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Posts posted by Briandajew

  1. There getting brave with daylight attacks now. Give the Weekend Warriors something to think about this weekend.

    .............and thered shirt murderers too. Did they wear black?? very brave of Thaksins assasins to attack unarmed wome and children - oh - and heres the excuse!!!!!!!!

    Do you have a friend that can help you to write your posts in English? After all, I think ThaiVisa insists on English language only, If a friend can assist, it will make it so much easier for us to understand your responses! Thanks. Lots of words in English usually have spaces between them...i.e THE Red SHIRT, as opposed to THERED Shirt...there is a space in between..it allows us to make sense of writing.

    again...oops forgive me! That should begin with capital letter....begins with a new sentence,

  2. Well, after about 1 month of hoop jumping and ass licking (humble grovelling to people at the Amphur so obviously most superior beings, today I finally got my Yellow Book!

    A hollow victory to be honest, and looking at my current situation, it is but a minor hurdle compared to fulfilling my current tasks!

    The yellow book took a bit of getting a hold of, despite the head of the Ampur giving me a concise list of what was needed....which I complied with, only to find out that after being told to come back in a week with my compliances, they now wanted a Thai translation of my passport, and my mother and fathers name translated to Thai.

    After yet another forced compliance, I submitted everything yet again, this time they now wanted two Thais from my village, one had to be the Por Luang, and the other was his mate, both spent over an hour at the Ampur signing papers and photo copying ID and Tabien Baan books and the like (I was really surprised that they refused 1000 Baht for their trouble, they just asked me for a bottle of whisky for new year!!!!),

    So, everything submitted, told to wait 3 days and they would call, they didn't but 3 weeks later it turns up, sadly, Iam out of the country at the minute, and this time I am busy jumping hoops bigger than any hoops I have ever seen before, these huge hoops that dwarf the Thai hoops are manufactured by the Chinese public security Bureau, just to get a Work Permit, 2 weeks of filling in shit over and over, medicals in Thail;and to get a Z visa then medicals again in Shanghai....12 passport photos used up already, a months work by their HR department and 2 weeks in and now I have a temp residence permit, and the WP application CAN FINALLY START NEXT WEEK! I Thought Thailand was a pain in the butt! Jesus, try this for savage entertainment,

    Their paper fiddling is like the Thais only much more regimented, you can download a China Visa application form from their web site....fill it all in, fill in the Supplementary "form too, take it to the Consul, they give you a new form and tell you yours is out of date!

    Then, you triple check their online list of requirements for the visa, tick everything as 100% OK, get to the consulate, they check and double check all the copies and originals of the "Duly Authourised Body" from the state employment bureau, and just when you think all is OK, they spring a new one on you.....Where is your medical Certificate..so there goes another 2 days! I PROMISE NEVER EVER TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THE LAZY SODS AT THAI IMMIGRATION, EVE EVER EVER!!!! I have submitted over 12 photos and a phone books worth of paperwork to the psb, and the wp hasn't even begun yet!

  3. How can he show his face anywhere? He replaced a dictator with his own dictator - himself.

    And still the only country in the world that offers free healh care, free education throughout university, houising etc. Plus the fact being able to stick two up at the US for over 50 years and defeat them at the Bay of Pigs says a lot really. A true hero and the greatest leader of the past two centuries.

    Ha ha! you will probably be writing the very same drivel about Suthep in 10 years time! Yes, Both great men!

  4. It is probably Suthep and his merry bunch of vermin running around and checking out places to cause chaos and disruption. Hire the services of some "reputable" monks, if you can find some, get them to chant "Och Bai Kak!" that should do the trick, however, you will probably have some extremely dangerous and toxic health issues as Suthep tends to leave a considerable amount of Rat Faeces everywhere he scurries! ( You could try Rentokil to perform a clean up, but they will probably refuse, if so, give Abhisit a call, he usually cleans up shit that his pets leave behind, like a good mother cat.

  5. Knowing that Suthep wants to strip the people from their right to vote and elect their own government, I wonder how able are the protesters to judge what they are protesting against... They want "reforms", but none of them is able to explain what reform they want... I guess the free food and goodies is good enough to motivate them. Just a few thousands will show up anyway. The biased media will have to take picture with a zoom again biggrin.png Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    If you did not know it (or just pretend to not know it), the people of Thailand are protesting because:

    1. They no longer want corrupt politicians that rob and rape their country.

    2. They no longer want greedy politicians, who are mainly focussed about increasing their own wealth, rather than the development of their country.

    3. They certainly no longer want a government, which don´t respect the country´s constitution.

    4. They no longer want a puppet government controlled by a criminal fugitive from Dubai with Montenegro and Uganda citizenship / passports.

    5. They no longer want a government, which abuse their power and just buy off everyone standing in their way.

    6. They no longer want a government which will borrow 2.2 Trillion Bath from China, without the spending of the money to be accounted for.

    7. They no longer want a government which promise "no more floods" and allocate 350 Billion Bath to flood prevention and water management, but do almost nothing.

    I just wonder where most of these Billions have gone??

    8. They no longer want a government which set up a rice pledging scheme with massive losses and millions and millions of tonnes of rotten rice and probably other millions

    of tons of rice disappeared or never existing - but to be paid for.

    9. 10. 11. 12....... you just continue.

    The people protesting actually demand TRUE democracy and FREE elections, but call for reforms to be made BEFORE elections, to avoid everything bad to just happen over and over again!

    The people wan´t ALL corrupt politicians (and government offficials) charged, convicted and punished by a NEUTRAL courthouse and banned from politics for lifetime.

    Isn´t that only fair demands in a "democratic" country???

    Ok ok ok ... But what is the plan then?

    What reforms do the "people" exactly want?

    What exactly is Suthep going to do after his "final victory"

    has come (not sure which one it will be, but ok)?

    What is the exact plan to form that (now world famous) "people's council"?

    What exactly is this undemocratic set up going to do?

    What is exactly the new system that these people want?

    How are they going to put that new (surely not better) system in place?

    How are Suthep and his followers going to make their new system accepted by the majority (since they are the minority themselves)?

    I watched a debate on TV (in Thai) between two academics.

    One pro and one anti government.

    The anti government tried to explain what was the "people's council" about. Even if he kept a rather fake smile on his face at all times, he had a tough time explaining what this whole idea of a "people's council" was about and how to achieve it...

    Apart from the name of that "thing", he was not able to clarify anything about this council joke.

    To each question of the journalist, the only thing he could repeat was "it will be decided later", "it will be explained to the people later", "it will be done later"... Later, later, later.

    What was important to him was to achieve Suthep's goal of getting rid of democracy first.

    All the rest could be done later...

    What I understood after this program is that what they want is clear: Stop democracy now.

    But anything after that is... to be thought about later.

    What a joke.

    So, thank you for explaining us "what the people want or don't want", but it seems that all those who support this criminal Suthep don't have a clue of how to achieve anything other than barking at a legitimate government.

    Well said! If this was going on in London or Washington, these people would be screaming FASCIST!

  6. I at least appreciate the logic behind the idea, it should be reiprocal if everything was equal, which it is not.

    Then again, isn't it about time that the UK maybe started making sure any Thais that are married to UK nationals has around 60,000 quid in their "personal" bank account and that it is there 2 months before their FOREVER recurring 1 year extension to remain stamp is due? As this is about the UK equivalent based on average wages compared to what a roreigner needs to show in Thailand. That seems pretty reciprocal to me!

  7. Wonder if anyone can help?

    I am running out of time and Christmas is almost here, I am desperately trying to find a supplier in Thailand that can get a hold of a Hauppage HD PVR2 game/video capture card - if anyone out there knows where I can pick one up that can get here (Northern Thailand) by Christmas, it will save my kudos with my son, I have tried some of the computer places in Chiang Mai, I have tried Invadeit, my only hope is a supplier maybe in Bangkok.

    I won't have time to order from the UK and ship here in time for Christmas, besides, some of the overseas sites are expecting almost 100 USD for shipping/ import tax!! Crazy.

    Any ideas would be most welcome, thanks.

  8. mate, I have a full heavy licence in Australia plus bike, got the bike and car licence no worries but the old bastard that does the truck licences wanted to be paid before he would let me get one and do a driving test, he found out not all farangs are easy pickings, I told hoim where he could put his truck licence.

    But the burning question is, could you drive like a Thai? Could you "NOT" multi task? Could you sit at a green traffic light for 15 seconds completely oblivious to the rest of the queue despite the honking horns before you decided to actually move.

    Were you able to pull away from a junction with 3 times the maximum load on your vehicle?

    Do you drive a Mazda Familia?

    Does it reach 25 MPH

    Does it reach 25 MPH with 5 tonnes of shit in the back?

    Do you sit in the right hand lane doing 40KMH completely oblivious to all of the other drivers that hate you and your shit fuc_king Mazda Familia blocking everyone in...do you not understand that you piss people off everyday, every minute you are on the road you are a fuc_king menace..do you understand?

    Does it blow out enough smoke to gas 6 million Jews in Auschwitz?

    Does the engine run on wood or coal?

    Does the vehicle remain in the fast lane running on coal, belching out smoke, gassing 6 million, with 5 tonnes of shit in the back at 25 mph? Do you poke your hand out of the window to indicate a right turn or do you have one of your passengers who normally sits on the roof do it for you?

    Do you generally stop the car on any old highway, and get your cock out and take a piss in front of all passing traffic...some of these questions need to be asked at the Thai driving test!

    Do you stop where the pavement is red and white and block all traffic just because your lazy wife cannot be arsed to walk 5 metres?...I know it is a terrible thing for any Thai people to actually walk somewhere... they would rather sit in a taxi for two hours and pay than get off their asses and walk 10 feet!

    Somehow in my bones..I feel yet another ban for a month or two coming my way... like a little Christmas Gift!

  9. they will want to see the original and then accept a copy of it along with your passport, visa and doctors test(they will need to site your UK drivers licence as well), you will have to do all the funny tests again, depth perception, colour tests/stop go test and possibly a perifial vision colour test. Hopefully they wont make you start back on a 1 year licence, good luck.

    Cheers, I hope I can just get the 5 year again....it appears that in the latest Thai driving test (Practical) you have to actually be able to park a car withing 20cm of the kerb without killing any pedestrians or onlookers! a major challenge no doubt!

    • Like 1
  10. Just stating what I needed to do for my 5 year license this year, what you do is up to you, you could always take a dump on their desk to let then know how you feel about them......

    Cheers, I just don't want to end up with them taking the original residence certificate at the Ampur and leaving up Sh^t creek when I go for my license - If they would accept a copy then that is fine, no problem showing the original, but these government agencies have a habit of just keeping everything. They just love my UK driving license, it is the old A4 paper version, after 30 years it is held together with scotch tape and a bit of good luck...you can barely photo coopy it! it looks like 16 business cards stitched together with brown glue...

    • Like 1
  11. they will want to see the original and then accept a copy of it along with your passport, visa and doctors test(they will need to site your UK drivers licence as well), you will have to do all the funny tests again, depth perception, colour tests/stop go test and possibly a perifial vision colour test. Hopefully they wont make you start back on a 1 year licence, good luck.

    I have been busy with Photoshop, however, it is taking a bit of time to get the stamp from immigration in the correct position!

  12. they will want to see the original and then accept a copy of it, you will have to do all the funny tests again, depth perception, colour tests/stop go test and possibly a perifial vision colour test. Hopefully they wont make you start back on a 1 year licence, good luck.

    Do I need to pass all the Thai driving skills like passing on the inside, flashing my headlights right up the arse of the car in front, putting on my hazard lights to indicate I am going stright ahead? Do they even have a simple highway code? Maybe a bottle of Lao Kao before the test,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,a left flash and a right flash of my indicators to aknowledge another <deleted> buddy in a ten wheeler?

  13. I applied to immigration a couple of weeks back and recieved (with no charge) a residence certificate which I believe I need for a renewal of a 5 year driving licence (which has actually expired 5 years ago)

    The question is, will they keep the original certificate or will they accept a copy? Reason being, I need the certificate (original) to apply for my Yellow Tabian Baan next week.

    The Amphur wants the original certificate for the residence book, which once granted can be used as proof of residence... i.e used to apply for a driving license.

    I have however heard from a few farangs that even if you have the yellow book, the driving licensing office STILL want a residence certificate from your embassy or immigration..................anyone know the full story? (I am applying in Chiang Mai)

    Also, due to the 5 year lapse on renewing the old license, do I need to take some sort of test? Last time I applied they only wanted the medical certificate and gave me a colour blindness test. (I had to show my UK license and got a 1 year temporary license, then a 5 year one which I sadly forgot to renew!)

    Info appreciated!

  14. We were walking through Big C here in Pattaya 2 days ago and a farang came up to my wife and rather aggressively asked for donations to his charity. She threatened to contact the store manager and he took off quickly. Seems to be the thing to do these days.

    It continues to amaze me how many farangs here are the utter dregs of society, it is an embarrasment to be honest. The more you see reports about these low lifes, the more it worries me that idiots like Suthep will eventually get their way.

    We will become persona non grata, a minority spoiling it for the decent majority.

  15. The best way to move to the newest technology is to dump your PC and pick up a Mac. From a former PC owner for 33 years. Why, in god's name, did I wait so long? Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I just buy a Intel i7 4770K with a good Z87 mainboard and all the memory that fits on it and you can run everything you want... you can even say that Apple OSX 10.9 Maverick runs as fast or maybe even faster than a real Apple Mac...

    is the i7 4770k open for over clock? like the i73770K? (I guess you are on socket 2011....) not sure whether I want to upgrade or move over to socket 2011, it looks like the 1150 is making a comeback.

  16. The best way to move to the newest technology is to dump your PC and pick up a Mac. From a former PC owner for 33 years. Why, in god's name, did I wait so long? Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Don't you just love those folks who drive by, scream "buy Apple" out the window, then speed away. tongue.png

    Ha ha! I wouldn't have ANYTHING from Apple if they gave it to me free! Overpriced shit!

    • Like 1
  17. GodMode is just an interface/menu to get to things in Administrative.

    I had a Programs menu in 8 without 3d party stuff. I am using a 3d party Start button in 8.1 because it is prettier. I think there are settings or software which are causing your differences - obviously this just my opinion.

    There is a Windows 8 forum which has answered all of my questions since the betas. I believe this forum takes the place of what used to be in the MS Support Knowledgebase.

    Yes, God mode is an interface, but it is quite neat compared to trying to find everything using the basic Win 8 interface - the Powershell is well worth spending a bit of time looking at, very powerful.

    and for those looking to speed things up and wanting to customize a bit - check out Black Viper...


    You can disable a lot of unnecesary junk from your OS

  18. You might give Thomas Skyum from Invadeit.co.th an e- mail, they are not in Chiang Mai, but they are pretty good at getting some better quality kit - ( They ship from Hua Hin in a few days) Not sure about that ASUS monitor though, is it touchscreen or 3D? if you are looking for a decent reference monitor for a reasonable price, have you tried Dell? they do some reasonable kit in Chiang Mai or from Invadeit - I use the Dell U2412M and it is quite a nice monitor - they have a few more recent versions available.



  19. The search function in Charms works fine on my 8.1. Works the same as it did before upgrading. Mine does not use Bing at all, probably because I never loaded the Bing update in Windows Update.

    I put "start" in the search box from the Charms and got over 130 results on my computer. I stopped adding after 130.

    Yours must be on overdrive (I too disabled the worthless Bing!) I get - Manga -, SONG - Can We Start Again????? <deleted>! then Start Play Song, and START BIG BAR, and START BIG BAR....certainly nothing near your epic 130 results! - my search worked fine for me in Win 8, like I say, on this machine it is useless! This post is quite informative if you want to customize Win 8 without loading even more apps to do the work, you can change quite a bit from within Win 8


    The other thing worth looking at is GOD MODE - it is quite powerful, as is Windows Powershell, GOD MODE should be able to do most of what you need and more without having to load third party apps -


    Have a fiddle, it works in Win 8 and Win 8.1

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