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Posts posted by sajal

  1. the wife is going back to LOS to arrange to have two of the nieces come to stay with us (presently in Bahrain) during their school holidays next month. Our house in Suphanburi is presently locked up with the fax machine boxed up and telephone line shut off. The wife will have to transmit copies of the girls' passports to me in Bahrain to arrange visit visas for them. Where we live in Suphanburi some people have fax machines available but most often without an international telephone connection. Plus the image quality of a fax sometimes is not acceptable to the immigration people here. So, I figure scanning the passports onto a diskette (a scanner is available at the local school) then going to the local internet shop and attaching the resulting pdf files to an email.

    Anyone have any other ideas? We're talking simple stuff here but when resources are thin on the ground like an international telephone line things can get complicated.

    we transfer documents by email on a daily basis....

    scaned greyscale A4 documents are hardly 50 to 150 kb per page in jpeg format...

    nowdays many internet cafes have scanners....you can just ask them to scan and mail the documents...

    i dont understand the need to go to the complication of shooting the document by a camera when tutsiwarrior already mentioned he has access to a scanner.

    when scanning make sure to use greyscale/document mode and resolution around 150 dpi.

  2. If you want to complain here are the email of TRUE MD [email protected] and the MD os Asianet [email protected] Tell them your problems and how TRUE compares to ISP's in your home country.

    if i were to compare true to isp in my home country then it would have praises for true...no comparasion....so i better keep shut regarding the comparison....

    neways tx for the email addresses... will surely give them a piece of my mind...

  3. do anything but get HP....

    i used HP for 2 years....last year it suddenly went blank, definately a hardware issue....

    bought in bangkok with international warranty...i took it to the HP center in Hat Yai(southern thailand)...it took them 15 days and a lota firing frm me to repair it....

    the reasons given - the bangkok center sent the spare part(mainboard and cpu in this case) to phuket by mistake and they are tracking it....

    if it were a desktop i could have replaced the mother board myself for like 5000 bahts.....but again...depends if u need the mobility...

    now have a vaio no problems with it...

    if you are looking for a gr8 value for money in yr budjet go for acer. they have gr8 service....

  4. bandwidth problems on a sunday....

    seems a lota thai ppl now use adsl at home too,...

    the ISPs are keepin on giving out adsl connections without thinking of the bandwidth....the total international bandwidth of thailand is only around 3600 mbps.....<deleted>!!!!

    there must be a requirement for atleast 100 times that...

    the total international bandwidth of true is only 1358 Mbps....


    for your P2P to work really well, there should be some way to users in thailand to transfer among themselfes.....

    any coders here could shed light....

    explanation by malus is totally justified.....could be in that promotional exhibit they have set up kiosks for free internet for potential customers to try out the adsl speed first....and they have alloted all of their bandwidth there.....c'mon 1358 mbps is too low....im sure true has over 5,000 customers on the 1Mbps scheme alone....what abt the 256, 512....or even 2mbps and 4 mbps???

  5. is it just me or its the fact that ive not used the adsl for like 2 weeks...

    i use true adsl at work and at home in bangkok and havent experienced such low speeds...

    did you ppl stop all other internet activities before...

    could be that the bandwith of the server hosting the speed test is sad...

    reffer to http://www.adslthailand.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11422

    thailands total internet bandwidth is cloging!!! so u switching to dial-up wont help much...

  6. I remember I did this, but forgot exactly how.

    I think I made an connection in Putty and then transfered the files with wget or so ...

    Try to get some info on wget ... you can transfer files from another server that way.

    i think u mean mget

    in order to use putty, i need a SSH access.

    i have ssh access on box A, so i have transfered by FTP, by ftp i mean mput...

    i didnt manually for each folder this time...

    nice link by singa-traz, will be very helpful for taking backups and in case i need to move again(seems unlikely)

    when it comes to PHP i am just a script kiddie.....didnt do any sort of coding for the past 2 years...

  7. why dont you get a tivo?

    they have the same features discussed above.


    it can recort the programs as per your choice and then those programs can be downloaded to your PC anywhere in the world...

    prices starting from $99.99....

    with this slingmedia thingy, you would get to see your favourate shows at off hours(during peak hours at your hometown)

    or in bangkok in the evening when u turn on this slingmedia stuff all you get would be some crappy infomercials.....

    what you really need is a box that can record your favourite programs and you can see them as you please..

    all you need would be a decent net connection....a reliable router and some configuration(which is needed with both the boxes).

    now u can download programs at night(when bandwidth is freely available at thailand) then u can see them the next day....

    you would require some sort of subscription to tivo service....im not sure abt the fee, but im sure thats not a problem for you...

  8. Still don't understand why US dollars are involved if you're wiring money to Thailand from outside the US?? This would not be necessary from Britain, France, etc etc.. 

    Where exactly are you from?

    pls check bangkok banks exchange rate to see which currencies are acceptable and at what rates...

    we have a lot of trade with indian sub continent and most of the currencies arent acceptable.

    even if sometimes they do have india in their list, the rate is very high.

    as per the current chart sending money to india, the exchange rate is 0.93750, in reality it should be the inverse which is around 1.1.... u should get more indian rupees by giving lesser baht...

    so the only option is to convert to US$, or euro, or any currency easily acceptable in both the countries.

    whenever when my customers make payment its always routed via the USA.

    example ...

    1) my customer pays US$30,000 equivalent pakistani rupees + transfer fees to his bank.

    2) the local bank pays $30,000 to american express in pakistan.

    3) amex deducts some fees.

    4) amex paki sends the funds to amex in the US

    4) amex US deducts their charges.

    5) amex US sends the funds to bangkok bank manhattan branch.

    6) bangkok bank manhattan deducts charges (im not sure abt this)

    7) bangkok bank manhattan sends the amt to bangkok bank head office.

    by now i receive somewhere around 29,900 to 29,950....now this converts to baht.....and the process takes 1 to 3 days......sometimes there is an error somewhere in the chain of these banks....it has actually taken us 3 weeks once....

  9. thanks a lot for your reply singa-traz..

    thanks for the info that i can stay in binary...makes my life a lot easier....

    i dont have SSH on box B.

    any PHP scripts available to unzip????

    as in i can gzip the entire directory tree on box A....ftp it to box B....then usin some free PHP script to unzip the file from a web based interface....

    there aint any hgh-speed internet cafe where i currenty am.

    im not in bangkok rite now....and need everything copied b4 i return...

  10. well...lemme make this simple...

    download http://1gighost.net/randyboy/boot98sc.exe

    run it to make a book disk.

    this disk should contain fdisk.exe....

    now boot the old computer using this disk.

    follow steps 1 to 4 from http://www.5starsupport.com/tutorial/partition.htm

    remove the disk.

    now all your partitations are deleted. your hard disk feels like its brand new....

    insert windows XP CDROM.

    restart the computer.

    follow the on screen instructions....setup will ask you to make the partitions....

    NOTE: all data on yr computer will be erased.

    this installation will be totally fresh...no remains of yr previous deeds(im ignoring the data recovery tools).

  11. STEP 1 : Dump your hotmail account and get something decent.

    abt 1 or 2 months ago i was fiddlin on OE with a friends hotmail account, i could download the mails and read them.....after abt 1 hour when i tryed send n receive it gave me the $h1t somethin like hotmail no longer sopports OE and crap...

  12. hello.

    i need to urgently transfer some files from web server A to web server B.

    both servers are linux based.

    server A allows me SSH access.

    i am able to login to server A and then FTP the files to server B. but the main problem is that the command line interface sux.

    i gotta keep switching between ascii and binary types dependin on the file and gotta do that manually for all the files...

    its too slow and frustrating.

    any body know of a PHP script or something which i can set up on server B so that i can pull the files directly frm A???

    PS: total size is over 150MB, and over 10,000 files....so pls dont suggest i download everything on my pc and upload it on server B....i am on dial up...that too 24kbps in this crappy apartments phone line....

  13. Let's ignore the last post....

    I doubt very much if Citibank is going to go balls up, so what does the FDIC matter?

    As for multiple branches - I don't think any US bank has more than a representative branch in Thailand. (i.e. single branch). This might change as I think some of the Thai banks are still for sale as a few are basically government owned still following the crash in 1997, and HSBC and Citibank are semi-likely buyers.

    As for other US banks, I know JPMorgan Chase has a branch on North Sathorn road, and HSBC (which owns Republic Bank of NY) has a branch too.

    Only bank I can think of with a branch network here that has any presence in the US is the dutch bank ABN Amro, who run Bank of Asia (although, I think they only own 50% of Bank of Asia, so might not be treated as transfers to the same bank).

    i got an ABN amro(indonesia) account.

    i wanted to check up the balance from bkk? i called up the ABN'a bkk number, they tell me that they dont have any bangking services in thailand....only mutual funds n stuff...

    in thai u dont have much options, but to go wid da local banks.

  14. ok....here r the step by step instructions....

    1) buy your new pc and install windows xp.

    2) unplug the hard disk from your old computer

    3) plug it into your new computer

    4) copy the stuff needed.

    5) install norton utilities

    6) follow instructions on http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/true...ipeInfo2K45.htm

    7) unplug the old hard disk from the new computer and plug it back into the old one.

    8) on your new pc download http://1gighost.net/randyboy/boot98sc.exe

    9) insert a blank floppy disk into the floppy disk drive

    10 ) run the downloaded boot98sc.exe

    11) boot the old computer from the floppy u just created.

    12) type "format c:" and then press enter and follow the on screen instructions.

    13) repeat step 12 for all the partations you may have "format d:" and so onn...

    14)now insert the windows xp cd and remove the floppy disk.

    15)restart the computer.

    16) follow the onscreen instructions to install windows xp...

    you are done....

    now if you are not too familiar with hardware and swaping hard disks i recomend u replace step 2 to 7 with these ones...

    2) buy a USB thumb drive from panthip

    3) power up the both the pc....insert the thumb drive into the old one and copy the required data onto it.

    4) insert the thumb drive into the new computer and copy the info to the new coputer and delete all files in the thumb drive then.....even better if u can buy a 80GB portable HDD for 5500 baht....good for keepin backups...

    5) repeat step 3 and 4 for as many data u have...

    6) install norton utilities this time on your old pc

    7) follow instructions on http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/true...ipeInfo2K45.htm

    hope it helps....

    in case u need help on any steps pls inform id be glad to elaborate...

  15. Steve2UK

    i dunno what yr exact problem is....

    the link opens up in my pc.....im on dial up...

    u try downloadin frm http://www.webroot.com/download/trial/1/wwsetup1.exe

    n tell if u still get the error...

    i assume u use IE....

    check if you have File downloads enabled...

    click on tools > internet options.

    choose security, click on custom level, scrol down, you will get file downloads, make sure its enabled...

    make sure u have cokies enabled..

    when exactly do u get the error?

    when u click on download on http://www.downloadatoz.com/wwasher/ or on some other page at a later stage?

    Oleg_Rus : most wireless routers have an option of mac address filtering. the router admin will type in the permitted mac addresses and the router will comunicate to only those lan cards.

    this is a very good security option rather than use only SSID. if there is no MAC filtering and the only securty option is SSID ,then the apartment manager would have to distribute the SSID to everyone in the apartment. these ppl could share the SSID with ppl who didnt pay for the wireless internet including some ppl frm nearby apartments.

  16. devil_dog - Those "antennas" you see on the aircraft's moving surfaces are in fact "Discharge Wicks", to bleed off static electricity, which builds up on the metal airframe, during flight.

    Perhaps you've seen cars and trucks with hanging straps attached to the vehicle frame, rubbing on the ground. Same thing, same reason, different design.

    my car doesnt have one.....

    no no wonder i get a shock sometimes when i get out of the car and touch the metal portion of the door... :o

  17. And.... we're also talking about a regular joe getting this computer from another regular joe who was using it for everyday stuff.  Come on folks, do we really need to go through all these things just to prevent some clueless user from seeing your old porn?

    What jockstar asked for was a way to delete the files, and reinstall.  The reinstall will pretty much write over most of the old data and file allocation tables, and only a really determined (or chronically stupid) person would want to spend the time and effort to retrieve the data, which would have little or no value.

    Old Thai proverb say: Ride an elephant to catch a grasshopper.

    if the "some guy in Pantip" happens to be me by any chance(and assuming it would be 3 yrs ago) i would surely spend the time and effort to retrieve the data. who know what the "some guy in Pantip" might dig up? passwords? account numbers? emails? credit card details? im sure most of the ppl dont just have old porn in their coputers....

    i agree that such a precaution is not needed in thailand as it would really difficult for "some guy in Pantip" to be like me and even if he would be the "chronically stupid" then also he would probably not use the information in and negative way.... but you never know...

  18. Does anyone still using fax in 2005?

    Anyway, try www.efax.com, I've got a free US fax/voicemail number with them, anything sent is automatically forwarded to my email. Has been handy but been a few years since I still used it.

    fax is still being widely used in thailand and many asian countries for official work, etc...the concept of submiting online hasnt taken over 100%

  19. im not to sure abt the windows server platform, but its similar to xp...

    download any .asx file on your desktop or anywhere...

    right click on the file...

    goto open with > choose program

    choose "windows media palyer" from the list and check "always use the sellected program to open this kind of file"

    now all .asx file will be associated with windows media player.

    PS: if open with is not there in the list try pressing shift while right clicking(thats how its done in win 98/me)

    hope it helps!

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