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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    This woman Thida is an evil person. An avowed communist past which is currently still here in here political dogma and comments even now.,

    However some questions Thida.

    How can you or why do you align yourself with Thaksin?

    His (Thaksin) political views are indeed at odds with yours in more ways than one.O.K. you both delight in the thought of controlling the people. Yet with your political dogma Thida how do you reconcile your socialist communist ideals with Thaksins free enterprise and businesses and self enrichment ideals?

    Are you blinded as to the truth of Thaksin's plan or are you blinded by the thought of a few crumbs from the table of a rich man for a brief period of time until your usefulness is done with and you and your political friends vanish without a trace as a number of prominent anti Thaksin people have over the years?

    Or might there be a financial incentive, retirement and no income is not perhaps a pleasant panorama for you and you, thus you are able and indeed willing to sell your principles to the highest bidder.

    No Thida you do not convince me of your ideals, to my mind and many others minds too you are nothing more than an unprincipled political power wanna be.

    We've yet to hear you condemn the massacre of innocent children.

    Thida, your politics are red, as is the blood of those massacred innocents on your hands.

    You cannot give it a rest can you?
    Grenades being lobbed about and With all your childish scare-mongering and hatred and incessant stirring it would seem you would be happy for thailand to descend into civil war.

    A way back from this mess has to be found and that takes dialogue.
    It will even if there is war.
    Unmasked are some of the protestors but heaven forbid the red shirts come down to bangkok.
    I hope the ordinary bangkokians come out in numbers and tell these bullies on the streets where to go and they can skulk off to southern parts and then the discussions can begin for the way forward.

    It has to be a joke when red cheerleaders start prattling on about 'dialogue'. Some of us have slightly longer memories of when Thaksin kicked dialogue into touch in 2010 when the end result didn't meet his personal agenda. Anybody who thinks there can be dialogue about the removal of the Shinawatras from Thai public life is not quite of this world.

    Still his party won the election hands down and those whom you support were kicked into touch only now to resume their activities from 2008

    Another "if you don't support Thaksin you must be a yellow shirt" brigade - keep telling yourself that if it makes you happy.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    These are the guys who were either: moonlighting as security guards ( version one of the story) or working on a top secret drugs mission. Whichever story is correct, they were arrested with a large amount of weaponry, in disguise and carrying special security passes issued by Suthep

    Sensible, with red shirts trying to kill them, and police doing nothing to protect them. I would hire security as well.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The Bangkok Post has a similarly harrowing photo and story. The kids were not in the protest area. They had just finished eating at KFC, Big C with their aunt. They were in the tuk tuk about to leave when this happened. Terrible.

    Tell Thaksin we said thanks for the bombs when you see him next time...

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Coup Coup CA Chu... name that familiar tune of Thailand.
    This time I for one welcome green shirts.


    And that's the intent of the violence. Get the public scared and weary of the ongoing violence.

    Sabotage the civil government by preventing the civil authorities from dispersing the protestors and by legislating from the bench.

    Then they will welcome the benevolent smiling generals.

    Don't be a patsy.

    You sir have done your homework and I will grade your post "A."

    Seems there are two camps here on Thai Visa.

    One camp reads the Thai papers (and believe it) and the other camp has schooled up and read the stuff that is being blocked & kept away from the masses.

    ANU-Australia National University Asian Studies would be a good start to getting up to speed on the political issues in Thailand.


    Only 2? Yet another black and white answer from a black and white worldview poster...

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Until the nation rejects Thaksin and his cronies, this will continue. It is obvious that he has sent a command, like in 2010, for militant groups to go and do their work for him. If he isn't behind all of this, he would have made a public statement to this effect, not that anyone would believe him anyway.

    Until the nation rejects violence and stupidity this will continue. Do you think that nothing like this happened before Thaksin arrived? Wake up and learn some history.

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  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thailand also has a lot to gain if Suthep gives up. By him giving up, he takes away the main reason the reds are threatening to march on Bkk. That would be a good thing, no?

    Suthep resigning doesn't mean that YL will remain PM.

    If Suthep gave up and went home, why would Yingluck resign?

    Why does she need to resign? Because a bunch of undemocratic people who haven't won an election in over 20 years want to grab power with their unelected and self-selected people's council?

    No, because she is corrupt, a puppet of her brother, and is surround by mafia thugs who are stealing the country blind.

    • Like 2
  7. The Senate is still functioning? Many people will be surprised by this , as it appears to have been completely inactive for the last 3 months. Has it been working on plans or strategies to resolve the crisis...or even been meeting to discuss it? No.

    As for Dr Narong, did he not quit 2 months ago, saying he could no longer work for the govt? He's back?

    You're avatar fits - perfectly.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    In mature parliamentary countries, shouldn't the Army be subordinate to the elected government?

    Yes. Unfortunately, the Thai military refuses to recognize that a civilian government has the authority to govern without the military's permission.

    The Thai military is a lucrative business for its senior stakeholders and they have the weapons.

    You want the military taking orders from Thaksin?

  9. ter·ror·ismnoun \ˈter-ər-ˌi-zəm\

    : the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal

    He's already admitted the popcorn shooters were PDRC.

    Acts of violence to force political change is terrorism, and it is prosecutable internationally, so everyone involved in terrorism, the acts, the planning, the financing, can be imprisoned in many places around the world on terrorism charges. Companies involved in terrorism too, can be financially sanctioned, regardless of their standing in Thailand.

    Furthermore, any Swiss bank accounts held by the terrorist in question can be seized. Sending a terrorist money is called materially aiding terrorists and it too carries similar sentences to the acts of terrorism.

    There are many options for the prosecution of terrorism internationally, e.g. US law 779. permits the arrest, prosecution, imprisonment, seizure of assets and other penalties for terrorists and conspirators to commit terrorism, regardless of where the act of terrorism is committed.

    So, dear Suthep backers, read his sloppy words here and read his previous sloppy words back on Feb 2nd. See the TV footage world wide and realize just how toxic this man is to you. You like your ski holidays and your Paris trips and Disneyland Florida, but do you like Guantanamo?


    Feel better Grandpa?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  10. Why do you bigoted farangs care so much ? It's not like you actually have a say in how Thailand is Governed and if you hate the PTP so much get out of Thaialnd and do all your moaning and griping in your own Native countries as they're obviously a hell of a lot better run than LOS.

    there's no excuse to become so embroiled in something that your not allowed to change so either suck it up and carry on as normal and quit bitching or get onto the next flight out and take your bigoted views with you, some farangs here need to remember your all visitors NOBODY is forcing you to stay, just like me.

    Don't like something then give it a wide berth!!!

    Why do you one sided Thais care so much??

    Why do you come onto TV??

    Why don't you just NOT FREQUENT TV and leave us "bigoted farangs" to bitch and moan amongst ourselves...

    The poster was a farang. You need to stop drinking...

  11. How are you enjoying Thaivisa, bkkdave?

    I see you joined on 15/02/2014, so you have only been a member for 4 days. Have you come on holiday?

    You have some unusually strong views on Thai politics.

    much better than to have no views what soever other than what you ahave been fed. poor tired old men lamenting the days of the cheap beer bar scene that died years ago.

    sorry that not everybody toes the sad tired old TV line. some of us think.

    enjoy your trolling

    who said holiday? I work away for 4 months and come back.

    I thought holiday because your account is only 4 days old. If you were really interested in Thai politics, you would have had an account for years, wouldn't you?

    You are calling me a troll?

    I have averaged about 1 post a week since I joined Thaivisa, and I have posted on many different forums.

    You have averaged over 20 posts a day since you joined Thaivisa. You have only ever posted on the political threads. All of your posts loudly support one side of the debate only. Many people would regard you as spamming the thaivisa politics forum with your viewpoint to make it look more popular. Many people would call you a troll.

    You are both trolls...thumbsup.gif

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