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Posts posted by sajal

  1. All I know is I am forced to running my own SMTP for a few days / weeks as I am changing providers.. Perhaps 1 in 10 are coming back as failure due to be ing listed as dynamic IP's and spamblockers are not taking ANY mail from a dynamic IP.. As its temporary for me I juist send thos failed ones through a web based mail solution..

    Its my understanding this has nothing to do with whats listed in the headers simply ALL mail from IP's listed as dynamic gets refused.

    Of course you could take a more expensive static IP ADSL service but thats probably more than the cost of a good webhost on its own here in Thailand

    thats the reason im thinkin of registering with dyndns.org.

    i already use their free service where they give you xxx.dyndns.org, this one would encounter the problem you mentioned above.

    im not sure if this service is free or not but they can get your own domain xxx.com forwarded to your current IP, i guess that wont be blacklisted by spam tools as in that case the IP is not listed under dyndns.org and the spam blocker doesnt know wether its a static IP or a dynamic one.

    any idea how much does static IP cost?

    any urls?

  2. thanks a lot for your replies.

    livinLOS: for the smtp server thing, most spam blockers first check the IP of the smtp server which was used to send the email...then check if that indeed was the IP of the actual email server....for example if i send email appraring to be from [email protected] and use my own SMTP server then i have a problem...but if i use my own domain then i dont see much of a problem..in my case 90%(total size wise) of the mails are within the accounts in the same domain.

    ajarn and mgnewman: both those hosts dont offer anything close to 3 gig diskspace....

    darknight: u mentioned runing w2003 server for $88 a month...

    is this dedicated hosting? whats the specs and where is it located?

    maybe for the moment i stick with my current host,

    but i still require some solution for storing files/backups on the network...any idea?

  3. hello...

    im currently running 3 websites (only details of my companies...products...) on another host. i have taken the resellers account to host these multiple domains and and they handle the mail.

    1) the webspace(3000 megs) on the server is not enough to accomodate all the pics/videos i wanna put in there (even though its very unlikely someone might actually view it)

    2) mail server sometimes gives problems.

    3) costs me $19.95 per month.

    now i am thinking of setting up my own server to act as web server, mail server, DNS server, file server....and maybe more features....

    the webserver doesnt have a lota hits....

    the mails would mostly be sent/recieved from within thailand so the sendin/receivin for the end user would be fast...

    i really need a desktop to be used as a file server...my notebook (60GB + USB HDD 80GB is already full and i dont want to get another one or keep info on cds or DVDs)...

    i am quite experienced in using/troubleshooting computers, but have 0 experience with linux or freeBSD or anything other than DOS or windoze....but am wiling to learn te wonders of open source.

    i have a few questions :-

    1) what hardware should i get?

    2) windoze server 2003

    (dun wory abt cost of windoze :o ) or should i get linux (which distribution) im thinkin of SoL

    3) can i host my domain on a dynamic IP or i have to get a static one?

    4) will true 2.5 Mbps gurantee me full international bandwidth?

    5) is all this effort simple worth it???

    any help to point me to a right direction would be helpful...

  4. how about a linux based PC acting as the firewall?

    u could get a really old box(in case u dont have one lying around) for like 2000 to 4000 baht...u need 2 network cards....ask your friendly linux geek to burn u a live CD with scaled down linux with a really good firewall which could be configured via http....

    A P1 is good enough....u dont need harddisks....monitor, keyboard....for the install u can use your keyboard n monitor....then remove it....that too in case of live CD u dont need those also....

    all u need is a CD ROM and a floppy disk drive(for the configs)...

    linux is a stable OS....never heard of infection in linux....even if it does u just reboot the live CD.

    visit here for the live distributions for firewalls.


    again i echo cdnvic, why another desktop to secure a single desktop?

    we dont know what secret and critical stuff he has on his desktop...only he knows that....

  5. landed up ordering a Wellgate 3802, 2 port FXO gateway...for $140 + courier $80..Plus wire transfer fees....totaling almost 10,000 baht..


    now it has been shipped as sample...lets hope the customs dont have a good time with it.

    hopefully it will reach b4 i reach bangkok (maybe late next week...) will keep posted how it works out...

  6. i'm still waitng for nearly two months for them to figure out how to keep my broadband connection connected. seems they would really hog bandwidth pushing all those t.v. shows through?

    im quite sure the videos will be streamed from their server indise thailand...

    there doesnt seem any shortage of domestic bandwidth...

  7. it seems that the phone line is noisy for some reason.

    u can try one thing.

    unplug the phone line from your computer, connect a regular telephone set.

    pick up the handset and press any key. you should hear silence for 2 or 3 seconds....just note if its is really silent or there is some noise in the line...

    i have a noisy line at a condo in hatyai...have a terrible internet connection there.

  8. i have been doing import/export business in thailand and i know what i am talking about. for export whatever the documents, correct or incorrect they dont give a $h1t, but for import youve gotta be very careful...one mistake could cost u loads of undertable money...

    if anyone sells abroad, its increasing the foreign revenue in thailand.

    i think yr point of view is wrong. ur not takin the bread of another local exporter, you are making thai products more accessible to the worlk and the government loves that.

    if tytus is planin to sell abroad, all he is doing is buyin thai products with his personal money and sendin out to friends(or customers but theres no way to proove it).

    if he sells to someone in thailand(shipping within thailand), then the problem may occur as he is trading within thailand, not registered with the tax ppl, not paying the 7% on his markup.

    sniffdog, you need to understand that just because ebay allows you to open a store, it doesnt mean that you are a legit business.

    maybe tytus could eloborate on his plans, he wants to ship the goods abroad or sell to thai ppl. the shipping would be done from within thailand or another country.

  9. i almost always use EMS even sensative documents, shipping socuments...samples....EMS is the best...

    just once i send a package to bennin republic(africa), when i asked for how to track that particular package, they gave me a tracking number of fedex and their URL....

    so i suppose in countries where EMS goesnt have a reach to , they send it thru some reliable international courier at charges much lower than if u send it thru fedex directly.

  10. DD, I don't know where you got this info from, but you don't need a Thai company at all.

    If you want to sell, just open a store at Ebay. No license or company required. Furthermore, if you have an address abroad and your a private seller, nobody will bother you.

    DD, if your info was correct, how do you explain all the Ebayers selling stuff?

    sniffdog, legally no foreigner or foreign company is allowed to do business in thailand. only thai companies and citizens.

    in case tytus would be shipping the goods from abroad directly then its ok as the receiver would be entitled to pay the customs duty and vat.

    ebay allows just anyone to open a store, but they have no controll over the legal implications.

    sitting in thailand, i wouldn't operate a shopping cart without it being operated by a thai company.

    its quite easy to get caught.

    think about it that way...you operate an illegal store, then some angry customers or some rivals would complain to the revenue ppl abt yr operation and u get kicked out of los. is it worth it?

    in case tytus is thinking of operating an online store to sell thai products to abroad then no problems at all. the revenue dept wont bother much.

  11. Well 40GIG on my notebook is not enough for me....I need to add another 40gig...

    do u know how much does it cost ??? 2nd hand HD in bkk

    i doubt if a notebook can accomodate 2 hdd..

    60gig on my notebook wasnt enough so i got myself a 80 gb notebook hdd in an external casing usb interface for 5500 baht at itmall rachada..its really small..

  12. Guys ,

    1)NEed to know if a foreighner like me wanna sell online thru my own Shopping Card do i need a company ???

    2)What if a Thai nationals wanted to sell online thru a shopping cart do they need to pay tax or anything???



    IMHO selling online via a shopping cart is same as selling via any retail store....

    foreigners would need a thai company....thais could sell without a company but pay the taxes....

    of course anyone can sell online and not pay taxes but if u get cought ull have a nice time wid revenue ppl....

    maybe this thread belongs in the business section n not IT....

  13. oldies income program and this is totally diferent.

    in case the oldies were to die, the only benifit the government would get is reducing the cashflow.

    in this case its one oldie dying and the *company* gets the property plus not having to pay monthly.

    i agree this is a gr8 idea for thailand, where farangs buy property upfront and dont have much inward cashflow and probably dont have anyone else behind to give the property to after death...

    im not sure if thais would go in for such offers....farangs would...but again maybe the government makes it dificult for a farang to apply ;-)

  14. mayb a lil off topic...but lemme add this...

    i totally agree with ovenman "The people at the HP service center didn't know their ass from their elbow". had a really bad experience...they took over 20 days to replace the faulty motherboard on my HP(nx9010). (1 week to detect the problem) seems that bangkok center sent the spares to phuket by mistake instead of hat yai... and they took time sorting the whole thing out. - decided not to buy any HP/compaq product ever(10 months and counting)...

  15. 4:  One SPA-(1/2/3)000 in loc.A & one SPA-3000 in loc.B, how to call to SPA-3000's PSTN?

    A: Call from SPA FXS, for example in Germany, to call US PSTN number (SPA-3000 FXO)

    Analog Phone - [FXS(spa1)  ]  ---> [internet] ---> [    FXO(spa2)] ---> US PSTN

    Example above is you want to pickup your phone in Germany and dial a US PSTN number.

    Configuration for spa1 Line1:

    1. set "Enable IP dialing" to yes

    2. set "Make call w/o reg" to yes

    You can now pickup handset in Germany and dial NumericalUserid*spa2_WAN_EXTERNAL_IP*5061.

    You will hear a 2nd dialtone after spa2 picks up your PSTN call, you can now dial a US number.

    this is from http://sipura.com/support/spa3000faq/Section_2.html#4

    not exactly what i want but i can manage with this one also.

    nebody have any idea ant the following questions, their support didnt help much.

    1) in the case mentioned above do i need to have a PBX?

    2) in no then, can i use a softphone to access the sipura?


  16. me too....skype is not so good, but maybe the nets not good in thailand as skype has some very good reviews...

    pc to pc is clear but useless.

    tried calling to my sis in us(from true 1024k ADSL), the line was really broken up....

    other parts of the world too very rarely get a clear line.

    i guess other service providers can get you a good line to the US.

    in my country there are no VOIP service providers so i have to find out some hardware alternative to these noisy/expensive service providers.

    visit http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=28221 ill keep it updated abt my search for some alternative.

  17. id suggest u consult with your land lady....

    since the shop is on her resort if it would be illegal or sumthing even she would have a hand in it...

    since your shop is inside a resort and servs mainly tourists, i dont think there should be much problems frm police n mafia or whoever....

    i would personally not open a shop in this situation until i am fully sure of what i am doing.

    consult your landlady....whats her opinion? ask your gf to consult some local consultant as they know the local situation the best.

    maybe you fix up a rate with them for some accounting stuff they can handle the revenue ppl.

    best option is go legal and pay taxes....as then u can stop worrying and have a peice of mind...

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