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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. Cabinet stays - so Court takes some wind out of the red shirt sails...Looks like the court wants both sides to negotiate this sh%t out...

    Aim_The Nation @Aim_NT 1m

    BUT any Cabinet members who took part directly or indirectly in Thawil's transfer, he or she cannot stay in the caretaker's posts: court.

    And another change of the story...

    There are still a few who are "Post Thawil" and one of the deputy's as well - so a few bozos left hanging around.

  2. Cabinet stays - so Court takes some wind out of the red shirt sails...Looks like the court wants both sides to negotiate this sh%t out...

    Might also take some hot air out of the TV red shirt sails, but I doubt it. Cue TV red shirts to defend Yingluck as being "unfairly treated"...

  3. Country needs a coup. I think that is the only realistic option. Problem is alot of the armed forces have been bought by Taksin.

    The country needs an election.

    How else can we truly learn what the people want?

    The people want Somtum and Sang som, with a couple of pretty girls to serve it - let's not pretend otherwise

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  4. There are a myriad of possibilities as to where the court could go. It seems that among the strongest is the possibility where Yingluck and the entire cabinet could be removed, and the power of nominating a prime minister given to the Senate - something that the constitution clearly allows. At that point, there would be a rush to elect a Senate speaker and nominate a prime minister by Saturday - when the present session of the Senate closes. Of course, if this option was taken, then Thaksin's influence would effectively be over.

    Not really, he would mobilize his red mob to burn and loot the country. Remember what happened in 2010. That was just the warm up.

    I remember the army dispersing an illegal mob that used war weapons and women and children as human shields, and also burned and looted dozens of buildings. What do you remember?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    If I can remember, the burning and looting were after thearmy random shooting of the UDD. The army could have chosen less lethal ways to disperse the mop but orders were for war weapons to be used. I also remember that after the first negotiation broke down and before the second meeting, the army crackdown on PanFa bridge that could have ignited the fury.

    So only one side gets to use guns (reds) #redlogic

    Negotiations broke down why? Because Thaksin ordered them too, because he wanted a free pass back home.

    Crackdown on a bridge being held by armed insurgents using RPGs? Yes please - every damned time!

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  5. I understand their grief on how their votes were blocked and how a coup was held to overthrow an elected leader. But is there really a need to protest against everything? Will they accept the verdict of the court even if it is well cited with evidence and shows that the Shinawatra family is in fact in the wrong? I don't have a problem with the UDDs idelogy, but I do have a problem on who they are supporting and where they are getting their funding from.

    Grief? Melodrama much?

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  6. There are a myriad of possibilities as to where the court could go. It seems that among the strongest is the possibility where Yingluck and the entire cabinet could be removed, and the power of nominating a prime minister given to the Senate - something that the constitution clearly allows. At that point, there would be a rush to elect a Senate speaker and nominate a prime minister by Saturday - when the present session of the Senate closes. Of course, if this option was taken, then Thaksin's influence would effectively be over.

    Not really, he would mobilize his red mob to burn and loot the country. Remember what happened in 2010. That was just the warm up.

    I remember the army dispersing an illegal mob that used war weapons and women and children as human shields, and also burned and looted dozens of buildings. What do you remember?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  7. judicial coup

    imagine Obama not being able to replace his security chief - her choice of successor is irrelevant even if unwise (if unwise the electorate can show that at an election)

    What son?

    Sure, lets allow Obama to replace his Security Chief with a family member for the benefit of the Obama Clan.

    Think...before you post.

    If only he could think - but hard to think with Thaksin's wang shoved up his...

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  8. hahahahaha, yes red democracy in action once again. These idiots belong in north korea or china with their "everyone must do as we say" attitude. These people arent interested in what the laws of Thailand are, they are only concerned with what thaksin tells them and pays them to do, with any luck the army will be waiting for them with loaded weapons seeing the ptp or police will refuse to tell them not to do it. Wouldnt be surprised if there are a few grenades/bombs or shootings at the courts/judges homes tonight from these drop kicks..

    Typical brainless response I've come to expect from this site. In any developed society on the planet a move like Thawil's would be perfectly acceptable and in fact, it was legal in Thailand as well as shown by Abhisit installing the little moron.

    But yes, the reds just don't understand your brilliant system. Enjoy your war.

    Well random anonymous internet guy says it's legal - so it must be true! I'm convinced!

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  9. A 100,000 LOL, there will more porta potties than marchers

    Their last rally was quoted as 80,000 in the BP. That was without any real reason. If the government they elected is turfed out by the notoriously biased Constitutional Court they will really have something to rally about. Over 100,000 is certainly not an unrealistic figure.

    Just imagine how many would be storming into Bangkok if Abhisit's or Suthep's plans (basically same thing) got enacted.

    Rice planting season coming up right? Turnout will be light.

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  10. Dear Democrat MPs, look, once the EC submits that decree, and it gets approved, then they have 20 days to start the registration process.

    Once they start the registration, it has to last a minimum of 7 days. To apply to be elected, you need to switch to a new party 30 days ahead of the registration. So literally, if there is 4 extra days delay then you can do that now.

    Abhisit is finished, it should also be clear to you that he is not going to stand down from the Democrats, and he is not going stand at elections either. He's going to stall, because that's what Abhisit does, stall, delay, fail to make a decision. You have to switch to another party now!

    Tomorrow Yingluk will be cleared of the Thawil case (as if a court would remove the government for moving a single civil servant!), and these images should make you realize her status:



    You will not get a coup, not a military coup, not a civil coup, not a coup period. You get elections. You get democracy.

    So get your collective crap together and get into a party that is standing and win those votes at election time. DO IT NOW! Because democracy requires a good opposition party, it doesn't require that opposition party be called the Democrats, or be run by an unelectable idiot. Korn, you too, get you ass into another party.

    What a cutie - like a little yappy jack russell terrier

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  11. Wonder how long it took Roger Amsterdam to write up this "man of the people" epitaph?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Who is Roger Amsterdam? Any relation to Morrie Amsterdam? I think there is a sandwich named after him at the famous NYC Carnegie Deli.

    The Nation is not a supporter of the PTP and it does not run complimentary articles.

    Why so mean? The deceased had a clean record and was never named in any political scandals nor accused of wrong doing.

    Guilt by association, same as you.

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  12. The U.S. Embassy will not pay for your ticket home, however, they will help you contact three possible sources for money back in the U.S. If none of the three people can give you the money for the ticket, the U.S. Embassy will loan you the money to get you back home. You will be given a limited validity passport that only allows you to travel back to the U.S. and you will not be given another passport until you have paid off your loan. So, they will help you, but they will not give you a "free ticket.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  13. Abhisit and the Democrats are no longer relevant. The reason they don't want an election is because the results show just how little support they have. Bypassing the electoral process is the only way they can get their "good people" in power.

    If they are not relevant, then why isn't PTP in power? They did "win" the Feb poll.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Interesting that you pretty much admit that the Democrats and the Constitutional Court are one and the same. Slip-up, or newfound frankness?

    Is pretty much admit the same as didn't? Red shirt education on display!

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  14. Abhisit and the Democrats are no longer relevant. The reason they don't want an election is because the results show just how little support they have. Bypassing the electoral process is the only way they can get their "good people" in power.

    If they are not relevant, then why isn't PTP in power? They did "win" the Feb poll.

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