With your visa, you have to leave Thailand at the latest 90 days after every entry because this is the visa you applied for and received. The multiple-entry non-O visa is designed for people who need to visit Thailand several times a year, for one of the purposes for which this visa is offered. It is not for the purpose to live in Thailand for one year at a time. It is for people who live outside Thailand and visit Thailand for a short period at a time. Therefore, since you say that you live in Thailand, it seems that you applied for the wrong visa to suit your purpose.

    Ok Maestro, I don't want to get married and I don't want a retirement extension, I just want to spend most of my time in Thailand, please tell me what Visa I should have applied for.

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  9. It is because of the immigration act of 1979 that only allows for 90 entries from a visa.

    If you can get an extension of stay you don't have to leave every 90 days you just report to immigration.

    Most people that can get a multiple entry visa could qualify for an extension if they wanted to.

    Tell me more Joe. I am due to leave by the 9th March (90 days after my arrival with a 1 year multiple entry "O" visa) and I live here. Apart from a retirement extension what other options are there?

  10. Yes, I don't understand this type of advertising, I, like many others, gave up before the end and you've got to be from another planet if you don't know what's good for you and what's not. Less sugar, less fat, more exercise, less stress, no fags, less booze. Piece of cake! Oops, perhaps not!

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