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Posts posted by Briandajew

  1. UPDATE - Eventually found the number for the EMS Center in Lamphun, and it is a NO GO! They will not allow me to collect it nor will they deliver it even when offered money! Looks like a pretty proffesional set up - So I will just have to wait.

  2. First of all Monday, 10 December, is a Holidy and post offices will be closed. If track and trace shows it still in a dispatch center it hasn't been sent to your post ooffice so where would you pick it up? Think that you are going to have to wait until Tuesday when they open and T&T shows that it has been delivered to your post office. I have intercepted things early in the morning before they went out for delivery, but my office is a small rural one.

    The package has just shown up at the main Lamphun centre, (Sunday morning) that was where I wanted to try and pick it up but can find no details of where the office is or any contact info. After this it will ship out to the final delivery office but that won't happen until tomorrow - not sure how the holiday affects things, but like you, my local office is a small place and have picked things up from there before before they went for delivery. I was just hoping to try and do the same thing but from the Lamphun branch.

  3. My problem is not whether the office is open, it is whether they will allow me to collect a parcel that has been sent from UK via Bangkok and its final delivery address is via bulk container to San Patong or whether I can go and interupt their delivery schedule and collect it in Lamphun. As I said in the earlier post, the San Patong office were quite happy for me to collect it from them rather than wait for motorbike man to deliver - just not sure the same would apply if you turned up sort of halfway up the road?

    Again, if anyone knows where EMS depot is in Lamphun, at least I can start to grease a few palms!

  4. I have posted a couple of threads here over the last couple of days trying to sort out some things from the UK - mainly to do with finances, and getting them sorted ASAP.

    So this leads me on to my next question - I have some documents that thoughtfully someone sort of Pre Empted and had the good sense to send over here before I had to ask, they were sent recorded and are now in the hands of Thailand Post - EMS, who, in all of my past experiences are really very good and put the Royal Mail in the UK to shame!

    Now the 64000 Dollar question! It is the weekend and there are no EMS deliveries until Monday, I have used the EMS Track and Trace and my documents are sitting in Lamphun EMS Despatch Centre, waiting to be carted off to San Patong probably tomorrow, to arrive and be delivered Monday PM.

    Does anyone know if it is possible to go and intercept the package at the Lamphun depot tonight or tomorrow rather than wait another 48 hours to get them?

    Previously I have been able to pick up from the San Patong depot before delivery using my passport and the tracking bill, but not sure if you can do the same thing at an office that is "en route" rather than the final destination - it just seems crazy that the things I really need urgently are in a container not 15KM from me, and will be stuck there until Monday afternoon, before they are handed out to a delivery guy on a motorbike to drop off at my place probably around 5pm!

    If anyone knows the score on this, it will be helpful, also, if anyone has absolutely any IDEA where in LAMPHUN EMS have their distribution centre it will be a big help!


  5. Thanks there everyone, some good suggestions, I'll let you know, but a flight back to the UK is the last thing I want at the minute, Christmas is almost here, new year everywhere on holiday, then my extension of stay is due around the same time as the policy is due.

    Thanks a lot for your input, gives me a few places to start.

    try joining the UK electoral register ,

    worth every penny .


    And what exactly would that do? Apart from give me the right to vote for a bunch of idiots and a possible summons for Jury Duty?

  6. Not sure whereabouts you are in Thailand but, since they are only witness signatures you are looking for, it shouldn't be too difficult to find people in a local bar who could do this.

    I have had to do the a couple of times in the last year for Prudential and had a guy from the UK who was here on holiday sign it for me who I vaguely knew. I have also given a witness signature for someone else as I still have a UK address so, if you are anywhere near Pattaya, I would have no problem signing this for you.

    For the documents I had to sign and have witnessed I had the insurance company email me the documents over and, after signing, mailed them back to them with no problems.


    - What are your RATES?


    Rates??? I wasn't looking to profit from it.

    Pm me if you want to take me up on it but i would be surprised if there is nobody there in CM who can help you out given that there are not really any legal consequences for witnessing a signature.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    I knew you weren't looking for money, I was only joking! If I get no where with these lot I may call you - thanks again for your offer! If ever I can return the favour don't hesitate!

    I tend to agree with you about the notiary thing - no big deal - all the consequences if it were fraud would fall on me - it is just the "Jobs worth" attitude of these people on the help lines, they only read a script - and the script only comes from the management!

  7. Not sure whereabouts you are in Thailand but, since they are only witness signatures you are looking for, it shouldn't be too difficult to find people in a local bar who could do this.

    I have had to do the a couple of times in the last year for Prudential and had a guy from the UK who was here on holiday sign it for me who I vaguely knew. I have also given a witness signature for someone else as I still have a UK address so, if you are anywhere near Pattaya, I would have no problem signing this for you.

    For the documents I had to sign and have witnessed I had the insurance company email me the documents over and, after signing, mailed them back to them with no problems.

    I am in Chiang Mai -

    Thank you, you are a true Gent! I am trying at the moment to shame a few of the Friends Life people into a sensible conclusion - thank you for your advice and you offer! I may take you up on it - What are your RATES? I cannot see what the dam_n problem is - it isn't like it is going into someone elses bank or that I am asking for cash - I have paid these bastards for 20 years and never missed a single payment!

    I never jumped on the bandwagon as a lot of my mates did trying to claim (and got paid) compensation for mis selling of policies!

    Jesus, the fact that I was out of the country for the past 12 years or so completely "Voided" my life insurance on the dam_n policy anyway - they would not have had to pay out a single penny!

  8. The documents must be signed IN THE PRESENCE of 2 witnesses, these witnesses must be UK citizens residing in the UK,

    they cannot be retirees!!!! and they need to be someone of suitable standing, Doctor, Priest, Lawyer that kind of thing.

    A suitable witness does not need to personally know you do they?

    You could go to a police station show suitable ID & have them witness your signature yes?

    Or any upstanding individual. Do you folks have the equivalent of a Notary there in the UK?

    I read that about the US, it may be the same in the UK, I need to look into it in more detail -(You guys in the US can get almost anyone as far as I understand to act as a "notiary" - I don't think this is the same as a "witness" and some states will not accept notiaries for certain documents.but when you ring these people from Thailand (costing a fortune) all you get is the usual "jobsworth" they told me they didn't even have an e mail address to contact them, sadly for them, I managed to find not only the company information e mail address, but also their CEO's e mail and their Financial CO's e mail - THANK YOU GOOGLE! So I won't be booking a ticket to the UK just yet.

  9. Hint: They don't check out the people who countersign.

    or alternatively should be plenty of UK citizens who are teachers around to sign for you.

    I was thinking along those lines, after all, if I was to get my brother to sign and just use his middle name as a surname and his girlfriend who lives with him uses hers, they are not married - At least if they contacted them they would be ready with the BS!

  10. Thanks there everyone, some good suggestions, I'll let you know, but a flight back to the UK is the last thing I want at the minute, Christmas is almost here, new year everywhere on holiday, then my extension of stay is due around the same time as the policy is due.

    Thanks a lot for your input, gives me a few places to start.

  11. Start shopping for a cheap ticket to the UK...biggrin.png

    I know that one, but it still doesn't help me even if I get there as I know no one that can witness it anyway!

    Surely there must be a way to have someone appointed to sign on my behalf with a solicitor or lawyer present?

  12. Mods, hope this is the right place - please move if needed.

    I have been living and working in Asia since 1997, and have been in Thailand since 2002. In 1993 when I was married in the UK we took out an endowment mortgage over 20 years, I have since been divorced from my UK wife for over 10 years but I kept up the payments on the policy.

    We sold the house and split everything, with her getting most of the cash, in turn she signed over the policy to me so that I could keep it up as a fund towards retirement.

    The policy was transferred into my name only, and after the house was sold, the bank that I had the mortgage with, sent a letter of "no interest" to the insurance company stating that they had no claim on the policy.

    Now, just as the policy is due to mature, the insurance company has sent a load of documents to my UK address (mothers) Requesting that I fill in a lost policy statement (it is not lost - the bank has it) - I have never seen the original and only hold copies.

    They also want a document stating that if anyone has a claim to the policy in the future, then I am liable not them. All of this is pretty much reasonable given the fact that the original policy was taken over years ago by Friends Provident (originally AXA)

    Here is where my problems begin.

    The documents must be signed IN THE PRESENCE of 2 witnesses, these witnesses must be UK citizens residing in the UK, they cannot be retirees!!!! and they need to be someone of suitable standing, Doctor, Priest, Lawyer that kind of thing.

    Well, I have been away for 10 years or more, so I have no UK Dr., the last priest I knew that did my sons christening is serving time for child sex offences, in fact, I would struggle to find two people in my old home area that even knew me after all of this time, let alone ones of suitable standing that were not retired.

    Has anyone here been through a similar situation and if so, any advice on how to satisfy the insurance company would be extremely helpful.

    My mother has authorisation for all of my bank business, wonder if that would help? The insurance company will not accept FAX or scans of the documents, and they require the 2 signatures from the witnesses to be completed in my presence at the same time!!!! Unbelievable or what?

    Any advice is appreciated thanks!

  13. It would also seem Mr. Plod is breaking the law in his use of Hotmail for non Personal uses!

    Terms of Use - From Microsoft! (I think we should all e mail the fool with some rather large JPEGs and see how long it is before his account is closed.


    Unless otherwise specified, the Services are for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from the Services.

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  14. Wonder if anyone knows where to start or even if they have any idea where the man in question is?

    I am looking for an old friend, he is from the UK, his name is Allen Allchurch, he was married to a Thai lady ( a friend of mine and my wifes) but she died in about 2006 from an OD from the Doctors in Thailand - YES! Courtozone or whatever it is called.

    Allen worked on heavy road equipment in the UK, basically operating machines that made our motorways, lived a lot of his life in a caravan, he was originally from Oxfordshire.

    Last time we met, he had big problems with his knees and needed operations. He also was with another Thai lady from Fang, but he refused to visit the village where his wife originally came from - as usual there was complications.

    I am just wondering if anyone knows where he is these days and if he is well, we lost communication a few years back after I lost my AIS number and my E mails changed, I would be greatful if anyone that knows Allen would let him know that I am looking out for him and would love to get back in contact!

  15. Contact me on a PM, I had the same issues with Win 7 and IEEE1394, I will send you the drivers I used as Win 7 does not support the originals that came with the original software ( I assume you need it for something like a Sony Handycam or similar?) Texas Instruments?

    If you check out this folder, you may even find you have the driver but Windows doesn't install it correctly -

    Go to your root drive normally c:\

    take a look in C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\1394ohci.sys

    That is the driver you need if it is for what I said earlier - a camera driver.

    Win XP had no problems finding and installing this, neither does Win 8, only Win 7 was a complete bitch!

  16. Not a bump - just an update - thanks for the advice regarding the Caustic Soda - I didn't dare use it after I had be burned by it once before and nearly lost my eyes!

    I found out the source of the smell, we had a dead rat the size of a large cat floating in the CLEAN side of the water tanks!!!! My fault I suppose, I let some tree branches grow too near the tank and this bugger must have ran up them, strange how it managed to get through the netting I have on the tank though, anyway, it is good to still be alive after brushing my teeth for the past 4 days or so and drinking tea and coffee along with various meals, all cooked with a diluted dead rat soup - disgusting eh!

    I did a recalculation on the water volume and I think between the two tanks there is about 4000 litres, so we drained everything after scooping out the dead rat (I tried to burn it on a little funeral pyre as it was stinking - but it seems one of the dogs has taken it for his supper - nice barbeque..mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! boy it was stinking) cleaned it all out and stuck 2 litres of 6% chlorine bleach into it - at the moment just trying to let the system soak to kill any bacteria. Slightly worried about Weils disease, as it can take up to 3 weeks to show, but at least we know what it was! - Ugh!

  17. Update - my calculations are not what they should be! The two tanks are 1.2 metres diameter by 2.8 metres in height, the actual capacity is about 6000 litres for the two - which from what I can gether from the internet requires 4mg/ per litre of chlorine.

    However, I have been out tonight and checked the tanks and the water smells really clean, no hint of dead flesh. so there must be something in the pipework......how do you go about flushing death out of 1/2"plastic pipes?

  18. Hi,

    we currently use water from a shallow bore well - about 8-10 metres deep, this is pumped into a storage tank/filter (sand gravel) that contains about XXXX CORRECTION(8000) litres of water, this is then fed into a secondary tank again with about another metre or so of sand gravel as a filter. (The tanks are about 2.8 metres deep and 1.8 metres in diameter)

    This method has worked for over 5 years and water has been pretty much OK providing the iron contnet is removed from the sand every few weeks.

    In the last two days the water has had a foul smell, it actually smells like an animal has died inside the tanks. I am about to drain everything tomorrow and try to find out the cause. Does anyone have any idea as to how to sterilize the tanks and clean the pipework supposing it is a dead animal?

    I am intending to use household bleach or caustic soda and flush everything out, anyone have any idea as to the quantity of bleach/caustic soda for 4000 litres that will kill bacteria without causing problems with eyes/skin etc. The water is used for washing, dishes etc, and all drinking water goes through another set of charcoal/UV/Osmosos filters and has none of the odour.

    Also, what would be the effects of ingesting any of this water, cleaning teeth washing plates etc?

    Whatever has died in there cannot be very big, lizard, bird rat or snake as the tanks are 2 metres above ground and the second tank is screened with a fine mesh so the only possibility would be the first stage filtration tank and yes we have had things like frogs get in there and those Toktaw lizards.

    Thanks for any advice.

  19. 191,731 and climbing on facebook. Got to applaud the father and some of the posts are very,very strong.

    The guy is in trouble for sure.

    I know what you mean but the really sad thing is, they will probably lynch the piece of turd, and that will be the end of it - The problem here goes so much deeper - I agree chopping that bastards head off is a start, but the axe needs to swing in a lot more circles than just the perpetrator - the roitten apples have spoiled the barrel for a long time. Thailand needs a complete overhaul, right from the top, a cull - weed out the rot, destroy the disease in this country once and for all.....hack it away!

    Get out the Machetes, and prune the rotting branches of the rotten tree - it needs saving, but I fear that the disease is endemic, and even the roots are contaminated!

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