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Posts posted by Briandajew

  1. One of the clients said she pawned her gold at Bt15,000 per baht weight and paid 1 per cent interest ...

    1% per what? week? month?

    For some different reason, Thai's often post the Monthly interest rate.

    So, in absolute terms ... 1% equates to an annual 12% interest rate charge.


    It seems to be the case where I am in the way they work this out. Usually around here if locals borrow say 10,000 Baht they calculate interest usually at 10% per month, but this is a flat rate on the initial sum borrowed.

    So for example, if Somchai borrows 10000 Baht he needs to pay back 1000 baht per month in interest, this continues as long as the original 10,000 is outstanding, so if he doesn't clear his loan for 3 years he will have to repay 36 payments of 1000 Baht, plus the final payment of the original loan - 36,000 + 10,000 = 46 000 (Horrible loan sharking when you look at it - I cannot understand why these country people don't even try to go to the bank)

    My maths are not that fantastic these days, but Naam, if you are looking, is this something like 153%? (AER)

  2. One of the clients said she pawned her gold at Bt15,000 per baht weight and paid 1 per cent interest ...

    1% per what? week? month?

    For some different reason, Thai's often post the Monthly interest rate.

    So, in absolute terms ... 1% equates to an annual 12% interest rate charge.


    1% interest per month results in a higher than 12% rate p.a.

    Only if it is "Compound" - It is a bit of a scam, AER/Gross / Net, compound......some interest is compounded, but only after tax is deducted, it is all weighted against you!

    Percent is a terrible term, it can lead to massive headaches and gross miscalculation if not properly understood -


  3. I had a gold necklace from Thailand that I wanted to sell - it weighed about 10 Baht - I bought it when Gold was about 5000 Baht/Baht, so I got the Mrs. to take it into the shop we bought it from 8 years earlier. (Gold was now at 13,000 Baht) When she came out of the shop, she said the guy in the shop offered her 9000 Baht/Baht as the Gold was a bit old!!!

    I went in and asked what he meant, he said it looked quite a few years old and wasn't that "New" looking.

    He didn't smile when I told him I knew it was old and that it was probably nearer 200 Million years after the earth was formed, somewhere in the region of 4 billion years, as opposed to "A few years" unbelievable how they will try to con people.

    • Like 1
  4. When I was new I was enamored with everything Thai and got involved in everything I could. Not so much now. I choke on the smoke at these gatherings. The music is so loud it is painful. Why should I feel obligated to go to some function where I'm choking and in pain? It's always the same thing, too much smoke, music too loud. All the things the others have mentioned too...the drunk guy who won't leave me alone and eventually I leave early to get away from him yelling and spitting on me. It doesn't mean I am anti-social though. I like to eat Isaan food and my wife and I do take part in village events...give candy to children at Christmas; help the extended family when needed...just when it's a party, I don't stay too long.

    I think the OP hasn't been in Thailand very long to have the questions he has.

    I agree with what you say.

    I used to enjoy going to Thai parties, but I just had enough of the sychophantic Thais that would practically grovel to get free drinks. Constant requests for cigarettes. I wasn't allowed to simply have fun, because so many people who I didn't know zeroed in on me and pretended to be my friend just to get out of me whatever they could.

    I may not be totally happy to be addressed as "Farang", but it really grates when they shout "YOU YOU YOU" and wave an empty bottle in my face and say "Wis-a-gee mawt "

    Most Thais are really nice at these celebrations, but the few make it intolerable for me, they simply won't leave me alone. If I can eventually get rid of them they are immediately replaced by another pain in the arse!

    My God! That brings back some memories! Whisakee Mawt!!! - Yeah, like we are a free bar and a free bank! Nothing more annoying than a drunken Thai trying to be your "Friend"

  5. I don't like their parties.

    And especially not Songkran.. Just read through some of the comments posted here by the grinches.. clearly they want to be holed up. smile.png Anyway as you noticed, that makes the appreciation for people who DO want to be a part of the country they live in much greater. thumbsup.gif

    (As an aside though, I do hope you're not assuming just by looking at a big house that it's a foreigner living there? Because more often than not, it's not.)

    Not a grinch, I have quite a few interactions with my community. However I really dislike Thai parties in general. Bad loud music, boorish jokes, uncomfortable seating, and it goes on way too long. And like VF I rarely drink, but they must always push me to do so. The opposite of fun for me.

    You aren't kidding! and generally where I am if you are the lone "Whitey" they will seek you out and drag you up to dance, try to force their disgusting Lao Kao down your throat, babble drunkenly at you for hours even if you don't speak the lingo, they seem to think that once you are at the party you are fluent in Mon or Khmer. As for Song Krahn, well, some of us are not really excited by being doused with filthy klong water all day (You can get some nasty ear infections and fungal growth in the groin) your car windows and paint will be ruined for years. Buckets of Ice cubes chucked in your face when driving is not much fun either. I have had a few experiences over the years where my vision has been completely blinded whilst driving in traffic and I really would not want to kill someone on a motorbike with my pick up in the name of "FUN"

  6. You can follow all the rules yourself, but how do you you protect yourself from the stupidity and arrogance of others. The driver will probably get a slap on the wrist and a 1000 baht fine!bah.gif

    Very sad indeed.

    Very true! The sad thing is these drivers always seem to get away with it at the expense of others. The amount of times I have almost prayed for a 40 ton truck to come around the corner when these idiots jump a red light or overtake on a blind bend on the wrong side - sadly it never happens! It always seems to be the most vulnerable that cop it - What happened to Karma?

  7. What a catch that guy must be.... 2000 Baht! "Hey Big Spender" - I would hate to see his wife if he is more scared of her that he resorts to filing a false police report for theft and assault rather than own up to blowing 2K Baht! Isn't there a job going in the Finance Ministry in France at the moment? I hear Greece needs some strict "Austerity" - maybe she can get a job there.

  8. Is there a law in Thailand? please tell me about it.

    When will some foreigners learn ?

    It's so easy to learn what the laws are.

    And so easy for others to report them when they break those laws.

    It is called "CASH" all laws and statutes eventually come down to the one unequivocal LAW, there is probably a book held in the Supreme court with just one page and one sentence - "How Much Did Thee Pay" - All appeals, hearings appearances at court eventually have to be tried against this Thai Statute. Pretty simple really, straight forward, easy to understand, you don't even need a lawyer - probably better off getting a broker.

    • Like 1
  9. Is there a law in Thailand? please tell me about it.

    When will some foreigners learn ?

    It's so easy to learn what the laws are.

    And so easy for others to report them when they break those laws.

    Obviously there is and it appears that this couple have managed to get on the wrong side of it, both in Thailand and the Fatherland.

    There really is such a thing as the long arm of the law and if you have doubts, try breaking them, then you`re soon find out.

    More like "Try breaking them (the Laws) without having had the foresight to have paid off the right people! (And that goes for Thailand and Germany)

  10. Blah blah blah blah blah blah - It is amazing how Government ministers and officials can produce more xxxx from their mouths in one paragraph than a field of pigs can xxxx in a month. Do these people live in a little bubble on another planet? Are they all severely mentally retarded or do they actually belive the xxxx that comes out of their mouths! Unbelievable!

    • Like 1
  11. Journalism at its finest.

    1. His name is Ralf Wirz, not Vios. Reading abilities would help.

    2. There is no such thing as a "work permission card" for a school.

    Definitely this school had all permits.

    How do you get "cheated" when a teacher has no work permit?

    3. "One of the complaining parents, Mrs. Siriyaboon Songsaeng, age 34, said

    that she and her foreign husband had sent her son, age 3 years old, to

    study in the kindergarten level. The school claimed that if students

    progressed and graduated from secondary school grade 6 at their language

    school, they will be able to continue studying in German".

    This is partly correct, a school needs to be in operation for 5 years, then it can ask to be recognized as an international school.

    Why would these silly parents now loose their money, AND, in 5 years, the chance to send their kid to Germany?

    4. Both Owners are wanted on 40 charges in Germany, correct.

    Does this make the school "Bad"? Has anybody checked on the teachers? Would be much more important.

    To panic now that it became clear what might be wrong with the "director" doesn't help any parents or kids.

    I was planning to send my daughter there and followed up this story...wub.png

    Not sure what to make of this! The worrying thing is - 1: Pattaya, 2: Germans wanted on 40 charges - a bit strange, however, if the school is not some haven for Paedo's then it is probably a case of jealousy by the other local schools! My son has just had his results from a local Thai school (Private which we pay for) and is about 5% lower gradings than the National Average - which I believe includes all of the "Government" - "Buffalo" Schools - Education here is in a pretty sad state!

  12. Given the terrible drugs problems in Thailand at the moment, the Thai Government need to pass a law as quickly as possible to have every single person entering Thailand from overseas strip searched, they should be subjected to anal and vaginal cavity searches at the port of arrival, this will stop them, the evil bastards! It should also be carried out in public at the arrivals hall, just to make sure that these evil dope smoking fiends are publicly humiliated - In fact, it might be wiser to carry out an autopsy on all arriving tourists just to make sure they haven't stashed anything.

    If they can make any money out of it, they will probably find a way of testing you for NICOTINE after you have been to the bog on a plane and fine you the 2000 Dollars as a suspect for smoking in the aircraft - How long does Nicotine stay in your blood?

  13. Oh Dear sad To Hear it don't look like the Police Seargent will have a leg to stand on when he's

    In court

    Sorry to hear two people died gun crime is on the rise

    Same all over the world hope they manage to sort this sad affair out

    I wouldn't worry, he will be capable of groveling in Thai fashion, (The way they do when presented with authority - Prostrate and mimicking a sea creature out of water) across the floor like a Sea Lion with his hands in a Wai begging forgiveness, his stump shouldn't hinder his progress as he does a "Full Flipper" across the floor to beg for mercy! One can only hope that it receives a boot on its head to crush it like a cockroach!

    • Like 2
  14. Very good rules we miss in Thailand according the UK site

    Many countries in Europe have unusual road laws which Britons may be unaware of.

    These include:

    :: France - drivers are required to carry a breathalyser

    :: Belarus - it is illegal to drive a dirty car

    :: Serbia - drivers must have a tow bar and 3m of rope in their vehicle

    :: Spain - if you wear glasses, you are required to carry an additional pair when driving

    These kind of things we really don't need in Thailand. I like it the way it is.w00t.gif

    We don't have "these kind of things" in Thailand, but did you know that it is illegal to drive a car while not wearing a shirt in Thailand ? ... and of course you must be wearing underwear, since it is illegal to go outside your home in Thailand without underwear. I hope that these things are mentioned in the 'app'.

    It has been illegal not to wear a shirt in Thailand for years, whether or not you are pissed! And, if you are pissed, they probably will ask you to put on a shirt, then take cover under a tree until you are sober enough to drive away - Curiously, has anyone here ever been breathalysed? I have never seen a machine here, nor ever asked to give a sample whether breath urine or blood! I was pulled once on one of those MEGA COP MONEY days where they just pull everyone, they smelled alcohol on me, and simply asked if I liked Thai Whisky - I told them I only liked beer and that was the end of it. Two days later, I was drinking a couple of Changs in a small mom and pop store, and it turned out that the owner was the head cop from near my place - I had had a little over the limit - I had bought him a beer, I didn't know at the time he was a cop, but his wife gave me his card with a tel. no. and told me to give him a call if I ever got stopped in his jurisdiction! A couple of cops turned up in a pick up as I was leaving and one of them managed to get my bike started, as I couldn't get it going! Some good, some bad!

  15. I love some of the comments here, "Why not bring Thailand up to global standards." "Be nice if the road repair signs were also in english, the world language, that's a start."

    Well, why not take a holiday where you feel "safe" instead of whining about how to tame the place. If you've spent some time there, it doesn't take much to realize that Thailand ain't gonna change any time soon fellas. Things could be a lot worse there and people would still flock in droves for the beautiful beaches, cheap shopping, fun in sun, and beautiful girls. When traveling in Thailand, avoid the vans, take the buses like the locals. At least then you can relax a bit, I refuse to take any of the white knuckle rides. Also, look up a company called "Nakhon Chai Air". They are like an airline for buses and have hottie stewardesses to boot. biggrin.png

    It would be nice if once in a while they filled in some of the potholes in the roads, the underpants can get a bit difficult to remove some stains even with "VANISH" if you hit some of the Thai Goldmining prospectors mineshafts at 120! A little unnerving to say the least - Anyone who has the misfortune to drive from Chiang Mai to Bangkok on highway one will understand what I mean - Wher the lorries, cars trucks suddenely pull onto the hard shoulder to avoid the holes, without actually flashing one left and constant right or one right or constant left, or both hazards on together! Despite being so thoughtfull.

  16. We all know that Thai driving standards are very poor but to get them changed will not be done overnight (if ever).

    For the non-Thais driving here now, their driving, using the same driving style as at home can be positively dangerous to themselves. In order to survive without an accident you need to change your driving style.

    A couple of basic points, first assume that every other driver is an idiot about to do something stupid, it's surprising how many times the other driver confirms that assumption. Also at traffic lights never think that because you have a green light that it's necessarily safe. This applies especially if you are first in line when the lights go from red to green.

    Waking up in hospital, or worse in front of the pearly gates, and claiming 'but I was in the right' is probably not worth it. Change your style and be more alert.

    Good point above about headlight flash, yes it means 'I'm coming through'. Two flashes mean 'I'm definitely coming through' and three flashes mean 'didn't you see my other flashes'.

    Back in the UK in the late 1970's when I passed my test, there was the same theory that you needed to "Treat every other driver like an idiot" after a few years this was frowned upon by driving instructors and the cops as it formulated the impression that everyone else on the road was an <deleted> except for yourself, which led to people thinking they were smarter than all of the other road users, and ended up causing bad driving. Instead, after a few years they began to teach drivers to drive defensively and just be cautious, sort of expect the unexpected. I still think that holds water today, despite the Thais driving like idiots!

  17. Buying land might be different from selling, back in 1997, when we bought about 10 rai, we paid nothing as commission to the guy who sorted out the land details (He basically did everything - found the owner of the land, arranged deposits contracts and then to the Amphur - which was where land was bought and sold before the later land registry offices) I believe the seller paid for most of the costs apart from some lawyers fees we needed at the time as she did not have the original chanote available - It had been damaged and the amphur required a replacement from Bangkok (Which took more than three years!!!!)

    I think on the contract for 1 million Baht he got 25000.

    7 years later on another purchase of another 10 rai the same guy did all the arrangements and out of 1.3 million, I think he received 15000 - These are "Up Country" prices and are not through real estate companies, so there is some massive variations.

  18. Thainess? Does that mean there's going to be piss all over the floor? sad.png

    No, probably a few squalid splats of shit too - especially as they are doing away with their squats! - be prepared folks - footprints on the seat, shit everywhere! But hey, lets not forget the benefits! Not having to squat for a turd everyday will help the nation relieve bad arthritis from their knees and other joints! - Bugger the fact that they spend 5 minutes having a Donald Trump while they spend 12 hours a day bent double in a paddy field! Thailand is the hub of helping its citizens to SHIT responsibly, thus causing no back pain or knee afflictions - Thank God for the government! In the Thai governments Anal Retraining plan, will they be providing small step ladders for the elderly and infirm to be able to climb up on a western style toilet to securely be able to stand on the seat for a dump? Will they provide rails to hold onto or maybe Thai training assistants to help those with a lack of knowledge to mount the bog?

    Will 7/11 provide anal assistance 24/7? to the anally challenged?

    I forsee an outbreak in fecal related illness! and some overtime buy the bog cleaners!

    I can remember about 15 years ago flying back and forth from Shanghai to Bangkok, the flight attendants having to close various toilets on the planes after (Mainly Chinese) Passengers had stood on the seats and either broken them or had a slight mishap and shat on the floor...oh what fun!


    Here's my own experience. I hope it helps.


    If you are to buy a new gun, put a deposit on it and take the details to you Amphur office. Ask you wife to apply for a licence. Foreigners can have licences but the questions regarding need are more stringent. Only the Amphur boss can approve applications. A second hand gun can be taken away in advance of the licence application. The reason is that new guns must first have a Thai serial number stamped on them. Carry licences are subject to more rigorous questioning.


    The licence holder can use the gun for self-protection within the bounds of his property. A foreigner whose wife holds the licence can use the gun to protect her, himself or their property. Shooting vermin on a big plot or practice shots are unlikely to draw attention unless you have upset a neighbour.


    I believe that effective self-defence equipment will become more important as scooter boys runs out of funds from his aging parents. I used to think that close range equipment was enough but I now think that intruders need to be dealt with at a distance.


    For defence in the house, I suggest a revolver, .222 or .38. Easy to maintain and won't won't jam. A long barreled gun s difficult to use indoors and, if you hit an intruder, you will mess up your walls.


    For use on the land, including dealing with vermin and target practice, I suggest a .22 semi-automatic such as a CZ, perhaps with telescopic sights. A shotgun is too imprecise.


    If you are new to guns, join a gun club that rents guns similar to your own and gives both tuition and supervision. Carry laws aren't then an issue. You should have a suitable safe, on sale in BKK. Never keep a loaded gun unless you expect to use it imminently. We have our revolver available to use while we are at home. It's unloaded but the quick-load magazine is to hand also.


    No need to see a lawyer. An ignore those with a bee in their bonnets.


    Good luck with your purchase.

    Thanks a lot for your advice! I didn't realize that the foreign husband was allowed to use it, I only thought it was the wife (who it is registered to) You live and learn! A.38 would be my choice for a hangun, but I still personally would prefer the 12 gauge mainly for the versatility - I could put in bird pellets for shooting vermin, and "00" Buck for home protection (I wanted to get a 12 gauge where I could load alternate rounds - 1 pellet then one buckshot just in case the first one doesn't scare them off, but unless they were on crack or Ya Ba most people would probably just run after the sound of the first shot)- Walls here are not a problem, they are all wood and we are well away from neighbours, the rooms are 4 x 4M and the main entrance is via 2x 2M doors into a 8M x 8M room with no corridors,and everyone is in one area at night. I would never keep the gun loaded as I have a young lad at home, but I could keep it in an easily accessible place out of kids reach with the shells in a separate but handy location. However, now that my son is 12, I don't think it is too young to teach them about firearms anyway, if they know how to use them and what the damage that they can do, then it makes sense to me to teach them to use it safely and not mess around with one like it is some sort of toy!


    I totally agree with you about the scooter boys! We have already had two pretty nasty attacks around here, one was on Channel 7 News last week where they beat up this TINY lady in a garage for her gold rings, and another old lady maybe 70 in her shop for the same reason.


    Being a foreigner here, we are already perceived to be wealthy, where I live there is little else surrounding us and it would be a bit of peace of mind at night. I keep my money in the bank, I don't own gold or any of that stuff, so they would be a bit disappointed if they came here to rob me unless they wanted a 12 year old pick up and a couple of old Honda engines. It would take at least 15 minutes to get a cop out here and locals won't come near at night as they are shit scared of the trees on our land as they believe them to posses spirits, so there would be no help there!


    Thanks for your post, interesting.


    Did your wife get the gun permit and did it take much hassle/bribes....do you know about ammunition? what are you allowed to keep? For example, if I bought a 12 gauge, could I buy the birdshot and the buckshot? or are you limited to what type and quantity you can keep at home?


    It still at the end of the day becomes a pretty grey area when it comes down to legally using it for target practice or shooting rats etc. on your own land - What constitutes pissing off a Thai??? They can be all friendly one minute then give you the hate stare the next - they change their opinions like the wind! - I need to dig a bit deeper.








    If you are keen on a shotgun, have a look at the Remington pump action 12 bore. I've handled a couple of five cartridge ones and they feel good. Think about the barrel length for indoor use. Perhaps you can get a sawn off version. I don't know what cartridge types you can buy.


    Show your son what happens to a water melon and he'll soon learn to respect weapons. Do keep you gun locked in a safe, though, when he's around.


    Scooter boys high on booze will be a problem rather than the others. Be prepared to stop them with a well aimed shot or two.They think that we are living in houses stacked high with cash and gold and we are seeing the consequences of their belief already. Even if we don't keep valuables around, that won't stop them believing that we are worth a pop.Even the 'normal' ones seem to hate us on will stare from under the trees as we drive by. There is also the issue of illegal guns that they possess. Roadside killings are not so uncommon but we have little defence other than to avoid confrontation.


    We heard gun shots from close by just before the strike of New Year and again a few evenings later. That was probably a piss head firing into the air. imagine being there if he didn't like farang. I stay away from village piss up parties.


    We still await a licence and cannot buy a new second gun. The reason is that the Amphur boss has retired, no-one has yet offered enough money for the job and the responsibility has not been delegated. Bugger really but we are legal with the gun's documentation.


    if you want an introduction  to a gun dealer and a club. PM me your location and if you are nearby, I'd be glad to help.

    That was the point I was making, even if you keep no valuables at home, they automatically think you are King Midas! That worries me, even if you wanted to give them some cash to get them to disappear and you couldn't where does that leave you? I foresee  a lot of shit coming the Farangs way in the next months / years as it is obvious they only really want us to spend our money and piss off, if you live here then you are a target, as are many wealthy Thais, who however, probably have a gun!


    I have been here almost 11  or so years, and have seen the deterioration in living standards, the borrowing, they then cannot pay back, then they go out on the rob - A bit like the scum in the UK and other countries, I don't want to become an easy target, simple as that.

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