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Posts posted by Briandajew

  1. Here's my own experience. I hope it helps.


    If you are to buy a new gun, put a deposit on it and take the details to you Amphur office. Ask you wife to apply for a licence. Foreigners can have licences but the questions regarding need are more stringent. Only the Amphur boss can approve applications. A second hand gun can be taken away in advance of the licence application. The reason is that new guns must first have a Thai serial number stamped on them. Carry licences are subject to more rigorous questioning.


    The licence holder can use the gun for self-protection within the bounds of his property. A foreigner whose wife holds the licence can use the gun to protect her, himself or their property. Shooting vermin on a big plot or practice shots are unlikely to draw attention unless you have upset a neighbour.


    I believe that effective self-defence equipment will become more important as scooter boys runs out of funds from his aging parents. I used to think that close range equipment was enough but I now think that intruders need to be dealt with at a distance.


    For defence in the house, I suggest a revolver, .222 or .38. Easy to maintain and won't won't jam. A long barreled gun s difficult to use indoors and, if you hit an intruder, you will mess up your walls.


    For use on the land, including dealing with vermin and target practice, I suggest a .22 semi-automatic such as a CZ, perhaps with telescopic sights. A shotgun is too imprecise.


    If you are new to guns, join a gun club that rents guns similar to your own and gives both tuition and supervision. Carry laws aren't then an issue. You should have a suitable safe, on sale in BKK. Never keep a loaded gun unless you expect to use it imminently. We have our revolver available to use while we are at home. It's unloaded but the quick-load magazine is to hand also.


    No need to see a lawyer. An ignore those with a bee in their bonnets.


    Good luck with your purchase.

    Thanks a lot for your advice! I didn't realize that the foreign husband was allowed to use it, I only thought it was the wife (who it is registered to) You live and learn! A.38 would be my choice for a hangun, but I still personally would prefer the 12 gauge mainly for the versatility - I could put in bird pellets for shooting vermin, and "00" Buck for home protection (I wanted to get a 12 gauge where I could load alternate rounds - 1 pellet then one buckshot just in case the first one doesn't scare them off, but unless they were on crack or Ya Ba most people would probably just run after the sound of the first shot)- Walls here are not a problem, they are all wood and we are well away from neighbours, the rooms are 4 x 4M and the main entrance is via 2x 2M doors into a 8M x 8M room with no corridors,and everyone is in one area at night. I would never keep the gun loaded as I have a young lad at home, but I could keep it in an easily accessible place out of kids reach with the shells in a separate but handy location. However, now that my son is 12, I don't think it is too young to teach them about firearms anyway, if they know how to use them and what the damage that they can do, then it makes sense to me to teach them to use it safely and not mess around with one like it is some sort of toy!


    I totally agree with you about the scooter boys! We have already had two pretty nasty attacks around here, one was on Channel 7 News last week where they beat up this TINY lady in a garage for her gold rings, and another old lady maybe 70 in her shop for the same reason.


    Being a foreigner here, we are already perceived to be wealthy, where I live there is little else surrounding us and it would be a bit of peace of mind at night. I keep my money in the bank, I don't own gold or any of that stuff, so they would be a bit disappointed if they came here to rob me unless they wanted a 12 year old pick up and a couple of old Honda engines. It would take at least 15 minutes to get a cop out here and locals won't come near at night as they are shit scared of the trees on our land as they believe them to posses spirits, so there would be no help there!


    Thanks for your post, interesting.


    Did your wife get the gun permit and did it take much hassle/bribes....do you know about ammunition? what are you allowed to keep? For example, if I bought a 12 gauge, could I buy the birdshot and the buckshot? or are you limited to what type and quantity you can keep at home?


    It still at the end of the day becomes a pretty grey area when it comes down to legally using it for target practice or shooting rats etc. on your own land - What constitutes pissing off a Thai??? They can be all friendly one minute then give you the hate stare the next - they change their opinions like the wind! - I need to dig a bit deeper.






    A 12 bore shotgun? You do know that buffalo are not vermin?

    Make a catapult like the locals.

    I would not recomend a 12 gauge for taking on a buffalo, personally i would use at least a 308 for that but if youre able to aim without a scope the old reliable 30-30 will do good on anything bigger then a farm dog. 12 gauge is for shooting birds and snakes it is also highly efficient for scaring off intruders especially at night time with the barrels shortned down to at least 18" snice it will display a nice firework too then.


    I am sorry that i can not answer the question here. I have been asking around about the laws for legally obtained guns but came up with nothing of value at all but if you find something usefull please dont hesitate to drop me pm. Good hunting.


    If I knew I was going to be endangered by a large and dangerous animal, my very first choice of gun to have with me would be one of my 12 gauge shotguns. In the Midwest of the US where hunting is popular but the land is fairly flat (as in "The Great Plains") it is illegal to hunt with a center fire rifle due to its long range.


    A shotgun with "buck shot" pellets, each about the size of a 9mm bullet, but containing 9 or 12 of them, is devastating out to perhaps 25 - 30 meters. It is the weapon of choice for deer, antelope, elk, bears and even moose.


    Better yet is a solid lead slug. It is about 550 grains, about 575 caliber, and travels at a speed of about 1400 feet per second. Talk about a wallop.


    My go-to gun would be one of my 12 gauge shotguns with a 22" barrel that's fully rifled and has rifle sights. In that you can shoot something like the Remington brass jacketed Premier Accutip bonded sabot slug which is a jacketed hollow point of the size mentioned above. The difference is that it travels at about 1900 fps and is accurate out to about 200 yards. When it hits something like bone, it expands to about one inch, retaining 95% of its weight. I have seen one knock a grizzly bear on its butt in Alaska. Checkmate.


    I agree that at long range, a .308 among other similar good calibers is a dandy. But out to about 200 yards which is home and personal protection range, the bonded sabot slug will hit so hard and tear so badly while burying deeply that a .308 can't come close to the damage.


    In particular, I would want my Remington 1100 semi-automatic rifled shotgun with rifle sights, which with it's magazine extension holds 10 rounds, and fires as fast as you can pull the trigger. There is no animal on the planet that could walk or run through that.

    You sound like you are living in "Heaven" - it must be one of the really good things about living in the USA if you like guns, hunting and the outdoors. When we were kids we were brought up with Air guns in the UK, we had pistols, rifles, great fun - I remember playing cops and robbers with my brother when we were about 13 or 14 - stuffed the barrels full of long grain rice - yes it stings when it hits you but it was a good laugh. Virtually impossible to have a gun in the UK these days, sad really, the place is now a sad nanny state that caters to illegal immigrants, the lazy, the workshy and the benefit for life brigade whilst dropping a turd on the average working people who just want to get a bit better out of life.


    About a year ago, I "acquired" a 12 gauge Chinese made pistol, it was a frightening thing to shoot as it appeared to be almost home made - I was able to get a hold of some Winchester "00" 12 gauge Buckshot, it had a kick like a mule but with a 6" barrel was a little on the inaccurate side - You would miss a 50 Gallon tank at 10 yards, but if anyone came a calling in the dead of night - the sound and the flash when that thing went off would have made the dead run for cover - Sadly, my wife took it upon herself to throw it in the river one day.

    • Like 1
  3. A 12 bore shotgun? You do know that buffalo are not vermin?

    Make a catapult like the locals.

    I would not recomend a 12 gauge for taking on a buffalo, personally i would use at least a 308 for that but if youre able to aim without a scope the old reliable 30-30 will do good on anything bigger then a farm dog. 12 gauge is for shooting birds and snakes it is also highly efficient for scaring off intruders especially at night time with the barrels shortned down to at least 18" snice it will display a nice firework too then.


    I am sorry that i can not answer the question here. I have been asking around about the laws for legally obtained guns but came up with nothing of value at all but if you find something usefull please dont hesitate to drop me pm. Good hunting.

    It is very difficult to find out the law regarding shooting on your own land - after all, practice makes perfect. - No point in having a gun for home protection or any other reason if you are unable to learn the characteristics of the thing when you might need it most.

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  4. OP, I am sorry that you have not had any helpful replies, par for the course  in this General Topics forum though.


    You asked a perfectly valid question and got, for the most part, opinionated, pointless drivel in reply. Just to reassure you that not everyone on T.V. is anti-gun ownership.


    The countries in Europe have become so highly regulated, and the people micro-managed, that nearly everything is illegal unless expressly permitted.


    One of the pleasures of living here, apart from the weather, is the sense of freedom and lack of over-arching government control.


    So the answer is probably you can do what you want on your property, as long as you do not endanger or annoy your neighbours.


    If you asked this question in the Farming forum you may have had more helpful replies, as many of the posters there have large plots of land,and no doubt similar problems with rats.


    Good shooting!

    Thanks - I might post the question in the Farming forum as you suggest - I totally agree with you about not having the "Nanny State" mentality of the government here - It is one of the reasons I live here. Again, I also believe that if you are on your own property, not harming others then get on with it - I don't just mean guns etc. I find those arseholes that drive around in their trucks blaring out music and advertisements at a level that ruins your ears far more offensive than someone quietly killing rats.

  5. And to practice with your shotgun pop over to Cambodia, pay a bit extra they let you fire a bazooka at live cows if you like

    Nooooooooooooo! I saw that on the internet, that is terrible!!! Shooting cows with grenade launchers and the like, no, not what I am into, I simply wanted to buy a gun, put up a few beer bottles/ cans/cats Thais and have a bit of fun, I am not doing the Brinks Mat!


    If I wanted to kill defenceless animals, I would simply put them in the 800 watt Sharp microwave - I like wildlife, I just need to pop off a few rats now and again as the cats I have are too damn lazy to kill them and the rat piss they leave leads to disease, and the wife brought home this white dog that looks like a rat or a large white squirrel that attacks people on motorbikes and can run too quick for me to catch and hang!


    I already have one of those Thai made air rifles, the pump up thing that looks like something from the American Civil War - 5 foot long and takes half an hour to load - effective...YES if you only need to get one shot off, useless in poaching rats - they can hear you pumping it up for ten minutes beforehand and roll on their asses laughing!


    We had a problem with dogs a few months back - they were in here stealing food and looking for one of the bitches - By the time you pumped the gun up and loaded the steel BB - the dogs were 500 yards away giving you the finger!

  6. I heard if your a foreigner and regularly carry more than 140000 baht on a regular basis you can pack heat

    That I must admit is a new one to me - I believe there are rules where foreigners can get a gun, but I have never heard of the 140K Baht thing - not sure if I would want to walk around with 140K in my pocket anyway, probably heavier than a couple of six guns!

  7. I'm confused as to why you want a gun.


    Still, that's not my business. If I were you, go see your lawyer and have him take you through the process. 

    Heavy Drinker....if you are like me and are getting on in years, you no longer have the hair on your head that you used to have, as it is usually growing from one point and you have to wrap it around your head just to appear "Hairy" - Your belly is now nearer to your knees than your cock, you weigh 20 stone more than you did 20 years ago, your teeth are starting to rot and fall out, the arse hairs are trailing between your legs, your balls have a few pea size growths that might be nut cancer, your liver is shot from the booze....


    Wouldn't you just like to go down to the local hairdresser, get a makeover, put on some Winkle Pickers and stride up the local Soi to where all the rotten whisky sodden drunken Thais are laying in the gutter covered in vomit - Pull out a Magnum .44 and say "MAKE MY DAY!" - Tam Wan Kong Chan Mofo!


    I practice every night on the 12 cats we have, at least three of them believe I am Clint!

  8. For the record, I like guns, I grew up with guns - mainly airguns, Wbleys, Crossmans, BSA when I was a kid, I liked target shooting, shooting rats, it was just something we did as kids - it was better than going around mugging old people or smoking crack - I still enjoy it, it hurts no one, it is no worse than fishing, in fact it is a bit more challenging, it is a bit of fun, a sport, a hobby whatever,


    And thank you TOTANTAZ - I will check that out - I was under the impression that under Thai law, any weapon that used a compressed gas (i.e. Air or Exploding powder was classed as a firearm) - but if it is possible to get a decent airgun here, then that is even better than a 12 bore! The only reservation I have is I once bought an Airsoft pistol in Chiang Mai with these ultra light weight plastic BB's - the thing couldn't put a hole in a paper bag at 5 feet! It would not have had the power to kill a lizard from the ceiling. I will check out your recommendations, if I can get a good .177 or .22 airgun, it is more than enough, thanks!

  9. I have licensed handguns in my name because of where I live and what I do.


    However, I am not permitted to fire the handgun anywhere except a gun range or in self defense on my property.


    Even transporting guns to the range the gun must be in a locked gun case and the magazines must be empty and in separate locked box.


    Popping rats with a 12-gauge seems a bit excessive. I recommend the range for practice.

    It seems that gun ranges are the only place to shoot - crazy really, as you cannot really practice shooting a 12 bore on a range, it is a bit random - I can understand pistol or bullet gun / rifle, but shotguns are just for sport or home defence. - Have you seen the size of rats out here? Some of these things are bigger than cats! - in the UK they blast pheasants with 12 bores, and they are not as big as a crow!

  10. Since nearly everyone here is against the idea of private citizens owning firearms, perhaps you'd be better off asking the question someplace you're likely to get an intelligent and helpful answer.


    Personally I'd make friends with a policeman, ideally one related to a Thai friend, or friends with a relative.

    Thanks! Cheers for a sensible reply - looking at a few other replies it seems that shooting on your own land is an "at risk" hobby - I do not see any point of taking a 12 bore to a range - it is just like spraying pepper!

    Thanks again!


    Actually I have a friend in the Thai police- he is a sergeant - he lets me shoot his pistol, and his response is "Mai Mee Baan Ha!" - but, when pressed on the law, he says he has no idea! He reckons if it is on your land then it is OK, however...like Farangs owning bikes with no plates...I tend to not believe him!


    Since this classic questioned is being asked, may I reply with my usual answer.


    If guns are the answer ... it must be a very silly question.


    "Popping a few rats, target practise or home security" ... guns are not the answer.


    Yes, we have heard all of your type of replies before...why do you bother? If you cannot answer the question, just shut up!


    Well, if you have heard my reply before and it relates to Thailand, then you must have read someone else ask the question before.


    So, it then beggars the issue of why did have you raised it again?


    What is new to your argument/question?


    What is the law regarding shooting rights on land in Thailand? Can you understand the question or not? I don't need you to espouse about gun laws and rights to carry, I don't need any personal opinions about the ethics of carrying / owning guns, All I am asking about is what are the shooting rights in Thailand - You obviously have no idea, so why bother trying to get into an argument or some sort of ethics about guns? It isn't a difficult question, anyone that has been issued with a gun permit in Thailand should be able to answer it, I am not getting into Columbine or anything else. You people just reply to posts as you seem to have nothing better to do - you don't answer the question, you just blather opinions.

    • Like 1
  12. simple said: As soon as you (farang) hold the gun in your hand, you are outside the law...

    That wasn't the question, whether or not I hold the gun or my wife holds the gun or my son holds the gun (both of them are Thais) If you have no answer, don't bother replying, I have heard and read countless replies about guns in Thailand, I am asking a simple question, if you don't know, well you are entitled to your opinion, but don't bother replying to me as it is the same shite I have heard time and time again!


    It is a simple question, a bit like having shooting rights on any farmers / landowners property in the UK or USA, nothing more, I am not planning Dunblane, or a School massacre, simply asking a simple question about the law on firing a gun in your own property - nothing more!

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  13. I have a look around on the internet and particularly this site and was wondering if anyone has any ideas regarding the use of guns in Thailand.


    I understand most of the laws that point to how to obtain a gun, gun license etc. What I cannot find out is the legality of actually using a gun on your own property.


    What I am trying to find out is, if anyone can help, what are the laws about shooting/hunting/killing vermin etc. on your own property?


    I am looking at getting my wife to apply for a 12 bore shotgun, I understand that this is not too difficult here, but the point of getting it is to keep down some of the rat population and other unwanted pests, or even just target practice, any ideas what the law says about this?


    We own about 20 rai, so there is quite a bit of room to shoot targets rats etc, without going near anyone elses property, the nearest road is over 100m from the house with another 50 or 60 metres behind that as a safeguard, the nearest properties are well over 200 metres from the house so it isn't like we would be blasting next to a neighbours home.


    All I wanted it for was to have a bit of target practice, pop a few rats now and then and as an additional means of home security, which I believe is well within the law in Thailand, the only thing I cannot find info on is where and when you can use it.


    Any help is appreciated.

  14. When I first came here over ten years ago, I thought it was great fun, chucking water over people, after a few years I didn't see the point anymore and thought it was actually quite stupid and dangerous. Now, I don't whinge as Thais will be Thais and it is very difficult to change anything with these people. so now, for Songkran, I avoid it, I wouldn't go out on a motorbike if I was paid, I don't even like taking the car out as they blind you. It is a pain in the ass, but it is their "tradition" Who am I to change it - The Grinch that ruined Christmas?

    What would be interesting would be to know what the law would be if say some group of idiots blinded me with buckets of water whilst driving my pickup and I ran over and killed / maimed them all? Would I be at fault or could I be accused of assisted Darwinism? Believe me, it is tempting!

    I suppose it could be fun firing water pistols from the pickup cab - but does Sulphuric Acid react badly with plastic pistols or would Haiter Bleach be better?

  15. Can someone tell me how you get out of a Thai hospital without settling the bill? I have a friend that was treated in a local hospital and was escorted to the bank ATM to get the money before he was allowed to go.....sorry, this just looks like another SCAM from the HUB OF SCAMS to try to get foreign visitors to cough up cash to pay for the inadequate health provisions of the Thai government for its own citizens.

    In my experience, I have been hospitalized on three or four occaisions here over the past 10 years, and they make you pay for your board/lodging/medication Dr. Fees on a daily basis if you are kept in overnight or on an extended stay. (I am not saying they possibly do not get ripped off, but it cannot be a lot - I always pay when asked and have always received excellent treatment)

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  16. The guys a low life scumbag...unfortunately even if they do (eventually)find him guilty Norway has a prisoner transfer agreement in place with Thailand which means he gets transfered from one Bangkok Hilton to the Oslo Hilton which is of course a f..king joke!!!A bit like the Noble Peace Prize..awarding it to the EU...???cheesy.gif

    You are wrong. If the accused is found guilty in Thailand, for a crime committed in Thailand, he will have to do his time there.

    It is only under quite special circumstances Norway can apply for an extradition to Norway. This case will most likely not be one of them.

    There are several Norwegian prisoners doing their time in Thailand at the moment.

    Dokset will do his time in Thailand.

    YOU ARE WRONG! You need to read up a bit more! Norway does not apply for extradition - The prisoner applies for repatriation! Read up a bit on the law before you spout rubbish!


  17. Kudos to Thailand for stepping up to the plate and doing something to help this girl. Myself and I am sure others feared

    this issue would receive the sweep under the rug treatment, but I think the explosion of this story onto international

    media has stopped that.

    Well, I think Kudos is to the media not Thailand, they would have swept it under the rug as usual if the media had not caught a hold of this. It will be interesting to see where this goes and if the cops involved actually carry out anything more than lip service. I hope they do, it would make a nice change. I suppose a lot of the outcome depends on how well connected the filth are that carried out the abuse.

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