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Posts posted by sajal

  1. Anyone in touch with Indian cinema shouldnt need an introduction to who Hema Malini is... for others you may google her out...

    She was here for the Bangkok International film festival and we were lucky to get her interview... im the one holding the camera ;-)

  2. Thaivisa :-

    Download Speed: 2086 kbps (260.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 359 kbps (44.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Adslthailand :-

    Download Speed: 2084 kbps (260.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 392 kbps (49 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Speakeasy LA :-

    Download Speed: 2027 kbps (253.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 369 kbps (46.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

    apparently it is only when others report bad internet.... my internet is literally on fire...

  3. Hi Richard,

    the folders in lost+found were all coded in numbers... the files/folders beneath them were normal....

    just now... did a find for one of the obvious filenames in my old home and was glad to finally find my home folder.... and everything in it apparently there!!!! /home/sajal from the damaged disk reads as about 44 GB which is about right....

    im so glad... tomorrow im supposed to hand over some video files (interview with a celebrity who recently visited bangkok) to someone... he would have eaten me alive i guess if i couldn't recover it.

    if u read my my rant from last night... ull see that i had lost all hope of recovering my data...

    its only due to you for mentioning to digg deeper into the LVM thing and autonomous_unit who reminded me...

    in the end fsck killed my data and it was fsck only which got it back!!!!

    the current disk inside my pc has some heat issues... need to buy a bigger better disk...

    moral : Even if u arent as crazy as me, still take backups.

  4. progress(i hope) : all hope is not lost!

    discovering the volume group was there but it was still unmountable i fscked it (dont ask me why im in a state of panic!)

    it ran for a few hours.. asking me to type y loads of times.

    now i just mounted it to /home/sajal/temp

    [root@localhost lost+found]# df -h
    Filesystem			Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda2			 9.5G  3.4G  5.7G  38% /
    /dev/sda5			  43G  257M   41G   1% /home
    tmpfs				 506M	 0  506M   0% /dev/shm
    /dev/scd0			 2.8G  2.8G	 0 100% /media/Fedora 7 i386 DVD
    /dev/sdb1			  99M   43M   52M  46% /media/_boot
    				   71G   53G   15G  79% /home/sajal/temp
    [root@localhost lost+found]#

    its for only one folder under it lost+found

    loads of folders inside lost+found .. eg :-

    #13461425 #13699355 #13861164 #13928476 #14286924 #66194

    #13437408 #13450805 #13461426 #13699356 #13861193 #13928478 #14286925 #66195

    #13437409 #13450848 #13461428 #13699357 #13861224 #13928486 #14286926 #66196

    #13437420 #13450867 #13461429 #13699358 #13861248 #13928487 #14286927 #66201

    #13437421 #13450868 #13461430 #13699359 #13861286 #13928489 #14286928 #66206

    #13437432 #13450870 #13461435 and so on....

    now will begin the tedious task of goin thru them...

    //Edit : typo

  5. [root@localhost sajal]# /sbin/lvm vgdisplay -v
    Finding all volume groups
    Finding volume group "VolGroup00"
    Fixing up missing format1 size (74.43 GB) for PV /dev/sdb2
     --- Volume group ---
     VG Name			   VolGroup00
     System ID			 
     Format				lvm2
     Metadata Areas		1
     Metadata Sequence No  3
     VG Access			 read/write
     VG Status			 resizable
     MAX LV				0
     Cur LV				2
     Open LV			   0
     Max PV				0
     Cur PV				1
     Act PV				1
     VG Size			   74.41 GB
     PE Size			   32.00 MB
     Total PE			  2381
     Alloc PE / Size	   2380 / 74.38 GB
     Free  PE / Size	   1 / 32.00 MB
     VG UUID			   4NFF99-9gbc-v6nJ-jq2h-P1hf-hRCy-km77mU
     --- Logical volume ---
     LV Name				/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00
     VG Name				VolGroup00
     LV UUID				2x2fDW-nSdl-DKa5-VT59-DBB5-95Ti-Tkujzc
     LV Write Access		read/write
     LV Status			  available
     # open				 0
     LV Size				72.44 GB
     Current LE			 2318
     Segments			   1
     Allocation			 inherit
     Read ahead sectors	 0
     Block device		   253:0
     --- Logical volume ---
     LV Name				/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01
     VG Name				VolGroup00
     LV UUID				4af9Y5-DK5S-oFuh-JBWF-55ZO-QD6X-42VNoB
     LV Write Access		read/write
     LV Status			  available
     # open				 0
     LV Size				1.94 GB
     Current LE			 62
     Segments			   1
     Allocation			 inherit
     Read ahead sectors	 0
     Block device		   253:1
     --- Physical volumes ---
     PV Name			   /dev/sdb2	 
     PV UUID			   jO0ck1-oYYr-i2hJ-AKwZ-8cHA-p7ll-8Dad41
     PV Status			 allocatable
     Total PE / Free PE	2381 / 1
    [root@localhost sajal]# mount /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 temp
    mount: you must specify the filesystem type
    [root@localhost sajal]# mount -t ext3 /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 temp
    mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00,
       missing codepage or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so
    [root@localhost sajal]# dmesg | tail
    sd 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0
    kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
    EXT3 FS on sdb1, internal journal
    EXT3-fs: recovery complete.
    EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
    hfs: unable to find HFS+ superblock
    VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev dm-0.
    hfs: unable to find HFS+ superblock
    hfs: unable to find HFS+ superblock
    VFS: Can't find ext3 filesystem on dev dm-0.
    [root@localhost sajal]#

    Thanks autonomous_unit and richard, i had given up on vgscan and other LVM commands as they werent working for me earlier.

    now i can see the volume group, but unable to mount it.

    even runing testdisk on /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 doesnt get any partition.

    I think the problem is the bad superblock thingy... i could see it many places after fsck'ing

  6. Did you google this, because I think that I saw a freeware or shareware that turns a PC into a recorder for both sec. cams and telephone calls. can't remm the name of it. Sounds simple enough to do. Why by equipment.

    I believe the software was called modem spy.

    a parallel(or serial not sure) phone line goes into your modem. whenever the phone is in use the software picks the line and records. advantage of using the software solution is perhaps u can set it to email the recordings to you... so even if u r out of office, u know whats going on (not that spying on employees is a good thing)

    if u need it for longterm use then hardware would be more appropriate.... i doubt if ull get it in the big retailers. the only way to find it would be first to do some research on the net. acquaint yourself with what it should look like, then digg in the following places... panthip plaza ground floor, electronics market in china town ... if these dont help u then order it on ebay.

  7. thanks a lot for your reply autonomous_unit!

    i think after almost 1 year of full time linux user, this stupidity still makes me a newbie...

    the partition structure was the default when i first installed FC% (upgraded to FC6 using yum)

    approx 100 MB for /boot ext3

    rest LVM (almost 80 GB)

    the LVM had about 2 GB for swap and rest as /

    /home was just a folder on / not a dedicated partition.

    what you mean to say... is i am better off not using LVM ? had i not used LVM, my files would be easily recoverable?

    i have the corrupted hdd with usb cord, i can do stuff on it on my home pc.. (or now my notebook as i got it working with a spare hard disk installed FC7)

    i just need my /home partition back.... any recovery methods which can help me recover the lvm metadata thingie?

  8. Richard : thanks a lot for the tip.

    I tried the rescue mode as well.

    it doesnt seem to be able to recognise any previous installation of FC6.

    when loged in as shel, fdisk -l shows both the partitions, but im unable to mount the /dev/hda2

    i guess my only hope is trying the stellar phonex thingy tomorrow morning.

  9. tx for the replies ppl...

    tried a lot attaching this disk as external usb to my home pc as well as my neighbour's windoze box .. no help..

    tried demo versions of few recovery software... no help.

    ill try the software suggested by lostinbkk tomorrow (as it too runs only on windows)

    if that doesnt help ill be rushing to panthip and then to fortune. any shops in particular which have linux experts? or any expert linux suport company/individuals in bkk?

    let this be a reminder for all you trigger happy ppl.... take a fresh backup NOW and make it a point to update backups daily!

  10. i have successfully(read: stupidly) managed to corrupt my main partition of my hard disk!!! and that too just after deleting my backups to make space for pr0n....

    now im in a bad fix... tried everything to recover my partition... last 24 hours continously working hard to get it to work... read numerous forums... finders aching now...

    at the moment ive replaced the hdd on my notebook with an old one(says S.M.A.R.T failure) and am instaling FC7 on it.

    i have the corrupted hdd with me...

    Is there any shop in bangkok who know about linux filesystem and can recover the data on the disk? willing to pay for their services if successfull.....

    at the moment i will be happy with wehatever they can salvage from the disk...really desperate.

    the damaged partition was a linux LVM type and it used ext3 filesystem.

    really in a desperate situation.

    my stupidity ...

    computer had FC6...

    yesterday i had problems loging on...

    i panicked...

    loged on to the terminal as root...

    searched using lynx...

    on reading incomplete guides/forum posts i did an fsck on the main partition.

    ignored the following warning/

    WARNING!!! Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause

    SEVERE filesystem damage.

    all hel_l broke loose after that.

    even testdisk didnt help.

    guess i should get some sleep.

  11. im on true 2500/512 adsl in bkk.

    smells like the link goes directly from true to shingapore singapore.

    [sajal@localhost ~]$ traceroute
    traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
    1  ppp-58.8.XX.XX.revip2.asianet.co.th (58.8.XX.XX)  14.784 ms  16.466 ms  19.706 ms
    2  ppp- (  21.452 ms  24.674 ms  26.423 ms
    3 (  30.033 ms  32.086 ms  35.115 ms
    4  * * *
    5  58-97-4-42.static.asianet.co.th (  44.219 ms 58-97-4-46.static.asianet.co.th (  46.599 ms 58-97-4-42.static.asianet.co.th (  49.245 ms
    6  58-97-4-45.static.asianet.co.th (  51.657 ms  20.105 ms  16.619 ms
    7  61-91-99-221.static.asianet.co.th (  18.487 ms  20.384 ms  22.296 ms
    8  203-144-144-6.static.asianet.co.th (  25.582 ms  27.722 ms  30.150 ms
    9  TIG-Net28-1.trueinternetgateway.com (  32.807 ms  34.829 ms  37.517 ms
    10  SG-ICR-ANC1-26-210.trueinternetgateway.com (  72.231 ms  74.052 ms  47.811 ms
    11  TIG-Net28-26.trueinternetgateway.com (  48.714 ms  51.196 ms  53.561 ms
    12  pc2-an-ats-int02.starhub.net.sg (  56.932 ms  59.369 ms  60.810 ms
    13 (  62.781 ms  63.186 ms  63.483 ms
    14  fe8-0-0.eqx.newmediaexpress.com (  63.865 ms  65.976 ms  68.673 ms
    15  thaivisa.com (  75.795 ms  76.948 ms  77.637 ms
    [sajal@localhost ~]$

    [sajal@localhost ~]$ whois
    [Querying whois.apnic.net]
    % [whois.apnic.net node-2]
    % Whois data copyright terms	http://www.apnic.net/db/dbcopyright.html
    inetnum: -
    netname:	  TIG-IIT-STARHUB
    descr:		StarHub at Global SW
    country:	  TH
    admin-c:	  TK455-AP
    tech-c:	   TK455-AP
    changed:	  [email protected] 20070502
    source:	   APNIC
    person:	   Tharit Kaewkruewan
    nic-hdl:	  TK455-AP
    e-mail:	   [email protected]
    address:	  1 Fortune Town,15th Floor, Ratchadapisek Rd. Dindaeng,
    address:	  Bangkok 10400 Thailand.
    phone:		+66-2699-5094
    fax-no:	   +66-2642-0236
    country:	  TH
    changed:	  [email protected] 20061124
    source:	   APNIC
    [sajal@localhost ~]$

  12. i keep on getting the stupid network error page while trying to open any page within en.wikipedia.org using true 2.5M/512K connection.

    opening the same page using a secure proxy gives no problems... normal surfing is also better.

    would tomorrow's headlines read "Wikipedia blocked in Thailand" or that I would turn out to be a minor fault limited to the switch they have my connection running on...

    Ive noticed that on slow internet days, the main bottleneck the transparent proxy.

    My PC direct net connection.. takes few minutes and shows network error page

    [sajal@localhost ~]$ wget -S http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thailand
    --01:59:12--  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thailand
    Resolving en.wikipedia.org...
    Connecting to en.wikipedia.org||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 
     HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
     Cache-Control: no-cache
     Pragma: no-cache
     Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
     Connection: close
     Content-Length: 797
    02:00:03 ERROR 503: Service Unavailable.
    [sajal@localhost ~]$

    A server outside Thailand :-

    [root@sajal]# wget -S http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thailand | more
    --01:41:17--  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thailand
    	   => `Thailand'
    Resolving en.wikipedia.org...
    Connecting to en.wikipedia.org||:80... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 
     HTTP/1.0 200 OK
     Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 18:27:33 GMT
     Server: Apache
     X-Powered-By: PHP/5.1.4
     Content-Language: en
     Vary: Accept-Encoding,Cookie
     Cache-Control: private, s-maxage=0, max-age=0, must-revalidate
     Last-Modified: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 08:35:46 GMT
     Content-Length: 174848
     Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
     Age: 818
     X-Cache: HIT from sq36.wikimedia.org
     X-Cache-Lookup: HIT from sq36.wikimedia.org:3128
     X-Cache: MISS from sq24.wikimedia.org
     X-Cache-Lookup: MISS from sq24.wikimedia.org:80
     Via: 1.0 sq36.wikimedia.org:3128 (squid/2.6.STABLE12), 1.0 sq24.wikimedia.org:80 (squid/2.6.STABLE12)
     Connection: keep-alive
    Length: 174,848 (171K) [text/html]
    100%[====================================>] 174,848	   28.87K/s	ETA 00:00
    01:41:24 (28.84 KB/s) - `Thailand' saved [174848/174848]

  13. There is no cinema hall or multiplex which show only Indian/bollywood movies, however, Indian movies are brought to thailand by some companies/individuals. Normally there is 1 to 2 movies every month. about 2 to 5 screenings/movie

    The link to keep a watch is : Indian movies in Thailand

    The company which brings most of these movies is Goodwill Traders and they run the website bollywoodthai.com

    FYI the next Indian movie to be shown in Bangkok is Jhoom Barabar Jhoom june 15th - 18th. 3 shows planed so far.

    Up untill last year they used the theatre opposite old siam square (phaurat), now they rent space at some of the multiplexes.

  14. The worst problem I currently see is the Indians who have taken over most of the small shops on the beach road

    I think you need to rephrase.

    "The worst problem I currently see is the South Asians who have taken over most of the small shops on the beach road and bother farrangs who walk there"

    1) most ppl asume pakistani, nepalese, bangladeshi, nepalese and burmese people to be indians.

    2) To farang tourists, its only the harassing types which are visible (for obvious reasons)

    3) I dont know of any Indian who has taken over a shop. most of the owners are Thai nationals owning significiant portion of the town.

    4) I feel that the "taxi people" inside suwarnabhumi airport are more annoying

  15. You could try out APTECH multimedia.

    This is the bangkok branch of an Indian chain of computer institutes. As far as i remember most of the training would be in English.

    Having said that, i would still recommend learning it yourself. keep google.com at hand so when u get stuck every 30th second, you can fire in your problem n get the solution instantly. Believe me it is faster than asking your teacher at computer schools even.

    Besides im sure there are many tutorials on the web (even video tutorials) which can give u the initial guidance to get u started on the learning curve.

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