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Posts posted by sajal

  1. This topic has cropped up before on numerous occasions.

    I cannot believe that no one has made the effort to search Google with:

    "blood donor" bangkok "rhesus negative"

    Top of the list is http://www.bambi-bangkok.org/blood.php.

    I had to read four submission pages before I could establish that this information has not already been submitted!



    Well done, John! :o I am surprised that noone found it before. The Bambi is an excellent resource site. However, they cater mainly for people with children and may not be the first thought for someone who doesn't know about it, or may not be visted by potential donors who don't have kids. Easy to find? - maybe, but people don't think straight in an emergency do they?

    That's why I still think it would be a good idea for ThaiVisa to have its own registry, and maybe to get together with the other agencies to create a combined access thing - which ought to be publicised, not only here but on all those types of websites, in offices and workplaces with a lot of westerners. Maybe travel books could be asked to include this information if they don't already, and a few posters at the airports or in hospitals could be useful! That way donors might be found not only for rh neg types, but for other rare types.

    Big dreams maybe, but if lives are at stake (and mine could easily be one of them, as I am rh neg) I would be happy to contribute some baht to make them come true.

    the site creation is in progress with help from george.

    this would allow potential donors to enlist themselves, and people needing blood can list, search, send email/sms directly from the site.

    more ideas would be helpfull


  2. there is a mentions of list of people with O-ve blood group. A site by some farang. anybody got more details??


    well if there are no proper DB regarding the blood group thingy, i could make a comunity website where ppl could enter their name and email address and blood group.

    anyone with a specific requirement can choose to search and send emails to all of the matches the actual email address not viewable to the public only names viewable.

    this site would consume atleast 3 days of my time and i would need someone to help me out with the graphics part.

    ill make this site only if a similar site doesnt exist and ppl r wiling to help by entering their details to the database.

    one more help would be some tiny donation for the domain name, not so important, i could make it under one of my existing sites.

    i could also make a sms alerting system but each sms would cost me maybe 2 baht so scraping that idea.

    howz the idea

  3. O +ve is not going to help. I am also O+ve. O-ve person only needs O-ve. a very rare bloodgroup indeed.

    yeah every1 in my family is the same blood group.....just checked the file of one person only....was hoping it would be O-ve....but its sad that we are all O+ve...

    where i come from O+ve is a very common.

    i like the idea of registering thaivisa members blood groups which would be viewable only to the mods. who knows when another fellow expat needs blood.....

  4. its more or less no diference....

    at office(1024/512) we have 5 computers on a true home package...

    we just use it for mails, browsing, IM, etc....and occasional downloading.

    my file sharing stuff is 24x7 on at my home(2500/512)...

    these days the speed is amazing....but earlier it used to drop during the day times.

    it doesnt matter how many computers are connected using the same line...its how much they are using.

  5. simply get the true high speed package for home users....

    adsl wifi router ~ 4,000 baht

    true 2500/512 ~ 1200 or 1300...

    im not sure it maynot be legally allowed to use this connection for more than 1 PC....but when we installed out first package at out office, the true technitian who did the install set it up in our LAN to allow all computers to share the connection without us telling him anything....so that makes it legal for us ;-)

  6. I found the same set that was on ebay here in Chiang Mai for 2200 baht. I would also like to be able to change the channel from upstairs too if possible. The same shop has a transmitter and receiver for the remote control for 680 baht. So I thought I had it all worked out. But the salesperson says that it only works for regular TV because it is VHF and UBC is UHF. Does this make any sense to anyone else? It doesn't seem like VHF or UHF would affect the remote.... Maybe he is misinformed?

    VHF or UHF would be an issue if hes talking abt the compatibility of the 2200 box which sends TV signal. <-- not an issue if the box is connected using the composite cable.

    he maybe talking abt the frequency of the remote...... :o

    on the other hand doesnt the remotes uses infra red?


    perhaps http://www.satthai.net/en/orb_vdo_en.htm is what u need....

    seems to suit your needs in one box...comes with a remote extender...

  7. If I'm a self-employed webmaster (paid via adsense) what kind of visa would I need and would I need a work permit?

    Sorry for not posting in visa forum but this thread seems like it has others in the same situation.

    not sure abt the visa thingy...

    i really doubt ull get a work permit for working online...that too not for a thai company....

    unless u make a thai company n declare yourself an employee in it or something....

    the visa forums may be the correct place indeed...

    i have a proper day time business....i have a proper work permit....

    one more question regarding google adds.,...

    is there any way i can get money from google on CPM basis(even if its peanuts)? i couldnt find an option for that.....

    if not then any recomendations?

    i tried clicksor, but the problem with them is they count on the basis of unique IPs. so even if 100000 true customers visit my site a day, clicksor would probably count only the 5 to 10 transparent-proxy servers true may have... quite unfair....

  8. 1) does your computer have a jack to attach the speakers to?

    if no(highly unlikely) then u dont have a sound card get one.

    2) open device manager (on win xp right click on my computer, then click properties, then click on Hardware then click on device manager)

    are there any items in there which have a yellow circle with an exclamation mark?

    if so then please list them here so we may help u locate the drivers....

    its highly likely that u dont have the proper drivers installed...

    do you get some CD with your computer?

  9. same here never got a mail....

    i got the wierd login name like highwayman....i can use the adsl al right...

    just set the login details in my router n forgot abt them totally...

    but when i try to login into the web page it gives some error...

    dun really wanna contact the customer service for this useless feature......

    daytime i dun have the patience to wait....

    nighttime i feel guilty wakin up the costomer reps....u can make out frm their voice...they r so irritated... ;-)

  10. I want it to be clickable and redirected to an url (opened in a new window) when people click on the banner.

    Here it is

    i dunno....if its possible with flash to do that or not....

    but if flash allows you to make clickable(hard coded URL) .swf files then it dowsnt matter if u have the source code or not....as you could create another flash file importing the existing .swf as a layer or something...

    and after typing this i fiddled with macromedia captive....

    imported your flash....

    created a click box ...matched its size to the imported swf........added the TV homepage as the url....

    and this is what i came up with.....

    im sure if u fiddle u can remove the control bar and crop the size....

    and i get an error "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension." when trying to upload the swf.....so ill PM u the url

  11. Ditto. The things that annoy me about UBC:

    1. They superimpose their dumb logo on all channels, all of the time. Great, now I typically have two or even three dumb logo's covering what I want to watch. Where will this end?

    2. The tiny amount of programming information the box displays means you must go to their web site or use the magazine to find show times of anything happening more than an hour later.

    3. When they put up the red banners during commercial breaks, they need to learn the concept of BACKGROUND MUSIC. Viewers are going to be listening to it over and over many times just during one show so blaring the same crap 1000 times really loud gets old very fast.

    4. When it rains, the signal can go kaput and all channels go black. This is especially annoying during live sporting events and was never a more glaring deficiency than during the world cup 2002 when every outdoor big screen in Bangkok went black during critical matches. This is one of those things where they just failed to factor in their unique environment (rainy season rains once or twice a day) into building an appropriate service for it. Reminds me of the Philippines choosing cheap search and rescue helicoptors that don’t work in their monsoon weather when they need them the most.

    5. Shabby picture quality. Football fields turn to green mushy swamps when the camera pans, channels like cnn lately sometimes heavily pixelate to unreadability, and just in general the poor quality picture across the board makes me want to squint and distracts me from what i am viewing--shimmering, blotchy areas, and things moving out of step. Lossy compression is the worst ever invention as it was just a matter of time before someone like UBC came along and abused it so badly.

    6. Changing channels is slow and sometimes fails to catch the signal and you either have to wait 20 seconds or try again.

    7. Outages. There have been some big ones, including losing the Thai channels for over a month solid. They didn’t do anything besides deflect blame to Shin satellite and try to act like it was not big deal by saying it only affected “some” of their customers when in fact every single DSTV subscriber lost them. When a company signs up to cheap, unreliable providers upstream, they need to pair it with a backup system that works. Having a cheap, unreliable chain and no backup is a recipe for the disasters like this that inevitably happen.

    8. The cost just doesn't fit the quality of the service. If the service is 160 baht a month the prior things wouldn't bother me so much, but at 1600 a month it does. Kind of like if you have a dash rattle in a BMW is unacceptable, but in a Ford you live with it. If they charge a lot, they should offer a lot but they just don't hold a candle to a real digital service like say DirecTV in the USA. It is irksome they portray themselves as offering a quality product and have primed us for yet another price hike. They had said a year ago they almost made profitability, but not due to their efforts but rather due to the weakening dollar which this year has reversed direction so they are undoubtedly going to ask us to pay up again.

    But there is one thing I like about UBC which I thought this thread was going to be about. The customer service has been very good. Anytime I have called them, they very rapidly took good care of my issue.

    9. The fact that they(or any other service here) dont give a $hit about good customer feedback like the one above....

    due to all these reasons ive stopped my subscription to UBC....

    now i high speed adsl n download all the movies n tv episodes i want....

    much newer programes.....and much more choice too....

    news channels the apartment already offer....

  12. at a given time u want to watch the ubc at both places or only one?

    u would need to get another receiver from UBC in case u wanna watch the TV on both locations same time.

    they give some discount on second receiver onwards....

    in case u wanna watch from only one location at a time/watch same channel on both the locations, you would need to draw up a composite or co-axial cable (latter preffered) from the UBC receiver (downstair) to the TV upstairs.

    and u would also need to some how think of a wired solution to make the remote work from so far.

    a friend once mentioned me that some device is available here which allows you to use one UBC connection at 2 or more TVs but the down side is that they all will see the same channels....probably that is what u need?

  13. do u need it to be runing in thai?

    i wouldnt recomend using a panthip special for your business....

    it would allow your competators to point fingers at you and send in the authorities after you...

    i really doubt ull get such a software out of the box....

    everything is easy...but u mentioned telephone billing which has to be customised depending on the telephone system uve got...

    getting the software custom made would cost u ATLEAST $5,000....

    i remember last time i was in fortune towers...i saw some visual basic source code CDs

    they had titles like bar management.....restaurent management....hotel management(? not sure) and some more...abt 9 or 10 titles.....u could give those a try if u r a lil familier with programing.....

  14. Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0115'

    Unexpected error


    A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.

    Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01fb'

    An exception occurred: 'Server.CreateObject'

    D:\WEBROOT\CHANNELS\PC\PI\../../../modeasy/CONNECTDB.INC, line 29

    For those who get a clue, this means they are running their front-end system on Windows 2000 with IIS and VisualBASIC

    Could they be more "amateurish" ??? They are running a banking front-end, not some silly personal website :D

    To make things worse, these errors have been there for quite a while. Have they ever heard of quality testing and system monitoring ?

    Me worry too much ? :D

    they used asp with vbscript in IIS....

    when u run web applications in IIS(in case of win 2003, opposite in win xp) by default the friendly error messages(like the one above) are turned off....

    normally ppl turn them on only for debuging the application....

    strange....it seems like the page they had made to show error messages is the one which had the problem....

    just lettin ppl know the directory structure n stuff is too risky....

    i am sure if u try to fiddle around their servers n routers most would still heve the default passwords on :o:D:D

    just like all my neighbours wifi routers i manage to connect to, all keep their default passwords....


  15. The big desktop wireless mice, such as the logitech I have found to work very well and never have had a single problem.. Though the small wireless mice aimed @ notebooks are a pain in the ass and dont work properly, I have thrown the one I got for free with a Viao and now use the microsoft notebook wired mouse I used with my old notebook  :o


    i sometimes use the free wireless mouse i got with my vaio....

    its so tiny makes my palm pain(not that my hands r big size or somethin)....

    anything bigger would remove the mobility.....i work on all sort of terrian...table...bed....couch....even floor....

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