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Posts posted by sajal

  1. im sure there must be some laser service center in chang rai area...

    just show up at their service center with the defected monitor...thats gotta work...

    it seems like there is something wrong with the temperature/voltage settings in the monitor....likely to be a minor problem...

  2. 1222 is still busy. Is it actually accessible (1222) from a TT&T line?

    Anyone, Anywhere a clue please.......

    Wilson Steer.

    i dont think 1222 works with TT&T.

    in bangkok if u pick up a true line(TT&T) and dial 1222 u get some error message...

    for TOT no problem.

    i use 1222 whenever im out of bangkok(and in thailand) works like a charm...i dont recall the line being engaged ever...

    some places im online all day with 1222 no problems...

  3. Get message modem. They used to sell the USR model at larger shops in Thailand like IT City. Receives & stores faxes and voice messages even while your PC is off. Read about it here:


    yr url isint working...

    i think u mean http://www.usr-emea.com/products/p-dialup-...v92-ex&loc=emea

    if u check http://froogle.google.com/froogle?q=US+rob...s+message+modem ull see most of this is $100 to $300.

    so if u r lookin for a hardware solution, the cheapest would be to buy a fax machine...

    these products are only if for some reason or the other need the fax to come on the PC...

  4. Sorry,

    Typo... I did mean UBC quality  :o

    The theoretical speed of 802.11b is 11Mbps. I've never seen it go over 6Mbps in the best case, with the accesspoint right next to the client... The total amount transmitted may be as high as 11Mbps but around 6Mbps is actually data, the rest is error correction and overhead... Anyway, most stuff on the market nowadays is 802.11g...

    tx monty, just the clarification i needed...

    one more thing...is ubc video on demand or is it broadcast type?

    im actually considering 802.16a...theory says 26mbps as max...

  5. ok..

    lets say your WAN IP is and your server is

    u wanna run a web server(normally port 80) on to be accessible by the public outside of your lan...

    u gotta go to the router's configuration....

    go to the NAT or port forwarding or virtual server(name depends on model) page...

    u set up forwarding....choose port 80, type in the server IP as , now if someone tries to access on thier web browser, the router sends the request to port 80 on server)

    now u need to set up port forwarding for the various servers u wanna host...

    one port cant be forwarded to more than one computer on your lan...

    the WAN IP is always mapped to the router. its NAT feature which simply forwards some pre-defined ports to a computer. access to un defined ports will be not possible....so the router acts as a firewall too...

  6. hello SeaVisionBurma,

    i know some solutions you could use.


    there are many fax gateway softwares available.

    u have to install one of them on a PC with a telephone line.

    this PC must be on the mainland where telephone line is available.

    this PC should be connected to a broadband service.

    what this setup will do is u email the to be faxed matter to the email address alocated to the fax software, include the destination number in the subject or body(depends on software to software).

    the fax gateway will dial and send the fax for you.

    it can also accept incoming faxes and attach them as a tiff or some format and mail it to you.....


    this is the same as solution 1, just that here u dont need a PC, u have a fax gateway in a box, many brands make them....multitech is one of them and their fax gateway is for approx $500....

    the advantage here is no maintanance hassles n stuff...a simple but expensive solution.


    u could ise VOIP to send faxes.

    install a VOIP gateway(FXO) on the land - $200, connect it to an adsl modem...and a regular PSTN line.

    at your home, u could use the PC to make calls or send faxes thu the phone line connected to the gateway....

    for all of these to work u need to have an office or friend on the main land where u could install these stuff...

  7. Most broadcasters now use Mpeg3 systems as this has suppased Mpeg2 which now "old technology".

    It is 1995. You are sitting watching rugby on TV and, being an Engineer, you have placed yourself directly in front of the screen at the ideal viewing distance of 4 x picture height. The game is rather dull and you go to sleep for ten years. Wakening in 2005 you find that someone has kindly replaced your old TV with a brand new 16x9 widescreen model that just happens to have the same vertical picture height. That's good, because you don't have to move your seat. You're still at the ideal viewing distance. Best of all, a game of rugby is just about to start.

    At least, it looks like a game of rugby. Certainly that's a rugby ball and the players look like rugby players, but they seem intent on playing football instead. Slowly it dawns on you that you're watching a football match stretched horizontally to fit the widescreen format. You do some mental arithmetic:

    The source material is 4:3

    It has been stretched to 16:9

    Therefore, stretch factor = 4:3

    To fix it, compress by 3:4 = 0.75

    The easiest way to achieve this without compromising the ideal viewing distance is to move your seat through an arc of 41.4 degrees. This gives the requisite horizontal foreshortening to restore the 4:3 aspect ratio. And because you can go clockwise or anticlockwise, there are now two ideal viewing positions instead of one. Progress.

    A couple of things still trouble you though. You are now nearer one end of the screen than the other, and this is putting some strain on your eyes' accommodation faculty. Also you are becoming aware of a rather extreme trapezoidal distortion of the image. You take stock:

    You do not want to compromise your hard won 41.4 degree viewing angle.

    The trapezoidal distortion is a bigger issue than the ideal viewing distance.

    The solution is obvious. Staying on the 41.4 radius, you move away from the screen until the trapezoidal distortion is reduced to the standard 1% that you used to apply in the days of converging monitors. A little calculation shows that this occurs at a viewing distance of 87 x picture height, which in your case is about 50 metres. At this point you bless your foresight in having chosen to live inside a disused linear particle accelerator. Not everyone has such a big lounge.

    Two difficulties remain. The geometry is now acceptable but the picture seems small and distant. And the sound has acquired lip-sync and echo problems. While pondering the first of these, you fix the second by rigging a powered speaker by your seat. Finally, inspiration strikes. You fetch a pair of 10x50 binoculars . . .

    or you could adjust the settings in the TV to compress only the width by 75%...

    agreed you are good at maths(or maybe u copied n pasted) ...similar while watching DVD movies in 4:3 screens when u get black patches on top and bottom to adjust the 16:9 feed to the 4:3 display....

    i simply didnt get the message u r tryin to convey...that is in case there was one hidden....

  8. thanks a lot monty....

    im not sure what u ment by UBS quality (did u mean quality of the cable operator UBC?).

    802.11b gives 11mbps....so i guess that should sufice even for DVD quality??

    any idea whats the bitrate of the free to air streamed directly onto digital satelite receivers?

  9. i guess canchao already has the adsl/router box im not sure of his setup...

    maybe some elobaration would help...what model numbers...

    i guess if u already have a router, its likely to support NAT which u could configure to forward port 80 to your computer....

  10. hello all.

    i was just wonderin what would be the bandwidth required to stream a PAL quality video to be viewed on regular TV.

    the source of the video would be a satelite tv receiver..

    the video may be compressed, but the quality of the video MUST be the same as if it were viewed by connecting the TV directly to the receiver.

    in other words, i want to implement some IP based technology to enable someone else on the net(or LAN) to view a particular channel i can view on my TV.

    no queries regarding the hardware....

    i just need to know the bitrate required and the codec recomended for this purpose.

    PS: im not into cable piracy or anything. this query if for legit purpose relating to a business venture im currently cooking up in head...

  11. You have misinterpreted what I have said.  Obviously a PC cannot receive anything if it's not switched on - even I am not that stupid!  I believe that some fax software is based round e-mail so that incoming faxes can be treated as such and can be downloaded from your e-mail server later.  In this case, the PC does not need to be 'on' when the fax is sent to you.


    very sorry for misinterpreting you,...

    as slimdog said, you to register with some of these services...

    they will assign you a telephone number and all faxes sent to that number will be delivered to you by email.

    unfortunatly there are none in thailand(or i have not heard of them)....so you wont get a thai number,...

    if you are cool with a US number then efax tyoe services are best for you.,

    for your purpose, its not a software you should be looking for but rather a service provider...

    if your contacts are in thailand, i would consider it a waste of money to use US based services.....the persending you the fax has to send it to the US...which is expensive.,..then you pay a fee to get it to your email....

    IMHO you have 3 options.....

    1) keep your PC on.

    2) get a regular fax machine

    3) get me a phone line and 10 baht per page ill do the service for u.... :D (just kidding)

  12. Vaguely related ... software that will take the call, decide if it's fax or voice and in case it's voice work like an answering machine. Not sure it's even physically possible, just wondering?

    its physicaly possible...

    years ago i came across a vb6 component using which it was easy to make an application which could accept calls, play a wave file(s) navigate thru menus, record voice mail...ofcourse it could be coded to triger a fax program if a fax tone is detected...and perhaps the programs these days would directly work on mp3...

    since having tried it myself, its physicaly possible, all u need is a pc with a modem and a sound card.

    im sure commercial programs are available to do just that, did u try googling for it?

    ps: if i remember correctly the example code provided with the dll was called joker phone or something...

  13. Thanks for this info.  I found the necessary on the WIN XP installation disc - as you say, it isn't installed by default.  Looks as though it will be OK for sending the occasional fax but it looks as though the PC needs to be 'on' to receive - otherwise the sender would just get through to my land-line telephone.  This may not be a problem - I'll see how it goes.

    DM  :o

    let me get u right. - you want a software based solution to receive fax on your pc while it being turned off...impossible....thats all i can say...

    if u need hardware solution i remember seeing a modem(external) at a friends place abt 4 or 5 years ago which would store some pages of fax in its memory which could be downloaded to your pc when itss switched on...dunno if such products r available...

    if u r planin on a hardware solution, u r better off with a fax machine...

    for fax software to work with pc being off is IMPOSSIBLE.....i hope its loude and clear....

  14. Does anyone know if any 'early warning system' was set off last night in Phuket as a result of the quake? Would be interesting to know if the authorities have got something functional already and it actually worked. Or was it the CNN and BBC watchers who spread the word? Either way, it appears to have worked to get people away from the beaches.

    no... it was the member of thaivisa.com/forum who spred the news... read post #1 ;-)

  15. crushdepth and thomas: i already use the search function in the pdf file.

    it also has an option to search thru multiple PDFs at the same time and is very handy...

    but the problem with that is the output is too confusing.

    asuming you have seen the sample file in the first post...say for instance i want to see the activities of a particular product, i search for the key word, then i have to go thru the search results and see them one by one...i cant get a list generated only for the rows where the particular keyword exists nor can i automatically generate some statistical data out of it....

    sniffdog: since the tables in the file are not actual tables but simply lines drawn, all the conversion tools ive tried dont seem to give me the desired output.. the data in the converted file is too jumbled up to use in any sort of database...if u read what autonomous_unit had written, that made the most sense...the data for each field has to be visually parsed from the PDF...but the question is HOW?

    im downloadin adobe acrobat(not the reader) then ill see if something can be done from there....

  16. You might or might not need to subscribe in the company name.  Depends on the salesperson you talk to and the legal owner of the telephone line.  When I went to ask at the True kiosk, they were very strict about procedure, but when I called a salesperson, it was a different story.

    for my connection at home i just went to the true center at it mall in fortune tower rachada.

    talked to the lady in the front most desk, she helped my in the application. only my pasport copy was needed and filled the application. i got the phone line and adsl within 5 days, no other document/details needed.

    probably if u already have a line ud require an authorizion from the owner of the phone line...

    my appartment was a rented one, they didn't even want to see the rent agreement...very simple...

  17. as to what i hear from a reliable source any regular joe can apply for the sme package, need only ID card or passport(requirements same as for home package).

    i agree with pandit...the SME account is a more privilaged one...we use home package at home and office, during the day it gets really slow...slower than dialup even(im hardly at office during the day my experience is limited to the very rate occasion that im at bangkok and that too at office during the day). at home the home package works like a charm(caus i use it only at nights and sundays).

    someone who uses the true SME package says he hasnt had any such problems with the SME package.

  18. tx a ton autonomous_unit for some more insight.

    i tried the software LEADTOOLS ePrint IV EVAL, they seem to convert the PDF to word 97 format in which the data is inside a table(not actual table but same as u described). the lines of the table being seperate lines and each line of data within a cell in seperate text boxes....

    maybe something could be parsed out from word more easily....

    there must be some tools/plugins for word which allows conversion from these drawn lines to actual tables....

    gotta good=gle a little harder i guess...

  19. hello,

    i was wonderin if anybody knows how to do the following.

    i have many files(over 1000) like http://cbr.gov.pk/newcu/igm/kpt475.pdf

    they are all in PDF format....and weekly i get around 50 to 100 more new files to add...

    the problem is that with these files, if i need to find any info, i would have to search thru the files and its a very tiring process.

    now i want to put all the data into some database (not manually of course).

    ive tried leads tools, but it only exports to html, doc, rtf, txt....all are useless to me...

    i need excel or even better of some nice database program...

    exporting to text doesnt insert any sort of control character between fields...if it did that i could code in VB or C myself... :o

    any idea how to do it?

    if not then atleast how to export the data in the PDF to ASCII text inserting some special character between fields..?

    right now i am not using those PDF files to my benifit as i cant make sense of them...if i can get some database runing thru those files, it will really help my business....

  20. hello,,

    after two months, still struggling with tot adsl. today they came over and let me borrow a router, and its actually working, although there are dead spots now and again.  i was wondering how i could configure the ports or see which ports the router is running through, the only problem is it doesn't look like he left any of the router software on my machine.


    hello john,

    the router itself doesnt run on any port.

    since its a router, u r probably connected via the local area network.

    asuming u r using win xp, u goto network connections, double click on local area network and choose details. your ip must be mentioned there...

    it will be something like 192.168.1.x or 192.168.0.x or something.

    if your ip is 192.168.1.x, then open yr web browser and type and enter.

    you will be asked for a login name and passwords.,,if u dont know them then u can google for the default password/...if that doesnt work ask the tot guys what password they set....

    u can configure ports on most soho routers...

    instructions depends on yr specific model...

    it would be much easier if u read the manual of the router and browse thru the manufactures site...

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